When i was in the bank in the afternoon of the 19th of december, two grannies and a black dressed man in his 20ies came in. He walked very close behind a granny, as if he wanted to pass her, but only to let her enter before him, showing demonstrativly estimated friendliness. All his moves were fast, abrupt and coordinated, but what doesn't move was stiff. He was in an electrified state. He got the neurotic angle. He had black shorter hair, an athletic trained person, he was wearing a black tight fitting sweater with a rectangular patch on the left breast-side, seemed to be a military one, black pants, sneakers. On my way to the cheap supermarket mud had been dumped on the pavement at a petshop, it had the color of the mud i had the accident on the 14th. Near that a small girl was standing in the middle of the pavement and looking at me, coming closer with the bicycle, so i slowed down. When i was really slow she suddenly decided to run between parking cars, saying something about dodging or escaping. I had to laugh, because it looked so funny. There was a man near that, who was watching this, so he was usally connected to the girl, but he didn't interact with her. Later it came into my mind that the reaction of the girl could have been taugth to her, and was no game. It looked funny because she was so serious. For a traffic situation it maked no sense, but between the cars she was out of range of an adut person. In the cheap supermarket the clerk they had trained, the one with the mustache, passed close behind me when i stopped the first time, touching my bag, and lifting it with that. Seemed this was to check the weigth. So i turned around, he was looking into my eyes from close. So this was to show authority to control.
On my way to a petrol-station (the one where the car with the "7000"-licence has been) in the evening two young men on bicycles stood at a streetcrossing, they dated for "battling"( "battlen") on saturday, sounded hip-hopish. In the petrol-station two men stood in line behind me, one had already grey hair, but was of robust build. He lifted up his shoulders a few times, to let them fall down by their weigth, a strong man. He made a comment about me "i thougth he would be bigger"( "ich habe ihn mir grösser vorgestellt" ). Maybe this was to say that it could be sports if they would attack me.
When i was outside in the late evening, a man who came towards me gripped at the side of his hip, shifting back his jacket, a pistol-gesture. An athletic sportive man with an orderly haircut, maybe a rightist.
When i had left home before noon on the 20th, a black exclusiv looking audi had stopped at the corner of the streetcrossing here, it moved a little for- and backwards, but it seemed they didn't want to park, they wanted attention.
When i was in the shopping centre in the afternoon, a taller man, dark clothing like a security-man, was aping me chewing chewing-gum, and raised his hand towards his head, to point this out, as if this would be a signal and we would make a team or so, but nothing personally, operation-style. On the lower floor there was the next of them, a man who came towards me, his arm streaked mine, he excused, but it was obviously aimed. He was shaved bald, wearing a black jacket, his mouth exposed a consistend line of upper teeth. Looks like a professional martial artist i've seen in a silly fun-talkshow/interview-video. When i left a supermarket there, a woman gave me an assertive somewhat shirty look, by turning her head sidewards, passing in front of me. She had a darker complexion and was wearing both a skirt and orange pants, maybe from india.
I think in the afternoon some people had a look at me, some women, when i arrived back at the streetcrossing here a black mercedes stopped, to let me pass. The car had similarity to the audi.
When i opened the windows for airing in the evening, i've seen a person outside, at some parking bicycle, the person was facing towards me, and was doing kind of fitness-exercise. Constantly raising the arms, flowing non-exhausting movements, also sometimes raising knees. Dance-like chi version of jumping jack. Short time later i passed her, on my way to the bank. She was still doing her exercise, she was a boyish young woman, weaering a black hooded sweater and old-schoolish pants, i think addidas. When i arrived back she was still doing so. I turned around at her after i had passed her, now she took a posture, the arms spread sidewards, moving them constantly with the shoulders, also moving the body somewhat, all the time alway moving, monkeyish goalkeeper-figure. Very sportive person. I had to laugh, it was too overdone. In that moment a man came resolutely towards me, he unlocked/locked the car next to me with a remote control, making a loud beep. The newish looking black car was parking where the audi has been before. Back home i looked at the exercising person again, she was still doing so, then she turned around, cowarded down, so i could hardly see her, when she stood up she dragged down her sweater, so this was pissing-acting. Then she energetically jogged away, ninja.
On the 21rst there have been three sniffers, a gesturer who vertically shiftet up imaginary glasses with his forefinger while looking at me, as if this would be a signal for me, a conservatively looking man. And some others.
When i was standing in line in the near supermarket on the 22nd, an athletic young man, bigger than me, made a straigth step towards me, to make pressure, as if he wanted to run into me. When i got outside a man was coming towards me, he looked at me as if i would have to explain something personally to him.
When i got outside in the later afternoon of the 23rd, a man came diagonally towards me on the streetcrossing here, looking at me. He compensated his personally friendly expression by having his rigth hand at his butt, in scratching position. Late 30ies, wearing a black jacket, and a simple white cotton shoulder bag. Not much later i've seen him again, before i passed him a black man came diagonally across the empty street towards me, then the one with the bag was holding his left hand at his head, the palm towards the frontside, kind of ear-gesture.
When i was outside in the evening, two streets from here a woman shoving a man in a wheelchair just came around the corner when i arrived there. So i slowed down, i have been already slow because it was sligthly frozen. The man in the wheelchair was tall, he seemed to be completely lamed, maybe 30years, his mouth was wide open, saliva was pouring out of his mouth. Didn't want to look closely at him, this would easily become staring, but on that fast look he seemed healthy for his situation, so it would probaly have been an accident not long ago. Towards the end of that street two people on bicycles, a man and a woman came towards me, the woman said "since then i only drive really slowly"( "seit dem fahre ich nur noch ganz langsam" ). Maybe the one in the wheelchair wasn't really lamed.
When i was on my way to the cheap supermarket at noon of the 24th, the co-driver of a car gave me a hostile look, when i was waiting at the traffic-ligth at the market/parking-place. He was shaved bald, of robust build, the licence plate said that they were from the near smaller town. A rigth-extremist. Behind the near petrol-station the car turned around and came towards me, but they didn't follow further when i turned in a street there. In the supermarket their clerk did nothing this time. When i was outside again, a man with a big grey full beard arrived, then from the other side a little girl came towards me, she was dressed all in pink, and with her straight arms spread both somewhat sidewards, and pink mittens on strings hanging from them, she looked somewhat like an angel-figure. On my way back there was a group of people wearing black beanies, i think they had all shaved hair, waiting at the streetcrossing where the rigthist had shown up. One said "to me it's disturbing"( "also, mich störts" ). They didn't specially appear to be rigthists.
I had visited my parents, on my way back two people came towards me on top of the empty street there. They didn't move as if they would be connected to each other, but both in the same way, heading towards imaginary marks, and there was little distance between them. They had both the same expression, or the lack of such in their faces. They were concentrating on this and at the first i had the feeling that with the way he came up to me he wanted me to turn in the sideway there. Second one had a short grey full beard and seemed to be trained.
On the 25th and 26th there was nothing real.
When i brougth down waste on the 27th, a woman came up to me and extensively complained about that i used the new container. The other houses had bins, but here there was a container, seemed that it was for two houses. But she didn't want me to come across the street, repeated repeatedly the same, imaginated that i would place other waste in their bins there. It took a while.
