Montag, 19. Mai 2008


When i had entered the park in the afternoon of the 5th of may, two sunglassed women with a dog came towards me, one explained that one( "you" )would have to decided oneself what is good. So this time instead of the accusing idea they ironically decided for an appealing one. Short time later a man on a bicycle came towards me, he was wearing a t-shirt of the same red as the last ones the day before. He looked at me.
In the late afternoon a dark black man was coming towards me when i had crossed the near bigger street. He was walking on the pavement of the sidestreet, i was on the street. After he'd passed he tipped at his cheek, as if he would signalize someone on the other side of the street, this had similarity to the first one on the 3rd. This one now was dressed in black, black sunglasses, white jacket and a shoulder bag similar to mine. Later there was a little black girl running in the middle of the pavement when i crossed the street. With the timing it could have been a presentation, i decided to walk on the street. There was also a bald dark black man waiting at the bus-stop there, and at the end of the street there was one of the three blacks from the 18th of april, so it seemed i estimated the situation as it was. He was usually hoping for a plea to claim that he'd been provoked. This time he was wearing a green sweatshirt. When i was sitting in the park someone loudly yelled a part of the name of the "federal state"(Bundesland), seemed it was one from a group teenage soccer-players. Then they came across all the meadow, seemed they were pissing into the bushes not far away, standing all next to each other, exept one of them, who started to target them with a ball. They could have done so where they were playing, there was no reason. Later they came again across the meadow, standing next to each other, to let one of them kick their butts with the ball. He then missed them widely.
In the evening there were some people looking at me, and there was a nosegesturer on the low bridge, maybe they really told him he could buy at me.

At about 4am of the 6th someone outside made a loud hissing noise, then he came down the street with a clattering bicycle, no air in the tires.
When i was at the cheap supermarket in the evening, there was the dog from the railwaystation on the 4th in front of the door. He was able to move normally, despite this pinkish thing was hanging at it's genitalia. This time it looked wet, the last time it looked dry, i think also bigger, maybe this has influence on this. It looked as if the dog would have followed anybody who would had allowed it. A man who was coming from the side arrived directly before me at the door, he said " is it allowed to get in"( "darf der rein" ), as if the dog would be mine, despite the dog was obviously waiting for someone inside. A joke about the dog's disease. Inside the shop there was the bald man from inside the railwaystation on the 4th, when i passed he turned around and excused, as if he was waiting to do so. Outside i was waiting till he left the shop, he took the dog with him. I asked him if he'd been at a veterinary with the dog, he answered "yes".
After i had passed some common rightist skinheads in the inner city in the evening, a man at a stand said really loudly "a mafiosi", an other one answered something like: goth-punk( gruftpunk ). Seemed this was kind of fun. On my way back the black one with the green shirt from the day before passed me.
In the late evening there were two young men behind me on the low bridge, one of them was black. One of them was loudly shouting something, didn't understand. The last days were healthy, maybe they wanted to do something else but i was walking faster than they expected. In front of a shopping centre a man was directly coming towards me from the side, have seen him lately because of a column. He slowed down lately, obviously he wanted to unsettle me. He then blistered his cheeks somewhat, he was much bigger than me, in his 40ies. Maybe he hoped that i would stumble but had no further instructions.

