On the 16th of oktober there was a sniffing jogger, dressed with their favourite blue upper clothing, when i was outside with my bicycle.
In the afternoon when i was on my way to the laundry, there was a man wearing dirty work-clothing, standing at a waste bin. He looked at me, friendly, as if he would know me. I looked also somewhat friendly. He looked again at me, the same way. I too. Again. I just passed him. He was still putting something in the bin. I think he made something before, looks like a leftie. When i had left the laundry there was a black man standing, when i passed in front of him he raised his arm to look at his watch, specially high, so it looked somewhat like saluting, at a bigger distance away there was a car honking, with the timing it seemed to be a response. When i passed the yoga-centre i mentioned in my last posting a woman, in her 20ies, black long curly hair, came towards me, she looked demonstrativly at the entrance in a disturbed way. Maybe a "test".
That day the one above me was cleaning up, so this is also constant noises, but it's different to these consistent rhythmic ones i described in my last posting. These were steps, with things putted on the floor added to, wich touched repeatedly the carpetless floor before they stood still. Sounded like cups and some heavier, maybe roundisch. And something else, wich seemed to have a meaning, kind of presentation.
When i came from a baker in the early morning of the 17th, walking, a person wearing an olive parka and black newish pants crossed the street and made a sniffing noise before passing me.
Near noon i was in the inner city. At he beginning a somewhat darker man with a mustache, wearing an earthy orange jacket, came towards me. He had walked a consistent curve, he wasn't big but seemed to be strong, and wanted me to recognize this. Some distance away there was a taller black dressed man wearing a headscarf, gangsta-style, and a fligth jacket, he had a look at me, then turned around and walked away, moving sneaky. The next was a gesturer, wearing a jacket of their favourite blue, also some white and black, and an unfolded umbrelle( there has been some rain, but not so much ), he touched somewhere his face when next to me, just routine. At the streetcrossing there was a man coming down in the middle of the street, wearing a hooded sweater, hood on, he had a skateboard in his rigth, tensioned upper body and arms, somewhat spread, he resembled a stereotypy figure, balrog or superknigth or so. If it would have been only him maybe it would just have been for fun, but he added to the one with the orange jacket.
When i was at the inner city in the early evening there was a black man on the other side of a streetcrossing. Then, when all started to move, he was shouting a sillable, i looked at him, he had looked at me, now changed to look forwards, his eyes seemed somewhat to get stuck in between. He was wearing a pale yellow jacket and white pants, had a grey full beard, maybe the only one they had at this age among the blacks.( I have seen him before, not long ago, in the park. He was dressed the same, there he consistently turned around, holding his zipper-tail as if it would be his.) Not much later three or four dark black males came from the rigth, when i was in line of them one was impulsively shouting something. Maybe about twenty years, younger than their blacks usually are.
At nigth i woke up, i heared some people outside, despite they were street up and the window was closed. I opened it, there was a group of people talking loudly, upset. Seemed they reacted as i opened the window and switched the ligth on. They were the people who liked to sing "it's my life". They came down the street, in front of the house they shoutet a specially loud "it's my life", doesn't sound funny, sounds like marking stomping ground.
When i was at the cheap supermarket before noon on the 18th, two black dressed young man hurryed to enter directly before me. Younger than 20, the one taller, wearing a fligth jacket, the other smaller, a metal-fan with a palestinian scarf. When i was outside again on the pavement below me an older sniffer passed, then a younger man, somewhat darker complexion, wearing work-pants, passed me upstairs, rubbing his small nose.
When i left home in the afternoon at the streetcrossing here a black woman came towards me from the left. On a bigger street i passed a black man, not much further there was another black man waiting at the opposite traffic ligth. All had noticeable the same skin tone/complexion. At green ligth a (white) man greeted him loudly "always the same people !"( "immer die gleichen Leute" ), then they shaked hands in the middle of the street. Maybe an acting that should symbolically scale down their influence among the blacks.Later two lefties on bicycles came towards me, a man and a woman with long red curly hair, the man rotated his head and said with a stupid childish voice "and then i'll get on a uniform" (" und dann zieh ich mir 'ne uniform an ").
I have been outside in the early evening, when i came back a conservativly looking woman wearing a red jacket made an acrib very defined noise that sounded like spitting, before i arrived at the entrance.