When i was on my way to a second-hand-shop in the afternoon, a tiny man on a motorized wheelchair passed me and turned in the same way as the rigthist did on the 24th. In the shop the salesman, a lefty, explained to someone that a man in a wheelchair had been beaten up, that bad the world had become. Not this one, there would be also another one with a wheelchair. On my way back there was again a man in a motorized wheelchair. This time i was outside noticeable many lefties have been around. At home i've read online, the latest news i could find about such an attack have been from last year.
When i was outside in the late afternoon of the 28th, it was already dark, a man crossed my way at the next streetcrossing. First it looked as if he would be black, something irritated me, but i didn't want to stare at him. When he was in line of me i've seen that he was a white one, wearing a mask. The shape of his nose was definitly european, and the black not skin, it was tights. Below his eyes there were slits, showing his white skin. So maybe this was the idea of fake-eyes, or a joke about it. I turned in the street, following him, but not too close. He made sniffing noise, twice, louder identcally ones. Before the next street-crossing he took off his mummery, seemed he had routine with that, no conspicious move to do so. He also took off black gloves he was wearing. He touched his beany, seemed he wanted to point out that he had rolled up his mummery. He had an agressive expression, man on a mission, i followed him down the street, then took another way. When he took off his mummery some other people had seen him, if they weren't all of them, too. So this was to show that they have people who do so on command, not because this man now had a reason. As at many before it's no problem if he attracts attention, because he's protected by mass, by number. He shows up once, has no personal motif.
Other comments/figures that day were clothing-themed, and in the near supermarket what seemed to be a phallic comment.
When i was outside in the later afternoon of the 29th, i've seen a boy on a bicycle lately, i had red ligth and was already on the street with the frontwheel. He was offending me, he had the rigth of way. On the other hand, he had no frontligth( i don't have also ), and his bossy spurning behaviour was extreme and routinated. He didn't try to get attention before, so it seemed that liked to do so. Not older than 15. I think it was this time i was outside when also a man who had similarity to the bald shaved one in the shopping centre on the 20th passed me, but he had short hair.
The next time i got outside, late afternoon, this time walking, a young man, slender, wearing a ligth-colored jacket, came towards me at the streetcrossing here, he intensively breathes out at me and rotated his hands around each other at belly-heigth, not a big move, a fast smooth one. When i arrived at the near park two men with a dog were passing in front of the entrance, one said towards the other "you are really out of the rhythm, now you are really a...". He didn't speak the last word, they connected to the bossing teenager, so his insult could take place there. From their proportions both were trained strong persons. If i would had reacted on the teenager, maybe they would have got more out of it. At the end i walked to a petrol-station, there were two men standing on the meadow in front of it, facing each other, there were pocket flasks lying on the ground between them. The one of them was the man with the olive military cap i had described on the 31rst of october, the other one a dark-haired man with a mustache, wearing a black coat, he made his companion before, near the supermarket here. When i got out of the station, the one with the mustache was standing in front of the entrance, holding one hand at his hip, he had shifted back his coat and was posing as a cowboy who wants to duel. While the pistol-gestures are normally part of the intimidation, this one seemed to be ironically. Maybe to say that i would be really like this. Couldn't see the one with the cap, perhaps he had entered behind me.
When i got outside in the early morning of the 30th, there were two people standing at the bicycles, where the person on the 20th had been acting. A woman wearing a black jacket, hood on, and a man with a darker complexion, he said a sarcastic "yes, write this"( "schreib dasmal" ).
When i was outside in the late afternoon, there was a gesturer, dressed in black, he raised he arm sidewards, bend at the elbow, before passing me.
Maybe i've described about 2/3 or so, the frequency was somewhat less than average.
In the evening of the 28th a woman, i've heared her before, was loudly walking above me with heeled shoes on the carpetless floor for a while, seemed to be upset, finally made a phonecall, maybe for an advice. Normally a man is in the flat above me. However, since then the person there is less attached at me than usual.
Montag, 31. Dezember 2007
Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2007
kabbalistic license
When i was in a supermarket in the late afternoon of the 10th of december, a woman behind a shelf said ironically "this is aimed/adressed at me !"( "das ist ja auf mich gemünzt !" ). To say that i would be mad if i would think so, finefeeling stalker-humor.
On my way to a petrol-station in the late evening/nigth two of them passed me, the first was carrying a cotton bag that seemed to contain something heavy. He had leaned his head to the side, somehow he had a subtle expression like from a zombie-movie. I couldn't see his eyes, because of the litgh. One street further there was the next of them, he turned around from a cash machine, putting his billfold into an inner pocket while looking at me. He was done in one row with the one before, he also had the same pressure-frequency, to find a word for that feeling. A stiff routinated hostility. Also similar to the one at noon the day before. On my way back a man came out of an entrance in front of me and passed me. He moved very coordinated, in a mechanical way to show his total self-assurance, demonstrativly patrolling. He was wearing dark jacket and pants, a red polo-shirt beneath the jacket, and a flatcap on his shaved head, must have been the one from 27th of october again. On his left side he had a pale stick, shorter than those used for training, in a position that would be typical for a short-sword. I couldn't see his face, because of the ligth. When i arrived at the park there was a man with a small dog standing on the pavement, he stopped to let me pass. He had grey hair, pigtail, he was dressed like a police-man, old uniforms. A black police-leather jacket without badges, and khaki pants. Could have been a martial artist.
When i had opened the window in the afternoon of the 11th, there were two men standing on the opposite side of the street, one was watching me. Short time later i got outside, then a dark red newish looking van started when i came near, must have been them.
In the late afternoon i was at the do-it-yourself-bicycle-help, because my wheels needed to be centered. I knew the woman there from before, she was standing with a man with darker complexion at the center-apparatus, she was all the time upset because he would be learning this too slow. Looks like acting. When i was at the apparatus they were watching me, they said that it would be her friend. That should have been about the apparatus. And then that i would be jealous of it, but "she" could be jealous of my computer. When i left there was a dark dressed man with a bicycle standing at the gateway, he had lifted the backwheel and rotated it, watching it. So he was aping centering the wheel.
When i was at a petrol-station at nigth, a nosegesturer came out of it when i arrived at his car, a dark red newish looking van that was parking directly in front of the entrance. He was in his 40ies, short hair, parka, jeans, same sneakers as me. He looked towards me while sweeping his forefinger horizontally below his nose, then entered his car. I think i've seen him before, a martial artist. In the back of the car there were newish looking child seats, the first letter of the city-abbreviation on the license plate repeated twice, then it was follwed by the number "7000".
When i was at the baker on the 12th, an older woman with a cotton-bag with a swastika on it stood next to me. The simple swastika had three curved arms, in top of it there was a word about ventilation or so, i think a scandinavian one, simple typo.
When i got outside in the early afternoon, this time walking, a heavier man with a short dark beard came towards me from the side, he made a shuffling step, causing me to do also one, as kind of reflex. When i arrived at the streetcrossing at the market place, there was an athletic man with darker complexion standing at the other side. He was wearing sneakers and a black jacket, in his 30ies. He was holding a cellphone at his ear and said some words loudly, maybe arabian, the last one then was "chaku", like nun-chaku. So this had a meaning, he wanted me to get this.
