When i was at the baker in the morning of the 26th of june, two times a police bus passed me, within 10 minutes. The second one turned in a side street in front of me before i did, on my way back.
In the evening, near the church in the next bigger street, a couple with a daugther came towards me, the man had short hair and sunglasses, maybe a rightist. He said : "stiletto...flat, too...shit"( "Stilett...auch platt...Schei$se" ).
Maybe this was inspired by the a new tire on my bicycle.
When i was outside in the nigth of the 27th, in the next parallel street a man stepped out of a pub/cafe when i passed, he had a cellphone and said "titts, you will have them with you again ?" ( "Titten, hast du sie wieder mitgebracht ?" ), he wanted this to be heared. On my way back near home a policebus passed close to me. After he had passed he corrected it's course to the mid of the street.
In the early morning of the 28th there have been three starer at the railwaystation, all with the same concentrated expression. Two of them looked like rigthists, all not much older than 20.
In the morning a woman in front of the house loudly said a sillaby, a "thoe", directed at the window, it sounded as if she would be standing in the room, despite the window isn't ground level and the blinds were down.
When i was outside in the afternoon for about 15min. some of them passed me, giving me a strained look. The first was a woman who came down the street here on a bicycle when i stepped out of the entrance, and then on my way some of them who looked at me the same way, i think it was four times.
The next time i stepped out of the entrance a girl( teenager ) on a bicycle came down the street and looked at me that way.
They had all the same expression.
When i was outside in the early evening again, i think two. And there have been three dark black man at the low bridge, who showed in a subtle way that they were of them, the first touched his shoulder bag that this could say something, the next had a brigth orange (of the tone they had used twice in the last time )cap, the next one turned his head, looking in this strained way. On my way back a black man walked in front of me in the pedestrian area in the inner city. Before i passed him he raised both arms in a somewhat biblic posture and yelled "allah". A woman came towards him, it was a greeting. He was dressed in a fantastic way, he was wearing a blue cape that showed a cross. Seems to be a clown to the hypno-jesus from the 25th.
When i was outside in the evening one more starer, seemed to be a rightist.
When i was at a petrol station at nigth two lefties, a man and a woman, came towards me, the man bend down while coming closer, staring at my bicycle and said "is there really need for it ?"( "braucht mans wirklich" ).
When i was outside in the afternoon of the 29th a man on a bicycle passed me, he was touching his bag with a strained expression, to get my attention, then a man dressed in a fine black suit with a yellow and black diagonally striped tie came towards me, he turned his head to the side and touched his nose with his left hand in a wide gesture. In his other hand he had a case. Maybe a lawyer.
In the early evening a woman came towards me when i turned in a street, despite-or because- i was wearing sunglasses she stared directly into my eyes, she had her eyes wide open.
In the evening i passed a man who looked somewhat like a rigthist, camouflage trousers, then a man who looked also somewhat like this came out of the entrance of a cinema towards me, he looked at me, he had his hands very tensed, to show that theey are strong. Later, on the low bridge, i passed two big bodybuilded bald shaved skinheads, each of them had a sixpack of beerbottles, one made a nosegesture, holding his nostril between forefinger and thumb.
Just when i had left home at nigth, at the streetcrossing here two men came towards me, one said loudly "jamaica", this wasn't part of a conversation. His companion looked at him, seemed he was a little irritated.
When i was outside in the early evening of the 30th, a woman on a bicycle on the other side of the street looked routinated and accusing on her watch in a wide gesture. Later i passed a blonde man with rastas, he stood with his back towards me, immediatly before i passed he said loudly with a rough voice "this one seems still o.k." ( "der geht ja noch" ).
From the next busstop an athletic man with shorter dark hair, wearing camouflage pants, energically came towads him/me. Maybe this should show a drug-deal, including me. Later, at a streetcrossing, a muslim couple came towards me, the woaman was completely cloaked in black, leaving only a slash for the eyes, while a couple in evening dress crossed my way.
At 4am on the 1rst of july i heared a loud copious rustling from the hedge below my window. And then again. I looked outside, on the other side of the street there was a slender dark black man, dressed in dark clothing, standing and looking up to my window.
