On the 16th of oktober there was a sniffing jogger, dressed with their favourite blue upper clothing, when i was outside with my bicycle.
In the afternoon when i was on my way to the laundry, there was a man wearing dirty work-clothing, standing at a waste bin. He looked at me, friendly, as if he would know me. I looked also somewhat friendly. He looked again at me, the same way. I too. Again. I just passed him. He was still putting something in the bin. I think he made something before, looks like a leftie. When i had left the laundry there was a black man standing, when i passed in front of him he raised his arm to look at his watch, specially high, so it looked somewhat like saluting, at a bigger distance away there was a car honking, with the timing it seemed to be a response. When i passed the yoga-centre i mentioned in my last posting a woman, in her 20ies, black long curly hair, came towards me, she looked demonstrativly at the entrance in a disturbed way. Maybe a "test".
That day the one above me was cleaning up, so this is also constant noises, but it's different to these consistent rhythmic ones i described in my last posting. These were steps, with things putted on the floor added to, wich touched repeatedly the carpetless floor before they stood still. Sounded like cups and some heavier, maybe roundisch. And something else, wich seemed to have a meaning, kind of presentation.
When i came from a baker in the early morning of the 17th, walking, a person wearing an olive parka and black newish pants crossed the street and made a sniffing noise before passing me.
Near noon i was in the inner city. At he beginning a somewhat darker man with a mustache, wearing an earthy orange jacket, came towards me. He had walked a consistent curve, he wasn't big but seemed to be strong, and wanted me to recognize this. Some distance away there was a taller black dressed man wearing a headscarf, gangsta-style, and a fligth jacket, he had a look at me, then turned around and walked away, moving sneaky. The next was a gesturer, wearing a jacket of their favourite blue, also some white and black, and an unfolded umbrelle( there has been some rain, but not so much ), he touched somewhere his face when next to me, just routine. At the streetcrossing there was a man coming down in the middle of the street, wearing a hooded sweater, hood on, he had a skateboard in his rigth, tensioned upper body and arms, somewhat spread, he resembled a stereotypy figure, balrog or superknigth or so. If it would have been only him maybe it would just have been for fun, but he added to the one with the orange jacket.
When i was at the inner city in the early evening there was a black man on the other side of a streetcrossing. Then, when all started to move, he was shouting a sillable, i looked at him, he had looked at me, now changed to look forwards, his eyes seemed somewhat to get stuck in between. He was wearing a pale yellow jacket and white pants, had a grey full beard, maybe the only one they had at this age among the blacks.( I have seen him before, not long ago, in the park. He was dressed the same, there he consistently turned around, holding his zipper-tail as if it would be his.) Not much later three or four dark black males came from the rigth, when i was in line of them one was impulsively shouting something. Maybe about twenty years, younger than their blacks usually are.
At nigth i woke up, i heared some people outside, despite they were street up and the window was closed. I opened it, there was a group of people talking loudly, upset. Seemed they reacted as i opened the window and switched the ligth on. They were the people who liked to sing "it's my life". They came down the street, in front of the house they shoutet a specially loud "it's my life", doesn't sound funny, sounds like marking stomping ground.
When i was at the cheap supermarket before noon on the 18th, two black dressed young man hurryed to enter directly before me. Younger than 20, the one taller, wearing a fligth jacket, the other smaller, a metal-fan with a palestinian scarf. When i was outside again on the pavement below me an older sniffer passed, then a younger man, somewhat darker complexion, wearing work-pants, passed me upstairs, rubbing his small nose.
When i left home in the afternoon at the streetcrossing here a black woman came towards me from the left. On a bigger street i passed a black man, not much further there was another black man waiting at the opposite traffic ligth. All had noticeable the same skin tone/complexion. At green ligth a (white) man greeted him loudly "always the same people !"( "immer die gleichen Leute" ), then they shaked hands in the middle of the street. Maybe an acting that should symbolically scale down their influence among the blacks.Later two lefties on bicycles came towards me, a man and a woman with long red curly hair, the man rotated his head and said with a stupid childish voice "and then i'll get on a uniform" (" und dann zieh ich mir 'ne uniform an ").
I have been outside in the early evening, when i came back a conservativly looking woman wearing a red jacket made an acrib very defined noise that sounded like spitting, before i arrived at the entrance.
In the evening the "it's my life"-singers had met again street up.They had a loud conversation, with women, maybe two. The singers appeared more agressive at the beginning, the day before it sounded somehow like this, also. Finally two of them came down the street, at the house here one laughed demonstrativly very loud, derisively, then clapped the back of his hand into the palm of the other.
On the 19th i felt very sick all the day, headache, and my hands were cold, like reptiles. I was outside to draw some animals, at the beginning on my way a gesturer came towards me, he grapped his rigth ear with his left hand in a somewhat mechanik move, otherwise showed no movement related to this. He looked agressively, had a darker complexion, maybe early 40ies, wearing a black jacket. Short time later a sniffer passed me, a grey-haired man wearing a black jacket, his expression was similar to the gesturers. When i was sitting at an enclosure there was a group of people at the next bank, an adult couple, a black girl, a boy and a little girl. The boy and the little girl came towards me, the boy showed me a book(about local landscape) and asked me if this would be mine, i denied. The little girl was sprightly, the boy asked me again and ordered the girl to step to the side, for no reason, seemes to result from his upbringing. They walked back, the man explained with a restraint voice that they will place the book on the bank. At the next enclosure, there was also a book placed at the bank there, as if a set square was used for this. It was about drawing and landscape. On my way back i passed two men sitting on a bank, one said with a hectik unspooling voice "there a habit will be free"(" da wird eine Wohnung frei "), when i passed in front of them. So this seemed to say that they were watching someone dying.
When i woke up in the morning of the 20th i heared these odd sneeze- like shouts from above me, two times. They sounded panicked, also complaining, accusing. Maybe there were two people there.
When i was at the baker a young black girl was at the streetcrossing, i've seen her only from behind, as the one from the group with the book yesterday, they had obvious similarity, same hair and complexion. Maybe it is the same that has been passivly used for an an acting before, when an agressive man came up to me.
When i had left a shop at noon, a woman looked at me as if she would be my naturally total superior.
And two sniffers that day, one was a man on a street-bicycle.
At nigth of the 21rst, near 2am, someone walked down the street here and loudly and cranky said towards a woman, down the street "i'm coming( ich komme ), aikido", both sounded as if it would have the same meaning, and he repeated this. Maybe half an hour later there was a noise down the other street here, kind of blow, sounded somehow as if from an engine, then there were some people talking, relaxed "so he should( if he likes )"(" soll er doch ").
Before noon on the streetcrossing here a man explained to an older woman "that's just a common human".
When i was inside a shop in the railwaystation before noon a man passing outside said "go to asgard"(in english), i looked at him, he was an asian, maybe japanese. Then the back reflector on my bicycle was turned around, forwards. When i was drinking my coffee outside a couple passed, the man said something like "but he hasn't become so strong"(" er ist ja nicht so stark geworden ").