In the afternoon a postwoman delivered a packet that had been already send on the 4th. And now it was empty. I immediatly wondered about the weigth and ask her to wait a moment, to make a witness when i opened it. Seemed the content had been removed from the bottom side, then it was closed again. I already had odd experiences with the post, now i have one with a smaller post-rival. I had contact with the seller, he had given me the packet-number, and i had a look online on it. The first entry was from the fith, then there was one from the 7th, it said something like "started, but then got back". Then there was an entry on the 10th, and the one from the 7th was removed. The new one said that they didn't find me at the adress. This was stupid, there is no reason that this could be. I phoned at their main office, not to let them send my packet back to the seller, and now i got an empty one.
When i was outside in the early evening, in front of the shopping center a man wearing a black neat suit passed me. In his one hand he was carrying a nostalgic black leather bag, with the other he touched his nose, raising his arm vertically in front of him, without letting his body otherwise participate with this movement. A coordination-exercise. And he also did a double-sniffing noise. In the pedestrian-zone there were some talkers( they sounded much the same, despite they were from different groups of people. The few words that stuck out of others sounded as if there could be a meaning ), one said "180°, and back, that's the bad weather"( "180°, und zurück, das ist das schlechte Wetter" ), so it seemed that this was to say that there will be no consequences because of the packet.
When i was outside in the afternoon of the 13th, two helmet men on bicycles passed me at some animals, one was a sniffer, he was wearing a yellow jacket. On my way back a young man on a bicycle came towards me, he was concentrated looking at the ground in front of him, as if his neck was arrested in this position. He wasn't fast, but he was directly heading towards me, so i changed my direction somewhat. He then changed his direction also, so he was still heading towards me and i had to brake. When he passed me he was holding his left hand, wich was closer to me, at his eye, encircling it with his fingers, as a monocle, without changing head-position.
In the evening i was again at the petrol-station i've been the day before, a car with squeaking tires turned in the last street in front of the station, and at the station another car turned in with squeaking tires, this one drove to the parking area behind. When i arrived at the station a nosegesturer entered in front of me, an older man with grey hair, a shorter full beard and a conspiciously bowed inwards nosebridge, he was wearing a black leather jacket. When he was walking outside he was looking at me as if he would know me, while putting his billfold in his pocket. I've been at the bank and two other petrol-stations, because i wanted to buy a small bottle of wine. In the first petrol station a salesman made copious smacking slurping noises and then said goodbye. In the second one i first looked through the window, searching for a small bottle. A man in his late 40ies, wearing a blue jacket, told me that i should go inside. Inside he showed again this brash attitude. Others in the station were three people standing at the wines, one was a neat dressed dark black man wearing a coat, he sayed something about drawing. The one who payed before me was a "pale" black unshaved man. Both seemed to be non-migrants.
In the early morning of the 14th a dark newish looking car came from the gateway next to the baker, i stopped because the driver liked to accelerate. But he led me pass, driving back-and forwards, just to play with his engine. Then he turned in the street with squeaking tires.
When i was outside in the afternoon with my bicycle(as usual), i had stopped at the street near the low bridge, to look at the water. When i started a man walked into me from behind, and then complained. He enjoyed himself doing so, good humor. He had some similarity to the one with the blue jacket at the petrolstation the day before, his behaviour, and his rhythm. His jacket had a similar tone, but his one was red. I was at the river at the east-side, and there i had an accident. There was a spot on the path, the colour was ligther, it looked somewhat muddy, but not so much. I immediatly sinked in at least 15cm( looking at the mud on the wheel, later ), then there was just a step. I overturned, i was totally shirty, when i got up i shouted x-times "sh!t"( in german ), my pants were muddy and i tryed to find out if i got some damage. Two children arrived, boys, they found it interesting( i had stopped shouting, of course ), one even imaginated i could have "flown" further, down the slope. And a woman with a dog, she said she would be a gardener from the city who is officially walking( "Begehung durchführen" ) at the river to look for the path. And that this would be usually caused by running water below the path. My first thougth was that it could have been really a trap. The surface had been almost smooth. Now i tried to stick some wood into the mud, as warning for others. But nothing could stick in there, it was too fluid, and then the earth below was immediatly hard. It was aqueous loam in a hollow, so steep that a spade came into my mind. The woman also said that she had been a sports-teacher, and so she knows that i could have been shocked. When i arrived at the river-bridge at the water there was a man on a bicycle who was looking at me. Looked like the unshaved "pale" black from the petrolstation the day before. On my way back i've seen three teenagers who crossed a street, one was dressed as a skinhead, one of them raised his left arm for the nazi-greeting for a moment. A fast routinated move, like an exercise. When i arrived at the pedestrian zone between the elevators a dark black bald man came towards me, he made a beeping sound, he was robust build, so maybe this was his humour to say that he was stronger than me, or about that i shouted when i had the accident. I've seen him a week or so before, he's one of them. He did nothing special there, but the way he walked looked as if he wanted to show presence. They have many who look like this, won't wonder if he had already stalked me. Then another dark black man passed me, still between the elevators, he was taller but not as robust build as the one before. He was wearing glasses with a thin golden frame and was dressed similar to the dark one in the petrolstation the day brfore, but i think this one was taller and older.
I could feel one knee also the next day, but there was nothing serious.
When i arrived at the market on the 15th, a man said "that will become expensive"( "das wird teuer" ), could have been about the packet( was a lucky inexpensive auction ). On the market place a smiling child, a boy, passed me, he looked as if someone could have told him to go there. Then a resolute angry man passed me, dressed in dark blue and black, maybe late 40ies. The boy had similarity to the two at the river.
When i was at the laundry in the afternoon, a man walked in front of me at the streetcrossing there, he had this focused agressive expression some of them had in the last days, when i stopped next to him at the traffic ligth he spitted on the ground between us. He had decided to do so before, theoretically he would not have seen me, but with the exact timing he obviously was aware of me. He was wearing a black leather jacket with big red and yellow flames on it, on the back there was a big "flames" written on it, next to it a smaller word, a german city-name. Looked like a brute, spitted like a laser-pistol.
When i was outside in the late afternoon, at the low bridge someone loudly shouted at me "i know them all !"( "ich kenne sie alle !" ), with a rough voice when he was directly next to me. This was a quote from a local band( no idea if they still say so ). But i didn't know him, so maybe this was a joke, because he "knows" me. He was in companion of a woman, he then normally talks to her, they'll go to their car. He had dark hair, the cheeks were patterned by extinguished blains, black jacket, striped polo-shirt.
When i was at a petrol-station in the evening( another one than on the 11th ), there was a man with a bald shaved head in front of it. He had some similarity with Ben Kingsley. He entered a black newish looking car, the license number said it was from a near small town, the first letter of the city-abbreviation repeated twice, then it was followed by a "606". So this seemed to be part two of the car from the 11th, the license plate showed the same kabbalistic symptoms. When i had left the station two young men passed me, one was wagging his head to appear twee, and complained "they are so cold !"( "sie sind so kalt" ). Could have been martial artists, maybe also the one before.
About 3am on the 16th, someone outside imitated the rhythm of the music i was listening, "lalala", then he moved on. The music wasn't loud, so he had been standing there and has been listening.
A letter that was adressed at a woman that should live in this house has been inserted into my mailbox, but there is no such name, so i tried to find out if she lives here, but no one i've asked knew about her. There was no special reason why it has been put into my mailbox.
Nothing real that day, someone in the pedestrian zone said "knee", seemed this was about my accident.