When i was at home at about 2:30am of the 7th there were some men standing at the next streetcrossing, one complained "where he got this from".
When i had entered the park at noon, a somewhat conservatively couple was coming towards me, the man explained "one always has to enter through the nose"( "man muss immer durch die Nase reingehen" ). When i was at the big meadow the black Obi was standing in front of the takeaway-hut and yelled across the meadow, holding both hands at his mouth. Much like his "Ausländer" from the 1rst of april, but without consonantes, so it also blends with the shout from two days before in the park, wich was also near the hut. Someone on the meadow replied "idiot". Then Obi showed that he'd been taught aikido, a basic move to the left and the rigth, and before this a specially deep-stance version of it, then he sat down at a table and was looking across the meadow. So he's marked territory and exercise as theirs. Near me there were some people playing with a ball, a man explained "i still have these conditioneerings, actually i could try it, but then i would get healthier", a girl who was with him laughed, seemed the acting sounded odd to her. When lots of young people with javelins were crossing the park, Obi walked to them and offered his staff for barter. Must have been the classes of a year of a near school, they were all holding their javelins vertically, so it looked like a procession. Few had a handball instead of this. Don't know why they don't put them all into a car. And why everyone needs his own javelin.
When i was bicycling in the direction of the near bank in the late afternoon, a blue police-car passed me, with blue-lights and siren on. It stopped at the near bank, when i arrived a somewhat shirty woman at a car that was parking in front of the bank explained to the police that she would carry on now, a policeman responded that she shouldn't chat him up. While they were talking a green police-bus passed in the other direction of the police-car. I asked a woman what had happened there, she answered that this has been because parking wasn't allowed there, but wondered herself. It's not uncommon that cars are parking there, and there are no signs about it. I got back home.
I got out again, few minutes later. Now there was a green police-bus parking at the streetcrossing here. I was at the near supermarket, on my way back a man on a bicycle came towards me, he repeatedly looked at his crotch. He was shaved bald, had a dark basecap and a dark green sweatshirt. At the streetcrossing now two police-men were getting someone they had arrested into the bus.
When i was standing in line in a supermarket in the early evening, a man entered who looked somewhat like a rightist. I wasn't sure, maybe this was just fashion, he looked at me and blinked an it's-o.k. Then a rigthist entered, he looked at me in a similar way, but obviously rigthist, he was happy, because he knew that the first one had irritated me. The first had a camouflage-basecap, the second one camouflage-pants, a heavy-build skinhead.
I thougth it would be a good idea to get drunk, emptied a bottle of vine, then at night i bougth me a small one at a petrolstation and got into the park. I kicked a few times against a bank at the water( wich wasn't specially loud, compared to others that were on the meadow ), then laid down on the ground and watched the stars. Soon a man came towards me with loud shuffling steps, half marching, half jogging, like a football-player. So i got up, the charger passed me, a good idea to get off his rails, he showed no reaction, despite it was dark and he was close. A weigth-trained man, dressed in black, on the left side of his hip he had an metal item, could have been a short thermos flask. I wondered if he had been waiting till i laid down, or if this was about kicking the bank. Usually the first, but to find out i delievered a noisy kick against the bank. Nothing happened. I moved on and sat on another bank in the park, at the big meadow( not close or in sight of the first one ). Near me there was a group of younger people, talking some silly stuff, seemed to be drunk. A dark dressed patrolling younger man passed me, his walking style was patrolling, and he seemed to be concentrating to convince himself that this would be normally. One from the group came towards me, sat next to me to have a drink with me. He was first greeting normally, but soon it became an interrogation. I said that i life near, he wanted to know exactly. He offered me numbered categories i should fit in. He was like programmed, consistently talking fast and with pressure. He wanted me to justify for sitting in the park at 2am( wich was wrong by 2 hours ). I told him that i would be a policeman, wich was obviously a joke, because i already mentioned the police at the bank( in the late afternoon ) when he told me he would become a banker soon, and explained it in a silly way now. But he was serious about it, told me that he would know policemen, and complained about my hair. Behind us there was a hidden listener in the bushes, who rustled once very obviously( also possible that he wanted to get closer, but was too noisy ). There was also one more patrolling man while we were talking, similar to the first, also coming from the same direction. Both didn't irritate my interlocutor at all, perhaps he knew them. Now he wanted me to do forty push-ups( just no ), then explained that he was doing thaiboxing. He told me that he could beat me up easily, i would have no chance. He was nearly 1,90m tall and about 20kg heavier than me( he named his height&weight ). He repeatdly showed his fast punch, of course to the front, not towards me, always slapping his bizeps with his hand while punching, for some noise. I said that martial artists would be too agressive and asked him if it wouldn't be strange to sit down in a dark park next to someone to tell him that he could got beaten up. He was on his mission, it didn't get through. It was too consistent. He was talking loudly and all the time his shoulder had contact with mine. Finally he explained that he could "read my body". He then looked at me, everywhere, legs, as if i would be one big letter, then told me my handedness because of my cigarette. So this was it now, hello, interrogation, physical honk, body reading. I got a gulp from his bottle and he goodbyed, added that i would positivly know him now. Thanks to the vine for helping me through the programm.