When i left home in the afternoon there was a couple standing on the other side of the street, looking at me, as if they had waited for watching me. Around the next corner a man came out of the entrance in front of me, the house opposite, he looked at me, his fixed specially glossy eyes wide open. He came towards me, as if he hadn't seen me, but he didn't change face-expression or so, seemes he wanted to show he his eyes, that looked like glass. A bodybuilded man, he had similarity to the one from aikido here who wasn't hostile.
In the nigth, on the 22nd, someone wiping a tube or so, that it sounded like a yelling cat( they have used this before ), came up the street, and stopped making this noise when he was in front of the house. About an hour later a car stopped for a moment at the streetcrossing here, then there was a rumbling noise.
When i was outside in the afternoon at the streetcrossing at the park there was a man on a bicycle, he had a sligthly gloating smile, maybe he was there to watch me. He had shaved hair, was wearing sunglasses, and looked like fascist/pimp whatever. Then street up there were two lefties walking on the other side of the street, the smaller one looked at me, maybe i knew him once, he had similarity to the "f@ck berlin"-shouter at the bridge, i described in a previous posting. He was dressed in black except a camoflage-basecap. Maybe this was to quote "uniform"-leftie from the 18th.
When i passed on the street in front of the fries-hut at the park in the evening a woman laughed tauntingly, it's common that they do something like this when it's dark.
Have described most of them.
My neighbor once opened his door when i did, just to show. And the usual toilet-following.
Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2007
Montag, 15. Oktober 2007
wedding station
On the 12th of october there wasn't much, few people, low intensity. A just-timing-gesturer was dressed somewhat similar to me, especially the jacket, they liked to sometimes do so in the last time.
When i was outside at noon on the 13th, two people on bicycles passed me, i think i knew them once from a dojo. The woman looked at me in a personal way, that's ugly, because she has showed demonstrativly before that she is against me. There was also a just-timing nosegesturer, an older woman at the park who seemed to make this as a sign to another woman, when i looked at her. And at a bicycle-shop a woman, who was working there, came out when i arrived, making a sniffing noise, but not directed at me. When i came back home two younger women came downstairs, after they had passed one made a sniffing noise, like the one at the bicycle-shop.
When i walked to the near supermatket in the early afternoon, a bristly unshaved man on a bicycle came towards me from across the parking area in front of it, fidgetly pointing at his upper jaw, a little to the rigth below his nose, while forming his mouth to a small round exactly shaped hole.
When i was outside in the afternoon, some passengers walked that way that i had to head directly to a baby in a perambulator, facing me. When i turned to the side the woman there said a babytalkish "you had luck"(" Glück gehabt ") to the baby. Later i bougth a coffee at a place, it was too strong and tasted extremely bad, so i couldn't drink it all. The more i drunk the worse it tasted, like cigarette inside. I got home to wash my mouth.
I felt a little strange, wouldn't wonder if it wasn't all coffee, but it wasn't much. I got outside again, when i was passing a petrol-station a black dressed man came towards me and made a sniffing noise, just loud enough that i could hear, but acrid, working with my perception.
After 3am on the 14th a man walked up the street here, talking with two different voices. A thin high-pitched desperate hysteric head-voice, without a break repeatedly exchanged by a cincere deep calm bodyvoice, as if two people would have a conversation. The high voice was fast, didn't understand, general doubts about anything or so. The deep said "i know this, this has nothing to say"( "das kenne ich, das hat nichts zu sagen" ). Sounded really like a well-known german rapper. Funny.
In the early morning i was at the railwaystation, just when i arrived at about 6am at the entrance-door two black men came out, looked somewhat like ready for whatever would happen. One was wearing a palestinian scarf. I walked inside the station, to see when/if the shops will open, a man from the security, wearing a dark blue uniform with a white "security"( in englich, without "db") in a red field on the backside stepped to two others, when i looked at him his body had an impulse as from an electric shock. He wasn't doing big movements or getting unbalanced or so, just an very abrupt move that was present all over his body. Then he said a clear formal "thanks"( "Danke." ). Seemed this was ironically for tieying his body-exercise to me. I got back and stood in line at the baker. There was a group of young people at the entrance-door, one of the two males and a young girl were fastly talking and tussling, seemed they knew each other well. Then the boy said really loud "will they still grow" (" wachsen die noch "), this was blatantly about breast. I was somewhat irritated, but none of the people surrounding me showed a reaction. I looked at the two tussling, now the girl said "yes, yes, i know, the technic" ( "jaja, ich weiss, die Technik" ), wich sounded like a sexual comment. The girl hadn't already reached puberty, the others were still teenagers. So this was some staging, whith an obvious sexual context, while at least for me clearly staging it was at least really annoying. If i would have said something it probably would have been about arm-length and blocking, and i would to be blamed for, because of my thougths. When i walked towards the entrance the boy took the girl on his arms and carryed her outside, closely followed by the two others, that way that while leaving the station it looked as if they were a unit with me. He was carrying her high, demonstrativly, a stealing-the-bride-figure( Brautklau ), the woman in front of me was wearing white pants and was clicking at every step with her black stiletto-heeled shoes. The witnesses to the marriage. On my way back there were two people or so, to have a look at me.
When i was outside at noon at the streetcrossing at the next sidestreet there was a police-bus parking. When i came closer two policemen came out, one shouted " i will just go to the office leader "( "ich geh gleich mal zu dem Amtsführer" ). He was really loud, sounded if something would be going on now, he said it towards the building, there is a yoga-school inside. When i came back home in the street at the near church a big dark dressed man with pale grey hair and short full beard came towards me, he formed his mouth to a simple horizontal slit, the lips inside, and at his rigth side he was pressing his tongue, so maybe a third of the slit was filled that way. An mathematically exact mouth-symbol, as the hole-face the day before, so that was the other side now. Could have been a policeman.
When i was outside in the afternoon at a bigger streetcrossing with little traffic a black woman on a bicycle turned in from the left, when she was near me she demonstrativly pressed her left forefinger at her nostril, with a big move of her arm, and made a loud sniffing noise, an unambiguous gesture, as demonstrativly as possible. Maybe the two women who came across the street also belonged to this, because one was also black, about same age, the timing, and no one else near. I said something like "yes, certainly". When i was sitting in the near park two black dressed women pased me, the one closer to me was tall, slender, she said with a stereotypical pronunciation "i have to keep attention that my thougths won't rotate, or i wouldn't stay in the middle"( "ich muss aufpassen das meine Gedanken nicht rotieren, sonst bleibe ich nicht in der Mitte" ). I said "what a bs"( "so ein Sche!ss" ), not loud, but won't wonder if they heared this. Maybe they were from the yoga-centre. And now with some pressure they could be made rotate at me. Not much later a sniffer passed me in the same direction, a sweaty jogger.
This day they had twenty people who were obvious (including direct companions), maybe about twice that at all.
When i was at the baker in the early morning of the 15th, on my way back there were two people, one was talking with a high fast weak voice, the other said with a deeper rough filling voice " oh god", the vocal of "god" sounds much like english, so this was a unsettling derailing version to the speaker from early yesterdy. A bad copy.