On the 17th there have been 4 sniffers, one also made a gesture, sweeping below his nose horizontally with his forefinger, three of them have been in a bookstore.
When i was outside in the afternoon of the 18th, two men passed me in the near park. One was wearing a brigth orange jacket, the other one had a darker complexion, maybe late 40ies, he said with an accent "i've never heard of this, since when they are doing so ?"( "ich habe sowas noch nie gehört, seit wann machen die das ?" )when they were next to me. Later, before i passed the low bridge, there were some people standing, when i passed in front of them a man said towards me "no one looks at him at aaaa(ll)"( "den sieht doch sowieso keiner aaaa(n)" ), the last word somewhat hoarse. Short distance/few seconds later another man said "he's to blame for it himself"( "er ist doch selber dran schuld" ). At the last word(blame/Schuld) the voice was higher and cracked, so he complemented with the one before. Then at the bridge a dark black man wearing a headscarf passed me, maybe i've looked too agressive at him, the two speakers annoyed me, and they have many dark blacks, so i often think about if there could be one of them again. He seemed to be insecure. This was usually part of the idea of the speakers, but i cannot know if they just knew that the black one was walking there, or if he would be one of them. I wondered that he seemed insecured, because he was a big athletic man.
When i was on my way to the bank near midnigth, one of them passed me, aping the way i moved, the steps.
I have described most of them these days.
With the neighbour it's as usual, once he came down the stairs to stand there in the stairway when i was sitting on the toilet.
On my way to a petrol-station in the late evening/nigth two of them passed me, the first was carrying a cotton bag that seemed to contain something heavy. He had leaned his head to the side, somehow he had a subtle expression like from a zombie-movie. I couldn't see his eyes, because of the litgh. One street further there was the next of them, he turned around from a cash machine, putting his billfold into an inner pocket while looking at me. He was done in one row with the one before, he also had the same pressure-frequency, to find a word for that feeling. A stiff routinated hostility. Also similar to the one at noon the day before. On my way back a man came out of an entrance in front of me and passed me. He moved very coordinated, in a mechanical way to show his total self-assurance, demonstrativly patrolling. He was wearing dark jacket and pants, a red polo-shirt beneath the jacket, and a flatcap on his shaved head, must have been the one from 27th of october again. On his left side he had a pale stick, shorter than those used for training, in a position that would be typical for a short-sword. I couldn't see his face, because of the ligth. When i arrived at the park there was a man with a small dog standing on the pavement, he stopped to let me pass. He had grey hair, pigtail, he was dressed like a police-man, old uniforms. A black police-leather jacket without badges, and khaki pants. Could have been a martial artist.
When i had opened the window in the afternoon of the 11th, there were two men standing on the opposite side of the street, one was watching me. Short time later i got outside, then a dark red newish looking van started when i came near, must have been them.
In the late afternoon i was at the do-it-yourself-bicycle-help, because my wheels needed to be centered. I knew the woman there from before, she was standing with a man with darker complexion at the center-apparatus, she was all the time upset because he would be learning this too slow. Looks like acting. When i was at the apparatus they were watching me, they said that it would be her friend. That should have been about the apparatus. And then that i would be jealous of it, but "she" could be jealous of my computer. When i left there was a dark dressed man with a bicycle standing at the gateway, he had lifted the backwheel and rotated it, watching it. So he was aping centering the wheel.
When i was at a petrol-station at nigth, a nosegesturer came out of it when i arrived at his car, a dark red newish looking van that was parking directly in front of the entrance. He was in his 40ies, short hair, parka, jeans, same sneakers as me. He looked towards me while sweeping his forefinger horizontally below his nose, then entered his car. I think i've seen him before, a martial artist. In the back of the car there were newish looking child seats, the first letter of the city-abbreviation on the license plate repeated twice, then it was follwed by the number "7000".
When i was at the baker on the 12th, an older woman with a cotton-bag with a swastika on it stood next to me. The simple swastika had three curved arms, in top of it there was a word about ventilation or so, i think a scandinavian one, simple typo.
When i got outside in the early afternoon, this time walking, a heavier man with a short dark beard came towards me from the side, he made a shuffling step, causing me to do also one, as kind of reflex. When i arrived at the streetcrossing at the market place, there was an athletic man with darker complexion standing at the other side. He was wearing sneakers and a black jacket, in his 30ies. He was holding a cellphone at his ear and said some words loudly, maybe arabian, the last one then was "chaku", like nun-chaku. So this had a meaning, he wanted me to get this.
In the afternoon a postwoman delivered a packet that had been already send on the 4th. And now it was empty. I immediatly wondered about the weigth and ask her to wait a moment, to make a witness when i opened it. Seemed the content had been removed from the bottom side, then it was closed again. I already had odd experiences with the post, now i have one with a smaller post-rival. I had contact with the seller, he had given me the packet-number, and i had a look online on it. The first entry was from the fith, then there was one from the 7th, it said something like "started, but then got back". Then there was an entry on the 10th, and the one from the 7th was removed. The new one said that they didn't find me at the adress. This was stupid, there is no reason that this could be. I phoned at their main office, not to let them send my packet back to the seller, and now i got an empty one.
When i was outside in the early evening, in front of the shopping center a man wearing a black neat suit passed me. In his one hand he was carrying a nostalgic black leather bag, with the other he touched his nose, raising his arm vertically in front of him, without letting his body otherwise participate with this movement. A coordination-exercise. And he also did a double-sniffing noise. In the pedestrian-zone there were some talkers( they sounded much the same, despite they were from different groups of people. The few words that stuck out of others sounded as if there could be a meaning ), one said "180°, and back, that's the bad weather"( "180°, und zurück, das ist das schlechte Wetter" ), so it seemed that this was to say that there will be no consequences because of the packet.
When i was outside in the afternoon of the 13th, two helmet men on bicycles passed me at some animals, one was a sniffer, he was wearing a yellow jacket. On my way back a young man on a bicycle came towards me, he was concentrated looking at the ground in front of him, as if his neck was arrested in this position. He wasn't fast, but he was directly heading towards me, so i changed my direction somewhat. He then changed his direction also, so he was still heading towards me and i had to brake. When he passed me he was holding his left hand, wich was closer to me, at his eye, encircling it with his fingers, as a monocle, without changing head-position.
In the evening i was again at the petrol-station i've been the day before, a car with squeaking tires turned in the last street in front of the station, and at the station another car turned in with squeaking tires, this one drove to the parking area behind. When i arrived at the station a nosegesturer entered in front of me, an older man with grey hair, a shorter full beard and a conspiciously bowed inwards nosebridge, he was wearing a black leather jacket. When he was walking outside he was looking at me as if he would know me, while putting his billfold in his pocket. I've been at the bank and two other petrol-stations, because i wanted to buy a small bottle of wine. In the first petrol station a salesman made copious smacking slurping noises and then said goodbye. In the second one i first looked through the window, searching for a small bottle. A man in his late 40ies, wearing a blue jacket, told me that i should go inside. Inside he showed again this brash attitude. Others in the station were three people standing at the wines, one was a neat dressed dark black man wearing a coat, he sayed something about drawing. The one who payed before me was a "pale" black unshaved man. Both seemed to be non-migrants.
In the early morning of the 14th a dark newish looking car came from the gateway next to the baker, i stopped because the driver liked to accelerate. But he led me pass, driving back-and forwards, just to play with his engine. Then he turned in the street with squeaking tires.