When i was outside the next time, at noon of the 8th, a sportive taller man was coming towards me, he looked at me and had a shirty expression. He was shaved bald, was wearing a finely plaid shirt. Could have to do with the one on the bank the day before.
Some people were looking at me that day, but nothing real. I think this was because the last one the day before was too obvious, maybe he'd been talking too much.
When i was at a fast food shop at night, the one where the black one was using a bin as a drum by hitting it with a jacket or so, the female clerk there didn't look at me, but was speaking normally. She was constantly looking somewhere next to me, as if i would be standing there. Then another clerk came near the till, just stood there and looked into nowhere, without moving the eyes, kind of meditation, the expression was similar to the other clerk, but more ostentatious. A darker man with mustache, have seen him before there.

On my way to the cheap supermarket at noon of the 9th, in front of the petrolstation there was a man who had some similarity to me coming towards me. He had about my proportions, was obviously dressed much the same, he had a cup of coffee. When i was standing in line in the supermarket, outside someone with dyed hair was passing, i've described him on the 5th of march, confused him with another one( didn't see his face then ), because they made a theme that days. I think this one had also been under their influence, i remember a conversation that became odd, more than ten years ago. I think the one waiting in line in front of me could have been a martial artist, maybe late 40ies, behaved normally, but somehow had the feeling he had a look at me while the one was passing outside.
In the afternoon i passed a small demonstration, the weather was fine, so why not complain, a holy reason lasts forever. At the end of the place a group of people arrived, they spread, were walking all next to each other, conservatively people wearing suits, open jackets, they looked like old musical. A woman of them explained "ah, a demonstration !", maybe the only demonstration that could make sense would be one against demonstrations in general( i don't agree with the demonstrators there, but with the timing the group now wanted to comment ).
In the evening near the water i heared a beeping sound that was much like the miniature-version of an ambulance siren. I couldn't find out what the source was, it had some similarity to a car-alarm. Then i heared the siren of a real ambulance, it was a good distance away, was coming towards my direction and passed me near the miniature-siren( this was near the arts hall at about 10pm ).
When i arrived at the park at midnight, two people were coming towards me, one explained to the other "untouchable"( "unberührbar" ), the other one seemed to disagree with the acting.
So this was also a really calm day.

When i was outside in the morning, the early afternoon and the afternoon of the 10th, there was a bald shaved or short haired man each who looked at me, the first seemed to be martial artists, the third wasn't close, could have been a rightist. The first were estimating, the last nasty dominating.
When i was outside in the late afternoon, there was the interrogating one from two days before standing on the meadow in the park, at the point where he was coming from. He now was wearing a black t-shirt, he turned his back towards me to show me the big red "saw III"-printing on the back, obviously this should have a meaning. When i arrived back in the evening, near the park two men on bicycles passed behind me, one explained that "he" would have two teachers, and that this would really have an effect (" da kommt ooordendlich was zusammen ").
When i was at home someone outside explained that he wouldn't need training because he would be god, and then that he would walk away/carry on( "ich gehe dann mal" ). So my healthy walking makes a blasphemic provocation to them.
Again a calm day.

When i was outside in the afternoon of the 11th, there were several black dressed people were i think they had been told to show up. At the water there was a nosegesturer with inline-skates, the way that it looked as if this should make a communication with me. He was wearing a khaki basecap and 3/4shorts, a flashy green t-shirt, sunglasses. At the streetcrossing in the pedestrian zone there was one more nosegesturer, a black dressed woman with a bicycle, looked like a coordination-exercise.

I was at the railwaystation in the early morning of the 12th, when i left it a man came out of a baker, stood in the entrance, and rotatet demonstratively his shoulder, was also holding his arm higher and sidewards, a haymaker-move. He was shaved bald, was wearing a black sweatshirt with a silver flame-decoration, looked like a hooligan or so, someone who likes to get brute.
When i entered the park in the early evening, two men on bicycles passed me, one clearly explained in english "there is fire in the air, i hear drums", sounded somewhat as if he would be reading from a book. Think they were at least in their late 40ies, they were wearing both t-shirts of the favourite blue colour, one had a bike trailer for children, of yellow colour. Some people on the meadow allusively made comments that said that they didn't want me there or that they knew a leader.