When i was looking for some clothing in a sportshop at noon a bigger man was glad to say a sarkastic "my shopping" (" mein Einkauf ") behind me. In the shopping-center a man who made a flicking noise passed me, then a tall blonde man came towards me who had an moustache that was usually stucked on, one of these things with curved-up-ends, as one can see on the oldest photos. Then a man passed me, sweeping demonstrativly his long chin-beard. I think all in their 30ies, taller than me. The one with the moustache reminded me someone from aikido.
When i came back my neighbour above did constantly noises for about 15 minutes, walking, moving a furniture, not much, just that it makes a sound, putting thinks on the carpetless floor. He had his system or rhythm to grant that it is consistent. He also did before i left, maybe also about 1/4h or so, not sure.
When i arrived in the park in the afternoon three children were crossing the meadow, they had plastic-ken in different colours, they started to playfully fence, but it was obvious that they knew real training. When i later left the park i passed a silver-colored car in good condition, the door was open, the woman inside had one leg outside, she said a snotty "the burgomaster"(" dea büageämeisstaa "). Fits to the cops from yestarday.
I was outside in the late afternoon again, cycling beneath a scaffolding, before i got out a man passed, he looked at me and grinned, exposing his upper teeth as much as possible, changing his face-expression immediatly from one moment to the other. He looked somewhat like an outlander, and also somewhat gay, but it was like a mask, what it should make me think. Maybe because it's common to respond a surprising face by somehow imitating it, so he could project his ideas at me. He looks like the one from aikido who did most for them, exept the face-expression, and he had darker hair. If he was this, he had done better before. This time i was outside there have been also three sniffers/nosegesturers.
When i was outside in the evening a couple stepped out from between the cars, the man said a sentence about family-problems to the woman, and with this also towards me. Could have been one from aikido again. I described someone wearing a yellow t-shirt at the laundry in a posting before, there i thougth already. But it was dark now, i'm not sure. He was carrying a wrapped straw-mat under his arm.
There was a samurai-movie on tv yesterday, maybe that was the reason.
When i was back my neighbour did these rhytmik consistent noises an 3/4h. And otherwise sometimes, and the toilet, of course.
When i was outside at noon on the 13th, two people on bicycles passed me, i think i knew them once from a dojo. The woman looked at me in a personal way, that's ugly, because she has showed demonstrativly before that she is against me. There was also a just-timing nosegesturer, an older woman at the park who seemed to make this as a sign to another woman, when i looked at her. And at a bicycle-shop a woman, who was working there, came out when i arrived, making a sniffing noise, but not directed at me. When i came back home two younger women came downstairs, after they had passed one made a sniffing noise, like the one at the bicycle-shop.
When i walked to the near supermatket in the early afternoon, a bristly unshaved man on a bicycle came towards me from across the parking area in front of it, fidgetly pointing at his upper jaw, a little to the rigth below his nose, while forming his mouth to a small round exactly shaped hole.
When i was outside in the afternoon, some passengers walked that way that i had to head directly to a baby in a perambulator, facing me. When i turned to the side the woman there said a babytalkish "you had luck"(" Glück gehabt ") to the baby. Later i bougth a coffee at a place, it was too strong and tasted extremely bad, so i couldn't drink it all. The more i drunk the worse it tasted, like cigarette inside. I got home to wash my mouth.
I felt a little strange, wouldn't wonder if it wasn't all coffee, but it wasn't much. I got outside again, when i was passing a petrol-station a black dressed man came towards me and made a sniffing noise, just loud enough that i could hear, but acrid, working with my perception.
After 3am on the 14th a man walked up the street here, talking with two different voices. A thin high-pitched desperate hysteric head-voice, without a break repeatedly exchanged by a cincere deep calm bodyvoice, as if two people would have a conversation. The high voice was fast, didn't understand, general doubts about anything or so. The deep said "i know this, this has nothing to say"( "das kenne ich, das hat nichts zu sagen" ). Sounded really like a well-known german rapper. Funny.
In the early morning i was at the railwaystation, just when i arrived at about 6am at the entrance-door two black men came out, looked somewhat like ready for whatever would happen. One was wearing a palestinian scarf. I walked inside the station, to see when/if the shops will open, a man from the security, wearing a dark blue uniform with a white "security"( in englich, without "db") in a red field on the backside stepped to two others, when i looked at him his body had an impulse as from an electric shock. He wasn't doing big movements or getting unbalanced or so, just an very abrupt move that was present all over his body. Then he said a clear formal "thanks"( "Danke." ). Seemed this was ironically for tieying his body-exercise to me. I got back and stood in line at the baker. There was a group of young people at the entrance-door, one of the two males and a young girl were fastly talking and tussling, seemed they knew each other well. Then the boy said really loud "will they still grow" (" wachsen die noch "), this was blatantly about breast. I was somewhat irritated, but none of the people surrounding me showed a reaction. I looked at the two tussling, now the girl said "yes, yes, i know, the technic" ( "jaja, ich weiss, die Technik" ), wich sounded like a sexual comment. The girl hadn't already reached puberty, the others were still teenagers. So this was some staging, whith an obvious sexual context, while at least for me clearly staging it was at least really annoying. If i would have said something it probably would have been about arm-length and blocking, and i would to be blamed for, because of my thougths. When i walked towards the entrance the boy took the girl on his arms and carryed her outside, closely followed by the two others, that way that while leaving the station it looked as if they were a unit with me. He was carrying her high, demonstrativly, a stealing-the-bride-figure( Brautklau ), the woman in front of me was wearing white pants and was clicking at every step with her black stiletto-heeled shoes. The witnesses to the marriage. On my way back there were two people or so, to have a look at me.
When i was outside at noon at the streetcrossing at the next sidestreet there was a police-bus parking. When i came closer two policemen came out, one shouted " i will just go to the office leader "( "ich geh gleich mal zu dem Amtsführer" ). He was really loud, sounded if something would be going on now, he said it towards the building, there is a yoga-school inside. When i came back home in the street at the near church a big dark dressed man with pale grey hair and short full beard came towards me, he formed his mouth to a simple horizontal slit, the lips inside, and at his rigth side he was pressing his tongue, so maybe a third of the slit was filled that way. An mathematically exact mouth-symbol, as the hole-face the day before, so that was the other side now. Could have been a policeman.
When i was outside in the afternoon at a bigger streetcrossing with little traffic a black woman on a bicycle turned in from the left, when she was near me she demonstrativly pressed her left forefinger at her nostril, with a big move of her arm, and made a loud sniffing noise, an unambiguous gesture, as demonstrativly as possible. Maybe the two women who came across the street also belonged to this, because one was also black, about same age, the timing, and no one else near. I said something like "yes, certainly". When i was sitting in the near park two black dressed women pased me, the one closer to me was tall, slender, she said with a stereotypical pronunciation "i have to keep attention that my thougths won't rotate, or i wouldn't stay in the middle"( "ich muss aufpassen das meine Gedanken nicht rotieren, sonst bleibe ich nicht in der Mitte" ). I said "what a bs"( "so ein Sche!ss" ), not loud, but won't wonder if they heared this. Maybe they were from the yoga-centre. And now with some pressure they could be made rotate at me. Not much later a sniffer passed me in the same direction, a sweaty jogger.