When i was outside in the afternoon with my bicycle(as usual), i had stopped at the street near the low bridge, to look at the water. When i started a man walked into me from behind, and then complained. He enjoyed himself doing so, good humor. He had some similarity to the one with the blue jacket at the petrolstation the day before, his behaviour, and his rhythm. His jacket had a similar tone, but his one was red. I was at the river at the east-side, and there i had an accident. There was a spot on the path, the colour was ligther, it looked somewhat muddy, but not so much. I immediatly sinked in at least 15cm( looking at the mud on the wheel, later ), then there was just a step. I overturned, i was totally shirty, when i got up i shouted x-times "sh!t"( in german ), my pants were muddy and i tryed to find out if i got some damage. Two children arrived, boys, they found it interesting( i had stopped shouting, of course ), one even imaginated i could have "flown" further, down the slope. And a woman with a dog, she said she would be a gardener from the city who is officially walking( "Begehung durchführen" ) at the river to look for the path. And that this would be usually caused by running water below the path. My first thougth was that it could have been really a trap. The surface had been almost smooth. Now i tried to stick some wood into the mud, as warning for others. But nothing could stick in there, it was too fluid, and then the earth below was immediatly hard. It was aqueous loam in a hollow, so steep that a spade came into my mind. The woman also said that she had been a sports-teacher, and so she knows that i could have been shocked. When i arrived at the river-bridge at the water there was a man on a bicycle who was looking at me. Looked like the unshaved "pale" black from the petrolstation the day before. On my way back i've seen three teenagers who crossed a street, one was dressed as a skinhead, one of them raised his left arm for the nazi-greeting for a moment. A fast routinated move, like an exercise. When i arrived at the pedestrian zone between the elevators a dark black bald man came towards me, he made a beeping sound, he was robust build, so maybe this was his humour to say that he was stronger than me, or about that i shouted when i had the accident. I've seen him a week or so before, he's one of them. He did nothing special there, but the way he walked looked as if he wanted to show presence. They have many who look like this, won't wonder if he had already stalked me. Then another dark black man passed me, still between the elevators, he was taller but not as robust build as the one before. He was wearing glasses with a thin golden frame and was dressed similar to the dark one in the petrolstation the day brfore, but i think this one was taller and older.
I could feel one knee also the next day, but there was nothing serious.
When i arrived at the market on the 15th, a man said "that will become expensive"( "das wird teuer" ), could have been about the packet( was a lucky inexpensive auction ). On the market place a smiling child, a boy, passed me, he looked as if someone could have told him to go there. Then a resolute angry man passed me, dressed in dark blue and black, maybe late 40ies. The boy had similarity to the two at the river.
When i was at the laundry in the afternoon, a man walked in front of me at the streetcrossing there, he had this focused agressive expression some of them had in the last days, when i stopped next to him at the traffic ligth he spitted on the ground between us. He had decided to do so before, theoretically he would not have seen me, but with the exact timing he obviously was aware of me. He was wearing a black leather jacket with big red and yellow flames on it, on the back there was a big "flames" written on it, next to it a smaller word, a german city-name. Looked like a brute, spitted like a laser-pistol.
When i was outside in the late afternoon, at the low bridge someone loudly shouted at me "i know them all !"( "ich kenne sie alle !" ), with a rough voice when he was directly next to me. This was a quote from a local band( no idea if they still say so ). But i didn't know him, so maybe this was a joke, because he "knows" me. He was in companion of a woman, he then normally talks to her, they'll go to their car. He had dark hair, the cheeks were patterned by extinguished blains, black jacket, striped polo-shirt.
When i was at a petrol-station in the evening( another one than on the 11th ), there was a man with a bald shaved head in front of it. He had some similarity with Ben Kingsley. He entered a black newish looking car, the license number said it was from a near small town, the first letter of the city-abbreviation repeated twice, then it was followed by a "606". So this seemed to be part two of the car from the 11th, the license plate showed the same kabbalistic symptoms. When i had left the station two young men passed me, one was wagging his head to appear twee, and complained "they are so cold !"( "sie sind so kalt" ). Could have been martial artists, maybe also the one before.
About 3am on the 16th, someone outside imitated the rhythm of the music i was listening, "lalala", then he moved on. The music wasn't loud, so he had been standing there and has been listening.
A letter that was adressed at a woman that should live in this house has been inserted into my mailbox, but there is no such name, so i tried to find out if she lives here, but no one i've asked knew about her. There was no special reason why it has been put into my mailbox.
Nothing real that day, someone in the pedestrian zone said "knee", seemed this was about my accident.
On the 17th there have been 4 sniffers, one also made a gesture, sweeping below his nose horizontally with his forefinger, three of them have been in a bookstore.
When i was outside in the afternoon of the 18th, two men passed me in the near park. One was wearing a brigth orange jacket, the other one had a darker complexion, maybe late 40ies, he said with an accent "i've never heard of this, since when they are doing so ?"( "ich habe sowas noch nie gehört, seit wann machen die das ?" )when they were next to me. Later, before i passed the low bridge, there were some people standing, when i passed in front of them a man said towards me "no one looks at him at aaaa(ll)"( "den sieht doch sowieso keiner aaaa(n)" ), the last word somewhat hoarse. Short distance/few seconds later another man said "he's to blame for it himself"( "er ist doch selber dran schuld" ). At the last word(blame/Schuld) the voice was higher and cracked, so he complemented with the one before. Then at the bridge a dark black man wearing a headscarf passed me, maybe i've looked too agressive at him, the two speakers annoyed me, and they have many dark blacks, so i often think about if there could be one of them again. He seemed to be insecure. This was usually part of the idea of the speakers, but i cannot know if they just knew that the black one was walking there, or if he would be one of them. I wondered that he seemed insecured, because he was a big athletic man.
When i was on my way to the bank near midnigth, one of them passed me, aping the way i moved, the steps.
I have described most of them these days.
With the neighbour it's as usual, once he came down the stairs to stand there in the stairway when i was sitting on the toilet.
Montag, 10. Dezember 2007
clap hands
When i was outside near noon of the 27th of november a woman filmed me. I first didn't get it, because the flat device didn't look like a camera to me, she was holding it at belly-heigth and looked down at the display, stood there, didn't move. There was also an older man with a dog, but no one else, and he walked to the side, while the lense in the middle of the device was facing towards me.
When i was outside in the early afternoon, this time walking, a staring man on a bicycle came towards me. He had his mouth open, exposing especially his upper teeth, and his eyes had a somewhat rectangular shape. Maybe a leftie, late 40ies. In another street a man who fits to him passed me, he had protruding eyes and was holding a cigarette in an odd way, with his whole hand, at his mouth. Near me he made a defined sniffing noise, so he used his cigarette as a tube-symbol.
When i passed at the opposite house in the afternoon, again walking, people inside made an akustic joke. From a cellar-window there was musical noise when i was next to it, at the next window someone in the first floor loudly pushed a piano-key when i passed, then a smaller dog made a single bark. Where the older man threw the pelleted in the bin on the 25th, this time there was a sniffer there. He had somewhat darker complexion, maybe late 30ies, was wearing a black jacket. Later an older but vital gaunt man with a big grey full-beard and round glasses came towards me, he was still a distance away, he was holding his hand at his forehead, like stereotypical sailor on look-out, watching me. Then he turned in the street at the court. When i was outside before i have been holding my hand at the forehead, to protect against blinding highligths from car-windows. So he showed that he did participate with this surveillance.
