On the morning of the 6th march, when i came back home, there was a man standing near the entrance of the house.
He had seen me, but does not step to the side on the narrow pavement, so i had to slow down.
Then he waved to someone behind me, on the other side of the street.
Then he let me pass, he wanted to present me to someone, to a black woman who walked there, now looking to the ground.
The man was bigger than me, he had a black backpack with yellow triangles on it.
I think something hapened to the woman, and now she had been picked up, not to show me to her, but to show me the theme they are working with.
Later on that day i was in an alternative do-it-yourself bicycle-shop, the man there asked me for what purpose the cycle would be :"for touring or just for the usual golden triangle between university, pub and home" ( "...für das übliche Goldene Dreieck zwischen Uni, Kneipe und Wohnung" )[i'm not a student] and next, if i wanted to bring some speed on it( he explained the hub, "willst du da speed draufbringen" ).
(double meaning for going fast...)
On that day, when i was at home, a woman outside said loudly "oh god !", sounded dismayed, maybe 50 years old.
Hours later i said something like "why" to myself (reading...), not specially loud, this was immediatly commented by a sigh, i think from the same woman.
Hours later an other woman walked there, she said "a god ?!", and laughed.
On the 7th march, on my way to a hardware store, near the park a black woman came out of a house and looked at me in a somewhat distracted way, with the timing it would hardly be an accident.
Then at the store a man in a signal-orange raincoat entered in front of me, inside he passed two women wearing the same signalorange raincoats, they were waiting in front of a till, but not for the man.
On my way to the inner city there were three of these people, on came somewhat too close with his bycicle, he was dressed in black and said a gluedtogetherword, the one in the middle was "cycle"( "Rad" ), sounded as if a budgie had pooed his brain, he also looked at me that way.
In the shopping-centre a "sniffer". When i left it two cops dressed in the new dark blue uniforms entered.
The new jackets look like Michael Jackson.
Because these uniforms are dark, they did remind me the police i mentioned in my first posting, but they did not look like this.
And they were bodybuilded, this was obvious even at a fast look while they were wearing leather jackets, and they were trained to move at the same speed. Must have been special police.
On my way back i passed a black man at the townhall.
He had his eyes closed, so he did remind me the women from the 2nd march. He was wearing a jacket similar to mine, but in dark blue.
I was at a bicycle shop. I really need a new cycle, and i had the stupid idea to buy all the parts, mostly ebay, intead buying a complete bike. Didn't know how much parts are needed to make a cycle. They are many. On my way back, when i turned from a bigger street towards the park, there was a sharp-skin dressed in dark blue, looking at me, and then around the corner, a guy with a olive parka passed me on a cycle the way that i had to stop, with a cycle frame on my shoulder, maybe he wanted me to fall down, because he showed no reaction.
I was again at the do-it-yourself alternatives cycleshop, there were three people, a woman, a black dressed man and an old man. They all raised both arms wavy-wavy (winki-winki), t-tubby-style (fortunatly they didn't vocalized it), saying it was their basic greetings. I did not affiliate this, playfully they deplored.
Then they were standing around/behind me, one of them was from the martial arts school i was till 7 years ago(but he has not been there that time), and they were praising the training for a while( not speaking to me, just overdone happy-happy-actors).
I did not react to this, i stopped training because of mobbing, they did not know about this, but had a they-were-only-joking-version of it ("er versteht keinen Spass"), as far as i understood their act when it came to the end.
I think the woman knows someone i know, and most of the people i had been training with still showed their dislike for me years later, for example by turning the head abruptly away from me at 90 degrees when passing me, now they used these three for a soft version.
Exept this acting they behaved normally, and the woman helped me with the wheel.
(Another 90-degree-abruptly-head-turning exercise is inverse to this, it's for people who don't know me, and they turn their head this way to stare at me. This has been done by a martial-arts-teacher, while he was training people in the park-the same who was in the cheap supermarket with an orange t-shirt, and once even by someone who was obvious a buddhist monk, dressed in the traditional way, shaved head, in the shopping centre in the inner city-despite he cound't have seen me before he turned his head. At least he looked like a monk. They were both last year.)
In the early evening, when i was at home, two people walked the street, a woman and a man who says :"maybe he's doing yoga with his cycle"( "Rad" ), it sounded as if they could be the ones from the shop ( which doesn't say that they were it).
[don't know about yoga]
Then on my way to a petrol-station a cyclist in an neon-yellow poncho passed me, and dropped a pair of black gloves.
He dropped both at once, and they came lying next to each other, without beeing connected.
I told him that he'd dropped this.
The last time i was outside there was a single black woolen glove lying on the streetcrossing here.
It was not the first black glove i've seen here on the street crossing.
(I don't see black gloves so often, but more often than before, usually old ones made of leather.)
The next person who passed me was a nazi-skinhead in a black flight-jacket.
At the petrol-station there was a red car with a checkered stripe, ska-style, driving to the parking area on the back of the station.
During nighttime there were repeatedly two laughing men walking here, sounding much the same.
On the morning of the 8th march, before i entered the baker, on the other side of the street there was the driver (shaved head) of a refuse sollector loudly shouting at a grey bearded orderly dressed man on a bicycle: "you @rs€hol* ! I have green!"
Near them there was standing a black dressed man, shaved head, black cap, looking at me while wiping his mouth with his hand, maybe a right-extremist, in his 20ties.
When i left the baker there was a black dressed man on the other side of the street, a leftie, in his 40ies, looking at me.
I had a phonecall that said i had won something, because i answered a question about a tv-broadcast-that is nice.
There was much hissing and a special effect, with a delay i heared my own voice coming out of the phone.
Maybe this was to get the right mood for the theme, but it was too much, didn't understand anything.
Freitag, 9. März 2007
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