This day they had twenty people who were obvious (including direct companions), maybe about twice that at all.
When i was at the baker in the early morning of the 15th, on my way back there were two people, one was talking with a high fast weak voice, the other said with a deeper rough filling voice " oh god", the vocal of "god" sounds much like english, so this was a unsettling derailing version to the speaker from early yesterdy. A bad copy.
When i was looking for some clothing in a sportshop at noon a bigger man was glad to say a sarkastic "my shopping" (" mein Einkauf ") behind me. In the shopping-center a man who made a flicking noise passed me, then a tall blonde man came towards me who had an moustache that was usually stucked on, one of these things with curved-up-ends, as one can see on the oldest photos. Then a man passed me, sweeping demonstrativly his long chin-beard. I think all in their 30ies, taller than me. The one with the moustache reminded me someone from aikido.
When i came back my neighbour above did constantly noises for about 15 minutes, walking, moving a furniture, not much, just that it makes a sound, putting thinks on the carpetless floor. He had his system or rhythm to grant that it is consistent. He also did before i left, maybe also about 1/4h or so, not sure.
When i arrived in the park in the afternoon three children were crossing the meadow, they had plastic-ken in different colours, they started to playfully fence, but it was obvious that they knew real training. When i later left the park i passed a silver-colored car in good condition, the door was open, the woman inside had one leg outside, she said a snotty "the burgomaster"(" dea büageämeisstaa "). Fits to the cops from yestarday.
I was outside in the late afternoon again, cycling beneath a scaffolding, before i got out a man passed, he looked at me and grinned, exposing his upper teeth as much as possible, changing his face-expression immediatly from one moment to the other. He looked somewhat like an outlander, and also somewhat gay, but it was like a mask, what it should make me think. Maybe because it's common to respond a surprising face by somehow imitating it, so he could project his ideas at me. He looks like the one from aikido who did most for them, exept the face-expression, and he had darker hair. If he was this, he had done better before. This time i was outside there have been also three sniffers/nosegesturers.
When i was outside in the evening a couple stepped out from between the cars, the man said a sentence about family-problems to the woman, and with this also towards me. Could have been one from aikido again. I described someone wearing a yellow t-shirt at the laundry in a posting before, there i thougth already. But it was dark now, i'm not sure. He was carrying a wrapped straw-mat under his arm.
There was a samurai-movie on tv yesterday, maybe that was the reason.
When i was back my neighbour did these rhytmik consistent noises an 3/4h. And otherwise sometimes, and the toilet, of course.
Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007
a cyclist doll
Before noon on the 1rst of october two men walked up the street here when i was at home, one said "i beseech you"( "ich flehe dich an "). He said it with a nasally voice, maybe to tag it as irony, to say that there will be no mercy.
A good two hours later a man walked up the street, repeatedly coughing, each cough sounded exactly the same, implicating one would have to ask the coughing one for his important opinion. I think i know who he was, one who became one of the leaders.
And about 6 others that day.
On the 2nd i was only outside once, for about 10 minutes, nothing.
In the morning of the 3rd there an athletic man wearing ample training-clothing, jacket and appendant pants, of their favourite saturated blue colour, entered, short hair, maybe one of their martial-artists. Then a man entered who did remind me one of the leaders, punkish look. Seemed both knew each other, that the blue was there because of him. In front of me was a couple, the man did remind me the one i mentioned in the last posting with the e-mail.
In the evening someone walked up the street here when i was at home, singing repeatedly "i have a baby", in english.
When i was outside at nigth someone stepped in front of me while looking at me, when i was riding close to the houses on the pavement, because of a scaffolding. He was clearly waiting for me, looking at me from the beginning, but i have good brakes. He was dressed somewhat similar like me, and i think he wasn't older then 20. Near the low bridge two men passed me, one said "i have a bride/scorcher"( "ich hab ne Braut" ), so this was part two of "i have a baby". In front of the low bridge there was a group of young people, three skinheads and two females, talking to a black dressed man with a secutity-logo on the backside of his jacket, sitting on a scooter, wearing a helmet. So this was to continue a theme i described in my last posting. When i came back at the beginning of the street here there were four young men standing at the corner, two of them bald, maybe they have already been at the low bridge, the other two, especially one, looked like antifas, one had conversation with a bald one.
And some others who seemed to be of them that day, at a petrol station in the evening, maybe four.
In the morning of the 4th there was a sniffer, one of the nearby craftsmen. They have shown up this way before.
In the evening i think maybe two girls/women in front of the house diagonally over the streetcrossing loudly said "wanker"( "Wixa !" ), and then added "i'm so randy"( "ich bin so geil" ), on the one hand it sounded as if it should be ironically, to make a comment on someone else, on the other hand it was to please a man in front of them, who then explained something to them, and derisivly said "the nazi", then there was a noise that said that he loudly spanked the butt of one of the chicks, as reward for doing as arranged. Could have been one of the security-people there.
When i was waiting in front of a fast-food-shop in the evening a punk with a beer came up to me and asked me if i would know someone who lives nearby-i didn't. When i was standing in the entrance and looking outside i've seen a resolute walking man, he made some abrupt direction-changes repeatedly, kind of patrolling. Finally he headed directly towards me, he looked agressive. He wanted me to step to the side, as if he wanted to enter the shop, but he was still some distance away, and i waited. He didn't want to enter, he just made a pressure exercise on me. He was wearing a black leather jeans, can not really say about his face, because it was already dark and he looked agressive, maybe he consumed an amphetamine. Not much later i've seen the punk again, on the other side of the street, followed by a man with a darker complexion, dressed in black, wearing white sneakers. Maybe the punk was stalked now, because he had asked me something.
And few others that day.
When i was at the baker at the railwaystation in the early morning of the 5th, there was a overweigthed man, wearing black clothing that fitted him badly and a black berret, kind of uniform, he was standing in front of the big stair, maybe this was the fade-out of the copsday i mentioned in my last posting.
At about noon, when i was on my way to the cheap supermarket, at the next street from here a man came towards me, insistently looking at me, with a deeply furrowing his brow. He was already older, but also trained. No hair, black leather jeans and jacket, white t-shirt. He did remind me the abrupt walker from yesterday evening. In the shop their trained clerk made an exercise, he started to move in the moment i had noticed him.
Two or three others that day.
When i was cycling down on the pavement of a sidestreet near noon of the 6th, there were two men in front of me. Seemed they were aware of me, but didn't react. I estimated that there should be enough space and passed them slowly, but one touched my handlebar with his hand, i thougth that maybe he wanted this, but mumbled an excuse. He repeated this, but as if he didn't hear and loudly complained, that he just walked there. After i had bougth something in a shop, in the next bigger street i heared a cyclist behind me. He passed me to the rigth, despite there was not much space. Then the cyclist used his brake, but it had no shoes, so it hardly slowed him down, and he kept on pedaling fastly, so it was only creaking. A woman on a bicycle came from the other side, and the man dodged her by leaving the lane and passing a road sign on the side towards the street to the left. Behind the sign the street became wider, so he had to take a steep curve to get back to the lane, not to drive into the cars waiting at the traffic ligth, the last one was parking close the shield. He did so without decelerating, he was all the time pedaling fastly at the same speed. Back on the lane he then leaned to the side for no reason, he and his bicyle as a whole, just tilting at some degrees. He corrected this with fastly moving his handlebar, not with using his body to balance this. He uses his loudly creaking brake again, so people looked at him. He was an older man, maybe somewhat overweigthed, did not look athletic at all, he was dressed in black, black batchcap, black leather jacket, newish looking clothes. His upper body was stiff all the time, didn't move at all, while he was assiduously pedaling, so he looked like a doll with mechanic legs. His bicycle had slim 28" tyres, and at all his maneuver looked risky but if estimated exactly before.