About half an hour after i was back i heard that someone was loudly playing the national anthem, streetup, a classical version. Then something else, but it stopped.
The next time i was outside i passed a man who widely moved his mouth in an odd way. He fitted to the sniffer and the other in the early afternoon. He was wearing a military parka with a german flag on the sleeve. Then in the supermarket there was a man with a basecap in the national colours.
When i was outside in the late afternoon of the 28th, i passed an older couple near a church. The man says "then one is thinking of murder"( "da denkt man an Mord" )when i was next to them. At the water two sportive man in their twenties came towards me, one was wearing a khaki shorts, despite it was cold. He said "how much could he have been, 80, 90 kilos ?!"( "wie viel hatte der wohl, 80, 90 kilo" ), to be heared. Maybe martial artists. On my way back there were some of their people at a streetcrossing. Before i arrived a man holding one hand in a pocket, that way that it was obvious that he was holding something in his hand, ready to draw it. He was in his 40ies, wearing a brown jacket with horizontal pockets. Then at the streetcrossing a man on a bicycle passed me, he looked at me, he had a small hating and oddly distorted mouth. When i had crossed the street a woman behind me loudly said "(any)one is laughing about this again and again"( "darüber lacht man immer wieder" ).
In the early morning of the 29th, when i was on my way to the baker, a woman with a young golden retriever passed me. The happy dog came towards me and scented my leg, it was wearing a red neckerchief, that way that it made a big triangle, like the one of the dog from the 27 of october.
When i got outside at noon, down the street here a woman wearing a palestinian scarf passed me. There was few space, because a car waiting at the streetcrossing had stopped with the tires already on the pavement. One of the last articles i had read was a very angry one about such scarfs. At a streetcrossing i had a little accident. There were people at a traffic ligth, so i got to the side, and then i watched the wrong side of the traffic ligth. A car slowed down, but i've been already too far on the street and didn't get back fast enough. I had already stopped, and the car shocked my front-wheel with the fender. But this had no further effect, i still stood there, and fortunatly the driver was a nice man and just asked if i was fine. I had a numb feeling, then concentration is also weak, maybe i should care more about eating vegetables or so. When i arrived back at the street here, on the other side, a person fully mummed with a dark scarf passed me on a bicycle. There was only slit, as tiny as possible, left for the eyes between the straigth wrapped lower and upper. It was about 10°C, so this couldn't have been the reason, it was to frame the street with the theme.
When i was sitting in the park in the early afternoon, the second person who passed me was a woman with a perambulator, wearing a palestinian scarf. Then two man passed me, first a bigger stronger unshaved jogger, early 40ies, dressed in black, he was wearing black leather gloves, holding the fists in front of him, that way that the forearms were about horizontal. A puncher-figure. All his expression was about it, the tigth gloves made an accent. He'd just passed another man, who was now directly following, an orderly dressed man wearing a black suit, a ligth blue shirt, and a diagonally black and yellow striped tie. He accuratly tapped at his nostril, he appeared to be a judical person. Complementing subordinators.
About noon of the 30th i had opened my window. A group of four people, males and females, walked down the street here, they accentuated their left arms. This was obvious because they all moved the same, kind of marching. Again something that was inspired by an online-article.
When i passed at a garden in the afternoon a little girl in the back of it yelled "my penis". Sounded absurd, i looked in this direction, then to my rigth someone loudly closed the door of a parking car, i haven't seen him, seemed that he was one of them. There were no other people near. I had a look on this white line i had described in my previous posting, it encircles an area some km in diameter. At one point it looks as if it would have started there, but also as if it should look like this, because it wouldn't have been additional work to just close the line without that. Now on my way back close to this point a sniffer passed me, a black dressed man with a white jacket.
Short time after i was back from the baker in the early morning of the 1rst of december, a group of people came up the street here, clapping their hands, singing something like "jaja", like sports-fans. In front of the house one of them, a man, loudly said " a god ?! a god ?! "( "ein Gott" ), taunting, condemning.
At noon i deliverd a few empty beercans in a plastic bag at a petrol-station. On my way back a dark black man came towards me at the point where the old man threw the pelleted in the bin, at the white line on the 25th of october. The black man now had an acerb resolved expression, didn't show any reaction, and because he walked straigthforward towards me i changed my direction. In the moment he got out of my view he threw a black plastic bag he was carrying into the bin, making a loud noise, he'd just been waiting for this, concentrating to do a fast move.
When i was outside in he evening at the streetcrossing at the market place there was a teenager leaning against a wall with his shoulder, looking in my direction. He stood there without moving, totally self-assured, the posture seemed to be sexual. I think that maybe he was 16, but he seemed to be very athletically and bigger than average persons. On my way back another athletic teenager, maybe 16, appeared when i arrived at the place, he looked angry and had drawn in his cheeks, to get a gaunt face. The way he passed me on the pavement was kind of parade, his armes were tensioned.
In the morning of the 2nd, maybe at about 5am, there was a group of loudly talking people at the next streetcrossing, sounding boosted. Then they came up the street, as the clap-hands day before, and in front of the house one of them said loud and clearly " if you are saying this ! "( "wenn du sowas erzählst !"). So this was part two of the clap-hands.
Near noon i was sitting at the water. In front of the bank there was a turquoise injection lying on the ground. I threw it away, but used some paper do not touch it. I've seen them taking something out of bins before, demonstrativly.
On the 3rd there was only a sniffer at all.
When i just had left home in the late afternoon of the 4th, a singing man came down the street, seemed to be a foreign language, the only thing i understood in german was "it's too late"( "es ist zu spät" ). He had a high voice, i first thougth it would be a woman. I think he was wearing a grey jacket, dark hair. Two streetcrossings of the sidestreets here further, a black-dressed man came around the corner. He had fair grey hair and a short full beard. He raised his arm to look at his watch, or maybe his vein. He raised his ellbow in front of him and flapped back his hand, looking at the inside of his arm, a routinated gesture that could have fitted to a surgeon, as his expression in general.
When i brougth down the waste in the afternoon of the 5th, a black man came up the street. I've seen him before, he had repeatedly stalked me and had a training for that, a motoric input and to get mentally locked on( more than many ). Now he showed no special behaviour, even seemed to be somewhat insecure. He had shorter hair now, maybe he lives near. The next time i was outside, when i walked to the near supermarket, another man i've seen before showed up. The one with the button-cap i've described before. He was again wearing a blue jacket and black pants, he showed no special behaviour. He was in companion of a man with somewhat darker complexion, a mustache, wearing a short black coat. He was holding his hands higher, body bend forwards, talking agitated.
When i was outside in the evening, on the low bridge a man with a bottle of wine in the one hand passed me. He had his head widely leaned to the side and had an annoyed introverted face-expression. He had a black beard, i think he was a teacher/owner of a martial arts shool where i had trained, also had some trainings at him. 7 years, Long ago. Then in the street, when i had arrived at the curve, several people came towards me. The first one on a bicycle, on the street, he had a childish pissed face-expression, he loudly said "that's such a shit !"( "das ist so sche!sse" ), to aquaint, not just to himself. Then among the pedestrians one was holding a cellphone at his ear, he said with a rational-censuring accent "i don't really like this"( "das finde ich nicht so gut" ). So the two complemented.