In the evening the "it's my life"-singers had met again street up.They had a loud conversation, with women, maybe two. The singers appeared more agressive at the beginning, the day before it sounded somehow like this, also. Finally two of them came down the street, at the house here one laughed demonstrativly very loud, derisively, then clapped the back of his hand into the palm of the other.
On the 19th i felt very sick all the day, headache, and my hands were cold, like reptiles. I was outside to draw some animals, at the beginning on my way a gesturer came towards me, he grapped his rigth ear with his left hand in a somewhat mechanik move, otherwise showed no movement related to this. He looked agressively, had a darker complexion, maybe early 40ies, wearing a black jacket. Short time later a sniffer passed me, a grey-haired man wearing a black jacket, his expression was similar to the gesturers. When i was sitting at an enclosure there was a group of people at the next bank, an adult couple, a black girl, a boy and a little girl. The boy and the little girl came towards me, the boy showed me a book(about local landscape) and asked me if this would be mine, i denied. The little girl was sprightly, the boy asked me again and ordered the girl to step to the side, for no reason, seemes to result from his upbringing. They walked back, the man explained with a restraint voice that they will place the book on the bank. At the next enclosure, there was also a book placed at the bank there, as if a set square was used for this. It was about drawing and landscape. On my way back i passed two men sitting on a bank, one said with a hectik unspooling voice "there a habit will be free"(" da wird eine Wohnung frei "), when i passed in front of them. So this seemed to say that they were watching someone dying.
When i woke up in the morning of the 20th i heared these odd sneeze- like shouts from above me, two times. They sounded panicked, also complaining, accusing. Maybe there were two people there.
When i was at the baker a young black girl was at the streetcrossing, i've seen her only from behind, as the one from the group with the book yesterday, they had obvious similarity, same hair and complexion. Maybe it is the same that has been passivly used for an an acting before, when an agressive man came up to me.
When i had left a shop at noon, a woman looked at me as if she would be my naturally total superior.
And two sniffers that day, one was a man on a street-bicycle.
At nigth of the 21rst, near 2am, someone walked down the street here and loudly and cranky said towards a woman, down the street "i'm coming( ich komme ), aikido", both sounded as if it would have the same meaning, and he repeated this. Maybe half an hour later there was a noise down the other street here, kind of blow, sounded somehow as if from an engine, then there were some people talking, relaxed "so he should( if he likes )"(" soll er doch ").
Before noon on the streetcrossing here a man explained to an older woman "that's just a common human".
When i was inside a shop in the railwaystation before noon a man passing outside said "go to asgard"(in english), i looked at him, he was an asian, maybe japanese. Then the back reflector on my bicycle was turned around, forwards. When i was drinking my coffee outside a couple passed, the man said something like "but he hasn't become so strong"(" er ist ja nicht so stark geworden ").
When i left home in the afternoon there was a couple standing on the other side of the street, looking at me, as if they had waited for watching me. Around the next corner a man came out of the entrance in front of me, the house opposite, he looked at me, his fixed specially glossy eyes wide open. He came towards me, as if he hadn't seen me, but he didn't change face-expression or so, seemes he wanted to show he his eyes, that looked like glass. A bodybuilded man, he had similarity to the one from aikido here who wasn't hostile.
In the nigth, on the 22nd, someone wiping a tube or so, that it sounded like a yelling cat( they have used this before ), came up the street, and stopped making this noise when he was in front of the house. About an hour later a car stopped for a moment at the streetcrossing here, then there was a rumbling noise.
When i was outside in the afternoon at the streetcrossing at the park there was a man on a bicycle, he had a sligthly gloating smile, maybe he was there to watch me. He had shaved hair, was wearing sunglasses, and looked like fascist/pimp whatever. Then street up there were two lefties walking on the other side of the street, the smaller one looked at me, maybe i knew him once, he had similarity to the "f@ck berlin"-shouter at the bridge, i described in a previous posting. He was dressed in black except a camoflage-basecap. Maybe this was to quote "uniform"-leftie from the 18th.
When i passed on the street in front of the fries-hut at the park in the evening a woman laughed tauntingly, it's common that they do something like this when it's dark.
Have described most of them.
My neighbor once opened his door when i did, just to show. And the usual toilet-following.
Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2007
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