Two others that day.
When i got outside before noon on the 7th, a couple with a perambulator was walking on the streetcrossing here, both looked as if they were concentrating on something, and both were dressed the same, and much the same as i was, especially their jackets. The man's hair was also similar to mine.
In the early afternoon two men walked up the street here when i was at home, one declared, overdrawn colloquial articulating, that they had been provoced by someone who would have no chance.
And two others that day.
In the afternoon of the 8th some men walked up the street here when i was at home, a man started to laugh, the others, maybe two, supported him. When they had passed the man looked back, and said towars my direction, derisively and accusing "(we) can hear your thougths like clackers"( "können deine Gedanken wie Knaller hören" ). Could have been one from the hut in the park, but i cannot be sure. They stalk me and then accuse me that they know that i don't like this. I commited some thought-crimes for a while.
Others that day were a bald tall man who seemed to have a look at me when i got outside(he was the normal that day), and then a sniffer, two nosegesturers, another gesturer and one with a beany i own too, and symbolic clothing, because i had a very short look at a shoe in the pedestrian zone. Maybe some migrants and/or tourists also, because of the timing, but there was no pressure.
In the early evening of the 9th a car came up the street here, when it stopped at the streetcrossing a man, maybe the talker from yesterday, said something like "keeping under surveillance"( "überwachen" ), he articulated somewhat derisively, as the one the day before, and also somewhat complaining. Maybe to say that when they get notified by their leader that i will pass it couldn't be called surveillance, because it's all magic. Before and after the man said his word there were some people talking near where the car stopped, maybe migrants, one picked up something at the end, a metal tube or so.
On the 10th when i was outside for a walk at about noon, a man looked hectically but controlled and agressive at my crotch before he passed me, then immediatly took his head back to the previous position. Mechanik behaviour. Seemed to be a rigthist. He had an accurate haircut and was wearing a jacket similar to mine. Before and after this there was a man with dark black hair on bicycles each, looking at me, but not hostile. Maybe migrants. In the street where the university is a black man crossed the street and stood at a busstop. When i came closer he looked at me, and came towards me, walking an "S"-figure in a nearly dancing way between other waiting people, fast legs. He looked at me that it raised the question to me if he wanted something. Maybe he expected a reaction, that could only have been wrong. A big weigth-trained athlete, bald, wearing a khaki batchkap and pants. At the next busstop a man wearing a jacket like me, and also some similarity in general the way he was dressed, passed me, when he was next to me he said "chuck up"( "kotz" ), not loud, but acerb and hating. Then the next one of them, still in this street, was a man, passing too close to me, while constantly looking at me with a strained expression, so he wanted something from me. He was holding his chin somewhat foreward/upwards, shaved hair, glasses, dressed black, with a khaki jacket, looked intellectual.
When i was outside in the evening and smoked a cigarette on a place, sitting on a bank, a sniffer passed on the pavement down the little stair. When he was in front of me he snuffled up snot, when he had passed he turned his head around and stared into my eyes. He moved hectically and he was very agressive. I didn't look directly at him then, but also not away. Then he sligthly started to turn his head, but stayed attached to me/my eyes, repeatedly flipping back to rely on that someone like me has no rigth to look at someone like him. He had routine with that. He usually had consumed cocaine. I think when he was some distance away he took out a cellphone for a moment. An arab looking man, smaller than average, wearing an olive parka. Could have been from a military background, wouldn't wonder if he had the chance to debase people. Did not appear perceiveable islamic to me.
That time i was outside there has been a sniffer before. And in the early afternoon an excited rigthist had a look at me.
On the 11th there was a sniffer, and a man at a streetcrossing looked at me as if he would know me. And in the morning the craftman from the 4th spotlighted me by opening the door of his car when i passed in front of it, then closed it.
Most the time i wasn't outside much, more late and early than during daytime.
All the loud speaking people i described came up the same street and moved in the same direction.
In my last posting i descibed that they reacted on a breath exercise, i repeated a few times, and they didn't react. Maybe they already used up the hysterie they could get out of this at the moment. I even had kicked thrice aginst my doorframe, one or two days later, but nothing happened. On an other occasion where a mayde a sound that differs from average, but not loud, my neighbour above me immediatly reacted, mayking steps to show that he is there. But mostly he only keeps up his toilet attitude( he does for at least two years now ), usually pissing at the same time i do, once a day or so.
Sometimes one of their people seemes to be in trance, this time the bicyclist on the 6th appeared like this.
Maybe the most irritating person i've seen who fits to this theme had appeared on the 24th of august '05 before noon, in the pedestrian zone. A woman with dark curly long hair, i first thougth she would be a handicaped person. She was a composition of loose and stiff, at every step her head dangled from one side to the other, as if she would have no backbone in the neck. But she walked faster than the others, and straigth, very energetically. This was hardly possible with the loose neck, because of balance and orientation. Her forehead showed unusual vertical frowns, looked like modelled. She had made slit-eyes, her mouth was open, her cheeks somehow loose, a morbid expression. Her upper body was frozen stiff and straigth, but bend forward at the hip, her hanging arms fitted to the loose. Normally one has to pay attention to other pedestrians, but maybe everybody instinctively got out of her way because she looked disturbing, she walked her line. First i thougth that she was a poor woman, but after a while i realized that there could hardly be any disease that allows no control over the neck but to walk fast.
A good two hours later a man walked up the street, repeatedly coughing, each cough sounded exactly the same, implicating one would have to ask the coughing one for his important opinion. I think i know who he was, one who became one of the leaders.
And about 6 others that day.
On the 2nd i was only outside once, for about 10 minutes, nothing.
In the morning of the 3rd there an athletic man wearing ample training-clothing, jacket and appendant pants, of their favourite saturated blue colour, entered, short hair, maybe one of their martial-artists. Then a man entered who did remind me one of the leaders, punkish look. Seemed both knew each other, that the blue was there because of him. In front of me was a couple, the man did remind me the one i mentioned in the last posting with the e-mail.
In the evening someone walked up the street here when i was at home, singing repeatedly "i have a baby", in english.
When i was outside at nigth someone stepped in front of me while looking at me, when i was riding close to the houses on the pavement, because of a scaffolding. He was clearly waiting for me, looking at me from the beginning, but i have good brakes. He was dressed somewhat similar like me, and i think he wasn't older then 20. Near the low bridge two men passed me, one said "i have a bride/scorcher"( "ich hab ne Braut" ), so this was part two of "i have a baby". In front of the low bridge there was a group of young people, three skinheads and two females, talking to a black dressed man with a secutity-logo on the backside of his jacket, sitting on a scooter, wearing a helmet. So this was to continue a theme i described in my last posting. When i came back at the beginning of the street here there were four young men standing at the corner, two of them bald, maybe they have already been at the low bridge, the other two, especially one, looked like antifas, one had conversation with a bald one.