When i had just arrived back home in the afternoon of the 6th, and opened the window, a loud sniffer passed outside. A black man wearing a parka and sneakers, he moved somewhat hobbling.
When i was in the inner city at noon of the 7th and got down the escalator, a girl, maybe 10, and a man behind me were on the next that led upstairs. The girl had constandly an totally happy expression, but didn't move, looked like a bulb. When they were in front of me the man behind her kissed her on her cheek, moving very fast and precisely, making a defined dry flicking noise. The girl didn't react at all, firmly keeping the expression. Seemed to be a variation to the couple on the 24th of october, near the railwaystation.
When i was in the near supermarket in the afternoon of the 8th, there was a taller slender man standing in front in line of me. He had neat brushcut hair, and also his clothing looked like this, not the clothing itself, but the way it fits. Maybe at least the backpack and the leather sneakers were new. Black swaeater, jeans. He was directly standing in front of me, and when i looked at his backpack, just to look somewhere, he abruptly started to move, getting out of line and then returning in a curve, fluently moving with fast ltittle steps.
When i was outside in the late afternoon a woman on a bicycle crossed my way, she was holding a cellphone at her ear and yelled "he's coming straigth ahead/in front !"( "er kommt gerade voraus!" ). First thougth she would be a young man, maybe she was a lesbian.
When i was outside in the evening, as usual with my bicycle, a black man with fairer skin was walking in front of me on the pavement. He did sligth impulsive corrections to his direction, so i couldn't pass him, a martial artist. When i decided to pass him on the street he crossed the street, so i had to stop.
When i was outside at noon of the 9th, a man with a bald shaved head came out of a house at the end of the crossing street. He walked in a sublimal meaningful and agressiv way, so i already expected that he would be one of them. He arrived at a car and turned around to look into my eyes to express his hostilety. He was wearing a parka and blue sports pants. Looked like a rigthist.
When i was cycling down a street in the late afternoon, there were some people standing next to a dark car. Older ones closer to the car, could have been 50 years or so, just passed them, and on the pavement in front of me two teenage girls and a little child. I slowed down, one of the girls looked at me, she had an somewhat exhausted expression, not so lucky. And then, not much further in the street, there was the same figure. A dark car, a teenage girl, little child, and older ones at a car. I think maybe this were twice too young mothers, their childs and parents.
When i had opened my window in the early evening, a couple passed, the man was carrying a child that was screaming in a loud peculiar disturbed way all the time.
I often have only picked up a easy to describe, that was obvious.
In the first half there have been more than in the second half.
From the 27th to 1rst i've counted 35 obvious, from 2nd to 9th 15.
In addition at all 2 nosegesturers and 13 sniffers, and the clap-hands from 1rst/2nd, and about 30 companions or so, people that have not been hostile or active but fitted or were related to others.
My neighbour above me does the usual toilet-following, on the first, a windy day, i heard this squiling door, on two other days also, but only once. Once he showed that he has been sitting above me by poking at the floor with a stick, maybe one like those used for training. Few times he showed that he was upset by making hasty steps above me, when i was watching tv and there was something about a crime, in the news or a movie. And others. Toilet is basic.
When i was outside in the early afternoon, this time walking, a staring man on a bicycle came towards me. He had his mouth open, exposing especially his upper teeth, and his eyes had a somewhat rectangular shape. Maybe a leftie, late 40ies. In another street a man who fits to him passed me, he had protruding eyes and was holding a cigarette in an odd way, with his whole hand, at his mouth. Near me he made a defined sniffing noise, so he used his cigarette as a tube-symbol.
When i passed at the opposite house in the afternoon, again walking, people inside made an akustic joke. From a cellar-window there was musical noise when i was next to it, at the next window someone in the first floor loudly pushed a piano-key when i passed, then a smaller dog made a single bark. Where the older man threw the pelleted in the bin on the 25th, this time there was a sniffer there. He had somewhat darker complexion, maybe late 30ies, was wearing a black jacket. Later an older but vital gaunt man with a big grey full-beard and round glasses came towards me, he was still a distance away, he was holding his hand at his forehead, like stereotypical sailor on look-out, watching me. Then he turned in the street at the court. When i was outside before i have been holding my hand at the forehead, to protect against blinding highligths from car-windows. So he showed that he did participate with this surveillance.
About half an hour after i was back i heard that someone was loudly playing the national anthem, streetup, a classical version. Then something else, but it stopped.
The next time i was outside i passed a man who widely moved his mouth in an odd way. He fitted to the sniffer and the other in the early afternoon. He was wearing a military parka with a german flag on the sleeve. Then in the supermarket there was a man with a basecap in the national colours.
When i was outside in the late afternoon of the 28th, i passed an older couple near a church. The man says "then one is thinking of murder"( "da denkt man an Mord" )when i was next to them. At the water two sportive man in their twenties came towards me, one was wearing a khaki shorts, despite it was cold. He said "how much could he have been, 80, 90 kilos ?!"( "wie viel hatte der wohl, 80, 90 kilo" ), to be heared. Maybe martial artists. On my way back there were some of their people at a streetcrossing. Before i arrived a man holding one hand in a pocket, that way that it was obvious that he was holding something in his hand, ready to draw it. He was in his 40ies, wearing a brown jacket with horizontal pockets. Then at the streetcrossing a man on a bicycle passed me, he looked at me, he had a small hating and oddly distorted mouth. When i had crossed the street a woman behind me loudly said "(any)one is laughing about this again and again"( "darüber lacht man immer wieder" ).
In the early morning of the 29th, when i was on my way to the baker, a woman with a young golden retriever passed me. The happy dog came towards me and scented my leg, it was wearing a red neckerchief, that way that it made a big triangle, like the one of the dog from the 27 of october.
When i got outside at noon, down the street here a woman wearing a palestinian scarf passed me. There was few space, because a car waiting at the streetcrossing had stopped with the tires already on the pavement. One of the last articles i had read was a very angry one about such scarfs. At a streetcrossing i had a little accident. There were people at a traffic ligth, so i got to the side, and then i watched the wrong side of the traffic ligth. A car slowed down, but i've been already too far on the street and didn't get back fast enough. I had already stopped, and the car shocked my front-wheel with the fender. But this had no further effect, i still stood there, and fortunatly the driver was a nice man and just asked if i was fine. I had a numb feeling, then concentration is also weak, maybe i should care more about eating vegetables or so. When i arrived back at the street here, on the other side, a person fully mummed with a dark scarf passed me on a bicycle. There was only slit, as tiny as possible, left for the eyes between the straigth wrapped lower and upper. It was about 10°C, so this couldn't have been the reason, it was to frame the street with the theme.
When i was sitting in the park in the early afternoon, the second person who passed me was a woman with a perambulator, wearing a palestinian scarf. Then two man passed me, first a bigger stronger unshaved jogger, early 40ies, dressed in black, he was wearing black leather gloves, holding the fists in front of him, that way that the forearms were about horizontal. A puncher-figure. All his expression was about it, the tigth gloves made an accent. He'd just passed another man, who was now directly following, an orderly dressed man wearing a black suit, a ligth blue shirt, and a diagonally black and yellow striped tie. He accuratly tapped at his nostril, he appeared to be a judical person. Complementing subordinators.