In the afternoon i was at the flea-market. When i arrived at the pedestrian area a couple came towards me, they were close to each other, the man was holding a baby in his arm, he was taller than average, had a shaved bald head and was wearing an orange t-shirt. They turned towards me, moving as one unit, the man moved more than the woman, as if they were a door and the hinge would be at the woman. While doing so the man tapped at the babys butt and said " jaa, mami ", accenting the "ja" in a sexual orgastic way. When i was drinking a coffee on the flea-market a man asked me for money in a very circuitous way.
He explined me that he just got his archaeology and phil title, and that he wanted to take a trip to famous excavations in israel and so. If i could help him to buy a train ticket to get there, he forgot to calculate this. On my way back near a petrol station an athletic jewish looking man was piping when he passed me. He was wearing a beanie on his curly head. I have much the same, the last two days i had been wearing it.
The next time i was outside there was a nosegesturer at this petrol station, a young bald shaved skinhead. And when i was sitting near the low bridge a couple on very loaded touring bicycles passed me. Maybe they had tents, bigger than heavier. They were only loaded at the back, despite they had lowrider. The black rigid bicycles looked the same, except they had very different geometrie, and both had small tyres, maybe 24". Custom bicycles.
When i had crossed the near parking/market place in the evening, a man came running towards me, across the street. He jumped over a stone pillar near me, then he holded his rigth hand at his ear when passing me. From the other side a man came towards me and looked into my eyes. Both had darker complexion, migration background. The runner had running-sneakers and wider pants, the other one was wearing a newish brigth orange jacket, he had an umbrella, the curly wires of his earphones were conspiciously.
When i'd left home in the afternoon of the 2nd one of them was walking at the streetcrossing here, he had bitten on a fingernail to show his teeth, while tensioning the muscles of his neck, also to show them. He looked at me, from the side, only the eyes. He had darker hair, bound to a knot, beardrd, looked trained, maybe a yogi. He was wearing a pullover with a broad earthy orange stripe with white borders across his chest, i think they had him before, maybe at the park.
The next time i was outside in the evening a man with a short full beard looked at me and said "i won't care anymore at all, i will cross (the street) at red (light) !" ( "mir ist gleich auch alles egal, ich gehe gleich auch bei rot rüber " ) when i crossed the streetcrossing at the near park at red. It was so overdone that it was funny. But then it came into my mind that he was quoting an yesterday online-discussion.
When i was ouside in the evening with my bicycle (as usual) i was too fast and it was too slippy. My frontwheel slided, and then anything. But i had no injuries (but can still feel it), and fortunatly the slippyness protected my hands from abraision.
At the last streetcrossing there was a motionless older grey-dressed man standing, like a sculpture. And now a man with a white jacket came around the corner, he passed me when i was already standing, going some steps to see if everything is fine. He looked at me, he was the only one in sigth. Then when i was sitting in the park a woman on the stret said loudly "cool punishment" (" geile Strafe" ), with an ironically accentuation, a complaint, maybe she was annoyed that i had no injuries.
When i was outside at night i passed two men who were standing on the other side of the street, facing me. One said loudly "this guy !" ("dieser Typ"), an admire-taunt.
I was at a petrolstation at night, already on the 3rd, there was a fuel-truck. The man before me payed "the hidden column"(car behind truck), the two behind me ordered "two mars"( choclate bars ), wich was as well funny as momentous.
When i was outside in the afternoon a dog who was tied to a white desk, that consistet out of two round plate connected through a white column/style, was running across the street, pulling the desk that looked somewhat like wheels that way.
The owner followed the dog, i think he could had cougth it earlier, but wanted to show his trick.
When i was outside in the evening i passed an older man with shorter greyish-white hair, he had formed his mouth to a simple straigth diagonal line. After i had crossed the next streetcrossing i passed a man dressed with a blue poncho who had some similarity, age, hair, he had the corners of his mouth down and shaked his head enthusiastically in a condemning way when passing me.
I described most of them these days.
Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007
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