And some others who seemed to be of them that day, at a petrol station in the evening, maybe four.
In the morning of the 4th there was a sniffer, one of the nearby craftsmen. They have shown up this way before.
In the evening i think maybe two girls/women in front of the house diagonally over the streetcrossing loudly said "wanker"( "Wixa !" ), and then added "i'm so randy"( "ich bin so geil" ), on the one hand it sounded as if it should be ironically, to make a comment on someone else, on the other hand it was to please a man in front of them, who then explained something to them, and derisivly said "the nazi", then there was a noise that said that he loudly spanked the butt of one of the chicks, as reward for doing as arranged. Could have been one of the security-people there.
When i was waiting in front of a fast-food-shop in the evening a punk with a beer came up to me and asked me if i would know someone who lives nearby-i didn't. When i was standing in the entrance and looking outside i've seen a resolute walking man, he made some abrupt direction-changes repeatedly, kind of patrolling. Finally he headed directly towards me, he looked agressive. He wanted me to step to the side, as if he wanted to enter the shop, but he was still some distance away, and i waited. He didn't want to enter, he just made a pressure exercise on me. He was wearing a black leather jeans, can not really say about his face, because it was already dark and he looked agressive, maybe he consumed an amphetamine. Not much later i've seen the punk again, on the other side of the street, followed by a man with a darker complexion, dressed in black, wearing white sneakers. Maybe the punk was stalked now, because he had asked me something.
And few others that day.
When i was at the baker at the railwaystation in the early morning of the 5th, there was a overweigthed man, wearing black clothing that fitted him badly and a black berret, kind of uniform, he was standing in front of the big stair, maybe this was the fade-out of the copsday i mentioned in my last posting.
At about noon, when i was on my way to the cheap supermarket, at the next street from here a man came towards me, insistently looking at me, with a deeply furrowing his brow. He was already older, but also trained. No hair, black leather jeans and jacket, white t-shirt. He did remind me the abrupt walker from yesterday evening. In the shop their trained clerk made an exercise, he started to move in the moment i had noticed him.
Two or three others that day.
When i was cycling down on the pavement of a sidestreet near noon of the 6th, there were two men in front of me. Seemed they were aware of me, but didn't react. I estimated that there should be enough space and passed them slowly, but one touched my handlebar with his hand, i thougth that maybe he wanted this, but mumbled an excuse. He repeated this, but as if he didn't hear and loudly complained, that he just walked there. After i had bougth something in a shop, in the next bigger street i heared a cyclist behind me. He passed me to the rigth, despite there was not much space. Then the cyclist used his brake, but it had no shoes, so it hardly slowed him down, and he kept on pedaling fastly, so it was only creaking. A woman on a bicycle came from the other side, and the man dodged her by leaving the lane and passing a road sign on the side towards the street to the left. Behind the sign the street became wider, so he had to take a steep curve to get back to the lane, not to drive into the cars waiting at the traffic ligth, the last one was parking close the shield. He did so without decelerating, he was all the time pedaling fastly at the same speed. Back on the lane he then leaned to the side for no reason, he and his bicyle as a whole, just tilting at some degrees. He corrected this with fastly moving his handlebar, not with using his body to balance this. He uses his loudly creaking brake again, so people looked at him. He was an older man, maybe somewhat overweigthed, did not look athletic at all, he was dressed in black, black batchcap, black leather jacket, newish looking clothes. His upper body was stiff all the time, didn't move at all, while he was assiduously pedaling, so he looked like a doll with mechanic legs. His bicycle had slim 28" tyres, and at all his maneuver looked risky but if estimated exactly before.
Two others that day.
When i got outside before noon on the 7th, a couple with a perambulator was walking on the streetcrossing here, both looked as if they were concentrating on something, and both were dressed the same, and much the same as i was, especially their jackets. The man's hair was also similar to mine.
In the early afternoon two men walked up the street here when i was at home, one declared, overdrawn colloquial articulating, that they had been provoced by someone who would have no chance.
And two others that day.
In the afternoon of the 8th some men walked up the street here when i was at home, a man started to laugh, the others, maybe two, supported him. When they had passed the man looked back, and said towars my direction, derisively and accusing "(we) can hear your thougths like clackers"( "können deine Gedanken wie Knaller hören" ). Could have been one from the hut in the park, but i cannot be sure. They stalk me and then accuse me that they know that i don't like this. I commited some thought-crimes for a while.
Others that day were a bald tall man who seemed to have a look at me when i got outside(he was the normal that day), and then a sniffer, two nosegesturers, another gesturer and one with a beany i own too, and symbolic clothing, because i had a very short look at a shoe in the pedestrian zone. Maybe some migrants and/or tourists also, because of the timing, but there was no pressure.
In the early evening of the 9th a car came up the street here, when it stopped at the streetcrossing a man, maybe the talker from yesterday, said something like "keeping under surveillance"( "überwachen" ), he articulated somewhat derisively, as the one the day before, and also somewhat complaining. Maybe to say that when they get notified by their leader that i will pass it couldn't be called surveillance, because it's all magic. Before and after the man said his word there were some people talking near where the car stopped, maybe migrants, one picked up something at the end, a metal tube or so.
On the 10th when i was outside for a walk at about noon, a man looked hectically but controlled and agressive at my crotch before he passed me, then immediatly took his head back to the previous position. Mechanik behaviour. Seemed to be a rigthist. He had an accurate haircut and was wearing a jacket similar to mine. Before and after this there was a man with dark black hair on bicycles each, looking at me, but not hostile. Maybe migrants. In the street where the university is a black man crossed the street and stood at a busstop. When i came closer he looked at me, and came towards me, walking an "S"-figure in a nearly dancing way between other waiting people, fast legs. He looked at me that it raised the question to me if he wanted something. Maybe he expected a reaction, that could only have been wrong. A big weigth-trained athlete, bald, wearing a khaki batchkap and pants. At the next busstop a man wearing a jacket like me, and also some similarity in general the way he was dressed, passed me, when he was next to me he said "chuck up"( "kotz" ), not loud, but acerb and hating. Then the next one of them, still in this street, was a man, passing too close to me, while constantly looking at me with a strained expression, so he wanted something from me. He was holding his chin somewhat foreward/upwards, shaved hair, glasses, dressed black, with a khaki jacket, looked intellectual.
When i was outside in the evening and smoked a cigarette on a place, sitting on a bank, a sniffer passed on the pavement down the little stair. When he was in front of me he snuffled up snot, when he had passed he turned his head around and stared into my eyes. He moved hectically and he was very agressive. I didn't look directly at him then, but also not away. Then he sligthly started to turn his head, but stayed attached to me/my eyes, repeatedly flipping back to rely on that someone like me has no rigth to look at someone like him. He had routine with that. He usually had consumed cocaine. I think when he was some distance away he took out a cellphone for a moment. An arab looking man, smaller than average, wearing an olive parka. Could have been from a military background, wouldn't wonder if he had the chance to debase people. Did not appear perceiveable islamic to me.