When i was bicycling at the park past midnight, on the 13th, a heared a screaming girl, she was extremely loud. I called a "hello" in that direction, short time later she screamed again, as before, as loud as possible. I arrived at two teenagers, a boy and a girl. The girl had screamed, they said that this has been because of a rat, the boy signalized that it had passed in front of their feet. The boy had a cellphone, was writing something. Won't wonder if the girl had just screamed to show how loud she could be, because it was twice the same.
At noon a gesturer passed me, near where the screaming girl had been, he pointed at his cheek. An old man with a bicycle, orderly dressed with khaki vest and pants of the same colour, blue shirt.
In the afternoon there was a straightforward-walker coming towards me near the park, so i had to step to the side. He had his left hand in his pocket, the elbow to my side out as much as possible, concentrated on not reacting and looking cool, keeping upright posture. An atlethic man, taller than me, geled back dark hair, mirrored sunglasses, black rockabilly shirt with two thin white stripes.
In the late afternoon a man was coming towards me, he looked at me and shrugged while turning his upper body, and with this he swung his especially loose arms. So this was an body exercise, and also if he would signalize at me, he had an expression as if he would know me. He was wearing a hooded sweater, hood on. This was close to an apothecary i entered. On my way to it there have been two other men with specially sloppy expressions, but all had different ones.
I was at the apothecary again, not much later, wanted to ask something, now a young man with sunglasses, wearing a black hooded sweater, was standing in front of it, he didn't move and had a slightly hunched posture, tensioned, as if he would be leaning against something.
When i arrived at the park in the evening, there was a bicyclist who admonished other bicyclists that they had no ligths. Three of those coming towards him had none, he told it each of them, like a police-robot. In contrast to his square attitude he was dressed somewhat punkish. When i was at at the playground in the park, soon two people with flashlights were coming towards me. They were wearing uniforms, but i couldn't see it in detail, because of the lights. One asked me if i had seen a running man in white pants. Didn't see one, they asked some young people on the playground, i moved on. They were all the time searching the playground with their flashlights, the bushes there, i wondered, no runner could be that slow. I returned, they were just leaving, now in companion of a third one. The two were no police, they were private security. They said they were searching for a dealer. The third person was a drunk woman, usually an alcoholic, she asked them if they would still need her support. When i moved on one of the security said "der ist zu", wich would mean : spaced out.

When i was sitting in front of a supermarket in the early afternoon on the 14th, a man with gaunt strong arms picked up a desk lamp that was standing on the pavement near me. I had a snack, then i walked to the refuse bin next to the entrance of the shop. When i was throwing the packeging into the bin a man came out of the shop, stood close in front of me and asked me if i had just found 50€. This was usually one of them, seemed he had been waiting till i arrived at the bin, i hadn't been standing there or picked up something. And it carryed on with the lamp. I asked him if i would say so if i did. He answered that hardly anyone would be that honest, turned around and walked away without looking there himself. He was shaved bald, an athletic man in his 20ies, flat cap, sweatshirt with wide stripes. Usually a lefty.
When i arrived in the park in the afternoon, there were two boys attacking bushes and flowers with short metal sticks. Not much older than 10 years, the sticks had parry hilts and hangers for the hands, telescopic sticks, seemed to be lighter ones. The kids were using them systematically, looked as if they had instructions for this. They passed me. When i was sitting on the meadow there have been two small children, enthusiastically fencing with rubber swords, shield and staff, sometimes it almost looked like playful training. The black Obi was there with a group of younger people. This time he was wearing a vest that showed a cannabis leaf on the back, and his white clothing. He had an exhibition fight with one of his companions, most the time he moved in a dancing way, like a clown. This had priority, and was like a plea for presenting some moves in between, a kick for example. Both were not really attached to each other, Obi ignored attacks, most was just these two rotating around each other. So it wasn't like training, it was again to show that he'd been trained. There was one more child with rubber sword and shield, coming across the meadow to join the others. Obi walked also there, picked up a rubber sword, then threw it away like a frisbee. He was shouting some instructions at the children, in english and another language. One word was "aikido", he repeated this, then twice or thrice again, but he isolated the "ai" and changed the other to "kito", maybe a joke because of the similarity to "kita", wich is german for a facility for children. The children showed no interest for this, so this was also just for show.
In the evening near the university a black bicyclist passed on the other side of the street, he had a long staff, at least 2m . Then there was a man wich such a staff, again without wrapping or bag, on the other side of a streetcrossing, he walked parallel to me for a while, till he arrived at a school. Then the black one was coming from the other direction, now walking.
When i was at the bank at night there was a nosegesturer, a man wearing an ambulance-jacket, without a printing on it.