About noon of the 30th i had opened my window. A group of four people, males and females, walked down the street here, they accentuated their left arms. This was obvious because they all moved the same, kind of marching. Again something that was inspired by an online-article.
When i passed at a garden in the afternoon a little girl in the back of it yelled "my penis". Sounded absurd, i looked in this direction, then to my rigth someone loudly closed the door of a parking car, i haven't seen him, seemed that he was one of them. There were no other people near. I had a look on this white line i had described in my previous posting, it encircles an area some km in diameter. At one point it looks as if it would have started there, but also as if it should look like this, because it wouldn't have been additional work to just close the line without that. Now on my way back close to this point a sniffer passed me, a black dressed man with a white jacket.
Short time after i was back from the baker in the early morning of the 1rst of december, a group of people came up the street here, clapping their hands, singing something like "jaja", like sports-fans. In front of the house one of them, a man, loudly said " a god ?! a god ?! "( "ein Gott" ), taunting, condemning.
At noon i deliverd a few empty beercans in a plastic bag at a petrol-station. On my way back a dark black man came towards me at the point where the old man threw the pelleted in the bin, at the white line on the 25th of october. The black man now had an acerb resolved expression, didn't show any reaction, and because he walked straigthforward towards me i changed my direction. In the moment he got out of my view he threw a black plastic bag he was carrying into the bin, making a loud noise, he'd just been waiting for this, concentrating to do a fast move.
When i was outside in he evening at the streetcrossing at the market place there was a teenager leaning against a wall with his shoulder, looking in my direction. He stood there without moving, totally self-assured, the posture seemed to be sexual. I think that maybe he was 16, but he seemed to be very athletically and bigger than average persons. On my way back another athletic teenager, maybe 16, appeared when i arrived at the place, he looked angry and had drawn in his cheeks, to get a gaunt face. The way he passed me on the pavement was kind of parade, his armes were tensioned.
In the morning of the 2nd, maybe at about 5am, there was a group of loudly talking people at the next streetcrossing, sounding boosted. Then they came up the street, as the clap-hands day before, and in front of the house one of them said loud and clearly " if you are saying this ! "( "wenn du sowas erzählst !"). So this was part two of the clap-hands.
Near noon i was sitting at the water. In front of the bank there was a turquoise injection lying on the ground. I threw it away, but used some paper do not touch it. I've seen them taking something out of bins before, demonstrativly.
On the 3rd there was only a sniffer at all.
When i just had left home in the late afternoon of the 4th, a singing man came down the street, seemed to be a foreign language, the only thing i understood in german was "it's too late"( "es ist zu spät" ). He had a high voice, i first thougth it would be a woman. I think he was wearing a grey jacket, dark hair. Two streetcrossings of the sidestreets here further, a black-dressed man came around the corner. He had fair grey hair and a short full beard. He raised his arm to look at his watch, or maybe his vein. He raised his ellbow in front of him and flapped back his hand, looking at the inside of his arm, a routinated gesture that could have fitted to a surgeon, as his expression in general.
When i brougth down the waste in the afternoon of the 5th, a black man came up the street. I've seen him before, he had repeatedly stalked me and had a training for that, a motoric input and to get mentally locked on( more than many ). Now he showed no special behaviour, even seemed to be somewhat insecure. He had shorter hair now, maybe he lives near. The next time i was outside, when i walked to the near supermarket, another man i've seen before showed up. The one with the button-cap i've described before. He was again wearing a blue jacket and black pants, he showed no special behaviour. He was in companion of a man with somewhat darker complexion, a mustache, wearing a short black coat. He was holding his hands higher, body bend forwards, talking agitated.
When i was outside in the evening, on the low bridge a man with a bottle of wine in the one hand passed me. He had his head widely leaned to the side and had an annoyed introverted face-expression. He had a black beard, i think he was a teacher/owner of a martial arts shool where i had trained, also had some trainings at him. 7 years, Long ago. Then in the street, when i had arrived at the curve, several people came towards me. The first one on a bicycle, on the street, he had a childish pissed face-expression, he loudly said "that's such a shit !"( "das ist so sche!sse" ), to aquaint, not just to himself. Then among the pedestrians one was holding a cellphone at his ear, he said with a rational-censuring accent "i don't really like this"( "das finde ich nicht so gut" ). So the two complemented.
When i had just arrived back home in the afternoon of the 6th, and opened the window, a loud sniffer passed outside. A black man wearing a parka and sneakers, he moved somewhat hobbling.
When i was in the inner city at noon of the 7th and got down the escalator, a girl, maybe 10, and a man behind me were on the next that led upstairs. The girl had constandly an totally happy expression, but didn't move, looked like a bulb. When they were in front of me the man behind her kissed her on her cheek, moving very fast and precisely, making a defined dry flicking noise. The girl didn't react at all, firmly keeping the expression. Seemed to be a variation to the couple on the 24th of october, near the railwaystation.
When i was in the near supermarket in the afternoon of the 8th, there was a taller slender man standing in front in line of me. He had neat brushcut hair, and also his clothing looked like this, not the clothing itself, but the way it fits. Maybe at least the backpack and the leather sneakers were new. Black swaeater, jeans. He was directly standing in front of me, and when i looked at his backpack, just to look somewhere, he abruptly started to move, getting out of line and then returning in a curve, fluently moving with fast ltittle steps.
When i was outside in the late afternoon a woman on a bicycle crossed my way, she was holding a cellphone at her ear and yelled "he's coming straigth ahead/in front !"( "er kommt gerade voraus!" ). First thougth she would be a young man, maybe she was a lesbian.
When i was outside in the evening, as usual with my bicycle, a black man with fairer skin was walking in front of me on the pavement. He did sligth impulsive corrections to his direction, so i couldn't pass him, a martial artist. When i decided to pass him on the street he crossed the street, so i had to stop.
When i was outside at noon of the 9th, a man with a bald shaved head came out of a house at the end of the crossing street. He walked in a sublimal meaningful and agressiv way, so i already expected that he would be one of them. He arrived at a car and turned around to look into my eyes to express his hostilety. He was wearing a parka and blue sports pants. Looked like a rigthist.
When i was cycling down a street in the late afternoon, there were some people standing next to a dark car. Older ones closer to the car, could have been 50 years or so, just passed them, and on the pavement in front of me two teenage girls and a little child. I slowed down, one of the girls looked at me, she had an somewhat exhausted expression, not so lucky. And then, not much further in the street, there was the same figure. A dark car, a teenage girl, little child, and older ones at a car. I think maybe this were twice too young mothers, their childs and parents.
When i had opened my window in the early evening, a couple passed, the man was carrying a child that was screaming in a loud peculiar disturbed way all the time.
I often have only picked up a easy to describe, that was obvious.
In the first half there have been more than in the second half.
From the 27th to 1rst i've counted 35 obvious, from 2nd to 9th 15.
In addition at all 2 nosegesturers and 13 sniffers, and the clap-hands from 1rst/2nd, and about 30 companions or so, people that have not been hostile or active but fitted or were related to others.
My neighbour above me does the usual toilet-following, on the first, a windy day, i heard this squiling door, on two other days also, but only once. Once he showed that he has been sitting above me by poking at the floor with a stick, maybe one like those used for training. Few times he showed that he was upset by making hasty steps above me, when i was watching tv and there was something about a crime, in the news or a movie. And others. Toilet is basic.
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