That time i was outside there has been a sniffer before. And in the early afternoon an excited rigthist had a look at me.
On the 11th there was a sniffer, and a man at a streetcrossing looked at me as if he would know me. And in the morning the craftman from the 4th spotlighted me by opening the door of his car when i passed in front of it, then closed it.
Most the time i wasn't outside much, more late and early than during daytime.
All the loud speaking people i described came up the same street and moved in the same direction.
In my last posting i descibed that they reacted on a breath exercise, i repeated a few times, and they didn't react. Maybe they already used up the hysterie they could get out of this at the moment. I even had kicked thrice aginst my doorframe, one or two days later, but nothing happened. On an other occasion where a mayde a sound that differs from average, but not loud, my neighbour above me immediatly reacted, mayking steps to show that he is there. But mostly he only keeps up his toilet attitude( he does for at least two years now ), usually pissing at the same time i do, once a day or so.
Sometimes one of their people seemes to be in trance, this time the bicyclist on the 6th appeared like this.
Maybe the most irritating person i've seen who fits to this theme had appeared on the 24th of august '05 before noon, in the pedestrian zone. A woman with dark curly long hair, i first thougth she would be a handicaped person. She was a composition of loose and stiff, at every step her head dangled from one side to the other, as if she would have no backbone in the neck. But she walked faster than the others, and straigth, very energetically. This was hardly possible with the loose neck, because of balance and orientation. Her forehead showed unusual vertical frowns, looked like modelled. She had made slit-eyes, her mouth was open, her cheeks somehow loose, a morbid expression. Her upper body was frozen stiff and straigth, but bend forward at the hip, her hanging arms fitted to the loose. Normally one has to pay attention to other pedestrians, but maybe everybody instinctively got out of her way because she looked disturbing, she walked her line. First i thougth that she was a poor woman, but after a while i realized that there could hardly be any disease that allows no control over the neck but to walk fast.
Montag, 1. Oktober 2007
shoe and shout
At nigth of the 26th of september, when i rode down the street here with my bycicle, a young bald-shaved man came towards me, he was directly in line of my, looked at me with an overdone stupid happiness, and sidestepped me when he still was a bigger distance away, the way that it clearly shows that this was an exercise to him. He had a weak and childish expression, maybe to show up harmless, and maybe he wanted that it looks as if he would know me. The next man was a darker one, as darkk as some blacks are, he covered his yawning mouth with a hand. At the railwaystation i passed two shaved bald young men that quarreled with each other. It seemed to be acting, one laudly accused the other one to be a monkey and a bird("Affe" und "Vogel"). When i had passed the low bridge there were two black dressed men, antifa, walking in front of me. Both were dressed much the same, had black basecappes. One was bawling all the time "waaa! just come here, you !" ("waaa!, komm nur her du !"), really loud, didn't stop. There was no one he specially adressed it at, on the one hand it was fun, it was too stupid, he claimed that he fuckes whole Berlin and shouted "wanker", on the other hand he would had usually fought everybody who wanted to match with him. He had his tensioned arms somewhat sidewards, the hands made fists. I passed them, close to them, was not fast, someone else did also, he didn't want to attack anybody randomly, but when i was some distance away and looked at him he immediatly started to bawl at me. Some people who had seen him had to laugh, he walked up the hill, there he was still bawling all the time, sometimes kicking something. No doubt he won the idiot contest against the two at the railwaystation. The day before i got a little mail from someone who lives in berlin, many years ago that i've seen him, it was just a few words. So maybe the mad one now was a reaction on that.
The next time i was outside was in the early morning of the 27th, i was at a baker in the railwaystation. In the station there have been many cops or so, everywhere i looked there were dark uniforms. Not as a group that was doing something, just spread all over the station, one at the baker, looking at me.I wanted to buy a baguette, i usually do so when i buy there, but they were sold out before 6am. When i left a busy cop came out of a bookstore walking a consistent curve and set in front of me, outside i passed the last of the uniformed ones, he looked towards me, scratching his cheek.
In the early evening when i was sitting in the inner city and eating fries two men came towards me, a white one and a black one, wearing a grey hooded sweater, hood on. For no apparent reason they turned around and walked back the way they came. Then a man wearing a blue sweater came towards me, he was carrying a yellow sack of potatoes in each hand, he said clearly "alex", specially accentuating the "x", with a long "s". There was no one near exept me. When i came back the black man with the hooded sweater-seems to be the same, didn't look specially at him, at least he was dressed the same and had the same darkness- walked down the street in front of me, coming from the opposite direction of where the inner city is. I passed him, when i had opened the door he passed me, we looked at each other, he looked very serious, somewhat grim, with his slitted eyes his face was all black, and round because of the hood. Unsmiling black circle-face.
I was at a petrol station at about 4:30am on the 28th, at the streetcrossing behind it, a bigger one, there were two black dressed men standing and talking. I turned in the street there, then on the other side of the street, still in sigth, there was another black dressed man, fits to the two before, all lefties, he had a beer in one hand, with the way he was walking he was imitating my dead brother.
When i left home in the morning diagonally on the other side of the streetcrossing there was a young man standing, he was looking towards me, sligthly smiling, and grapped the bridge of his nose. There was no one else he could have adressed it other than me. After i had passed him he was still standing there, like a watchman. He was wearing a black beanie and a black jacket, he had some similarity to the one who had send me a mail, but was younger and smaller. At a bigger streetcrossing near the park nearly all the people there, could have been up to ten, were wearing black jackets, i think exept one or two wearing dark grey.
At home i did a breath-exercise for some minutes, someone outside said "oh, yes !" to show that they noticed this, sounded as if he was going to report it now. But i think this was for show, it was windy, they'll got it the usual way, and then send someone who kept ready for their instruction.
When i was outside in the early evening i passed a group of children on a streetcrossing, when they were next to me a boy shouted "you are a fucking arsehole !", he was so upset then that he nearly fell of his bicycle, and dropped his bag. Then at the next busstop, about 50m further, there was a bristle-bearded man standing, he looked at me with his mouth open, and pressed his tongue visibly against his upper jaw. He had similarity to the one i described in "some shit", but i cannot be sure, they always liked to sometimes use people who had similarity to each other. One of their motivations to connect people. In the next bigger street i passed a woman who stood at the cycle-lane and said, holding a cellphone, "i got lost"( "ich bin verloren gegangen" ) in a caring way, maybe she was in her late 40ies. Immediatly before i passed her there was another woman with much the same expression. When i crossed the street on my way back where the children have been , three teenagers passed me, one shouted loudly, "i am ~", then an arabic sounding fantasy-name, something with "a" and "z", sounding dramatically as 80ies movie.
When i was back i then walked down to the near supermarket, on the other side of the street there was someone on a bicycle, maybe it was one i knew from aikido, the normal one there, he was looking at the houses constantly at a 45° angle, did not look so special, but could have been to connect to two others from that school, who had looked at a 90°-angle to the side while passing me.
When i was outside in the evening on the low bridge there was someone behind me, shouting towards a group of people in front of me when i was between them. They were some distance away, and he was loudly bawling, he had shaved head, and was of a robust build. Sounded like a rightist. One of the others was pissing, and the man behind me shouted "you pissers" and repeatedly "i'll soon get there"( "ich komme gleich rüber" ), so the group were his people, and what he was shouting was a greeting to them, but also to mark the bridge for the rigthists now.
In the late morning of the 29th i was at the bank, then at the market place-it was market. Most the time there were little children near me. When i arrived at the marketplace a salesman said loudly something like "the downfaller"( "der Absteiger" ), seemed to be an announcement. A woman with a baby carriage said "it's too dangerous here" to her baby and walked away when she was standing near me( and no one else). On my way back a bristle-bearded nosegesturer came towards me in front of a baker, could have been the same as the day before.
In the early afternoon in the park a bald man took away his baby when i passed, just that subtle feeling...
At about midnight, already on the 30th, on my way to a petrol-station i passed a policecar and an ambulance, at another car, seemed that an accident happened there. No visible injured people, but maybe a woman had a shock, the ambulance took her with them. The police was searching for a shoe.
In the morning i passed a sniffer, a woman, maybe in her 50ies, wearing a red jacket.
When i was outside in the late afternoon i passed a young woman who was standing in front of the entrance-door of a shop-closed of course, she wasn't wearing shoes, just white socks, she was just standing there. Near the railwaystation someone wearing a black hooded jacket grimaced a mad smile with staring eyes when i passed. On the eastside someone had disposed a pile of children-shoes at a streetcorner, it had already rained on them. Down that street a gesturer came towards me, he was holding his rigth hand at his head, symbolizing a cellphone. He was wearing a saturated red basecap, and a red-and-white jacket, same red.
It's hardly possible to describe everything, but it's much detailed.
The next time i was outside was in the early morning of the 27th, i was at a baker in the railwaystation. In the station there have been many cops or so, everywhere i looked there were dark uniforms. Not as a group that was doing something, just spread all over the station, one at the baker, looking at me.I wanted to buy a baguette, i usually do so when i buy there, but they were sold out before 6am. When i left a busy cop came out of a bookstore walking a consistent curve and set in front of me, outside i passed the last of the uniformed ones, he looked towards me, scratching his cheek.
In the early evening when i was sitting in the inner city and eating fries two men came towards me, a white one and a black one, wearing a grey hooded sweater, hood on. For no apparent reason they turned around and walked back the way they came. Then a man wearing a blue sweater came towards me, he was carrying a yellow sack of potatoes in each hand, he said clearly "alex", specially accentuating the "x", with a long "s". There was no one near exept me. When i came back the black man with the hooded sweater-seems to be the same, didn't look specially at him, at least he was dressed the same and had the same darkness- walked down the street in front of me, coming from the opposite direction of where the inner city is. I passed him, when i had opened the door he passed me, we looked at each other, he looked very serious, somewhat grim, with his slitted eyes his face was all black, and round because of the hood. Unsmiling black circle-face.
I was at a petrol station at about 4:30am on the 28th, at the streetcrossing behind it, a bigger one, there were two black dressed men standing and talking. I turned in the street there, then on the other side of the street, still in sigth, there was another black dressed man, fits to the two before, all lefties, he had a beer in one hand, with the way he was walking he was imitating my dead brother.
When i left home in the morning diagonally on the other side of the streetcrossing there was a young man standing, he was looking towards me, sligthly smiling, and grapped the bridge of his nose. There was no one else he could have adressed it other than me. After i had passed him he was still standing there, like a watchman. He was wearing a black beanie and a black jacket, he had some similarity to the one who had send me a mail, but was younger and smaller. At a bigger streetcrossing near the park nearly all the people there, could have been up to ten, were wearing black jackets, i think exept one or two wearing dark grey.
At home i did a breath-exercise for some minutes, someone outside said "oh, yes !" to show that they noticed this, sounded as if he was going to report it now. But i think this was for show, it was windy, they'll got it the usual way, and then send someone who kept ready for their instruction.
When i was outside in the early evening i passed a group of children on a streetcrossing, when they were next to me a boy shouted "you are a fucking arsehole !", he was so upset then that he nearly fell of his bicycle, and dropped his bag. Then at the next busstop, about 50m further, there was a bristle-bearded man standing, he looked at me with his mouth open, and pressed his tongue visibly against his upper jaw. He had similarity to the one i described in "some shit", but i cannot be sure, they always liked to sometimes use people who had similarity to each other. One of their motivations to connect people. In the next bigger street i passed a woman who stood at the cycle-lane and said, holding a cellphone, "i got lost"( "ich bin verloren gegangen" ) in a caring way, maybe she was in her late 40ies. Immediatly before i passed her there was another woman with much the same expression. When i crossed the street on my way back where the children have been , three teenagers passed me, one shouted loudly, "i am ~", then an arabic sounding fantasy-name, something with "a" and "z", sounding dramatically as 80ies movie.
When i was back i then walked down to the near supermarket, on the other side of the street there was someone on a bicycle, maybe it was one i knew from aikido, the normal one there, he was looking at the houses constantly at a 45° angle, did not look so special, but could have been to connect to two others from that school, who had looked at a 90°-angle to the side while passing me.
When i was outside in the evening on the low bridge there was someone behind me, shouting towards a group of people in front of me when i was between them. They were some distance away, and he was loudly bawling, he had shaved head, and was of a robust build. Sounded like a rightist. One of the others was pissing, and the man behind me shouted "you pissers" and repeatedly "i'll soon get there"( "ich komme gleich rüber" ), so the group were his people, and what he was shouting was a greeting to them, but also to mark the bridge for the rigthists now.
In the late morning of the 29th i was at the bank, then at the market place-it was market. Most the time there were little children near me. When i arrived at the marketplace a salesman said loudly something like "the downfaller"( "der Absteiger" ), seemed to be an announcement. A woman with a baby carriage said "it's too dangerous here" to her baby and walked away when she was standing near me( and no one else). On my way back a bristle-bearded nosegesturer came towards me in front of a baker, could have been the same as the day before.
In the early afternoon in the park a bald man took away his baby when i passed, just that subtle feeling...
At about midnight, already on the 30th, on my way to a petrol-station i passed a policecar and an ambulance, at another car, seemed that an accident happened there. No visible injured people, but maybe a woman had a shock, the ambulance took her with them. The police was searching for a shoe.
In the morning i passed a sniffer, a woman, maybe in her 50ies, wearing a red jacket.
When i was outside in the late afternoon i passed a young woman who was standing in front of the entrance-door of a shop-closed of course, she wasn't wearing shoes, just white socks, she was just standing there. Near the railwaystation someone wearing a black hooded jacket grimaced a mad smile with staring eyes when i passed. On the eastside someone had disposed a pile of children-shoes at a streetcorner, it had already rained on them. Down that street a gesturer came towards me, he was holding his rigth hand at his head, symbolizing a cellphone. He was wearing a saturated red basecap, and a red-and-white jacket, same red.
It's hardly possible to describe everything, but it's much detailed.
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