In the early evening of the 15th one of two people sitting near the low bridge said "he doesn't look like disco" when i passed them. Seemed they expected me to look like this. There had been some people who looked like this, for example white clothing geled hair, mirrored sunglasses. Also people who looked at me, one was a weight-trained shaved bald man on a bicycle.
When i was outside at night there were some people who seemed to have a reason to show up, three times there were men who had the same walking style and expression, looked serious, maybe late 40ies, two had darker complexion. Once a young man passed me, he was walking as if he just wanted to beat someone up, as if he would be already in a fight. He had his elbows higher and to the sides, moved in a stomping way, and once stomped on the ground when he'd passed me, for a rubber-like hoofed noise. He had looked at me from the corner of his eye, he had blonde curly hair and was of heavier build, strong arms, but had a fine face in contrast to this. The way he moved looked escrima-like, maybe the older men had also to do with martial arts. Also some others this time. Last ones were two men, lefties, near a petrol-station, one loudly explained laughing "three lines cokain, but then both even had their periods at the same time".

In the afternoon of the 16th i passed two men, one was painting a wall, the other one, an older men, was standing on the other side of the pavement and sayd "but the beautiful hair", then turned at me and added "but how is one doing"( don't know better translation "aber was man nicht alles macht", just to say something towards me, should sound knowing ).
In the late afternoon there was a sniffer at a streetcrossing, a granny. Have seen their clerk in the cheap supermarket, but he did nothing.
In the early evening the one i mentioned on the 9th was standing next to me at a streetcrossing. So the comment in the afternoon seemed to be about this confusion. In the pedestrian zone an older man who looked into my eyes was coming towards me. He had specially direct eyes, a meditation, like eye-presentation. Was walking slowly and had an upright posture, had some similarity to the three men the day before.

When i got outside in the evening of the 17th, the coughing man from the 29th of april/3rd of may was on the other side of the street, coughed loudly, so i noticed him. He had a beer crate, he entered the opposite entrance.
When i was at a petrol-station at midnight, there were three drunken young people in line of me, it took a while. While i was waiting two men arrived, standing next to me one explained, as if this would be conversation with the other one "my brain is somewhere around the corner, brrr bambambam, that's how it works, that way he's standing there". Mine often feels like that, but now it was ok, fortunatly. When i picked up my beer he asked in my direction if he could have a drink/beer( "gibst du mir einen aus" ). Athletic man, wearing a red sweatshirt with big dc-logo, pirced lower lip.

When i passed the railwaystation in the afternoon of the 18th, a black man with long rastas said something with "trouble"( "Ärger" ). He'd crossed the street when i had been coming closer, so it seemed he wanted to stand there when i pass. When i was sitting on a bank at the water a bicyclist stopped near to me, putting one feet on the next bank. While sitting on his cycle he made a clear sniffing noise towards me, waited a while for some surveillance-feeling, then moved on. Had black sunglasses. On the low bridge two dark black men with rastas were coming towards me, maybe late 40ies, they looked directly into my eyes, i looked to the side/on the ground. One said a word, sounded like "biuino", seemed to be an appellation for me. Later i passed a younger couple at a car, the man clearly sayd "nazi-emazi" when i passed.
In the late afternoon there was a nosegesturer in the inner city, he came out of a cafe and set in front of me, so i had to slow down. He compressed his nostrils with the fingers of his right hand, as if he wanted to dive, then turned his head to the side, to show me. He was holding his nose for a while, a somewhat heavier darker man, maybe turkish, wearing synthetic track-clothing, conforming jacket and pants, sneakers, maybe late 30ies. Two times a woman somewhere behind me, at a bigger distance, clearly said "this would be an alternative"( in the meaning of option "das wäre eine Alternative" ).

Since the 7th there were less than most the time.

Montag, 5. Mai 2008

some left/right

When i was in the park in the afternoon of the 22nd, the one who yelled "ausländer" on the first of april arrived on the meadow, in companion of another man. They walked to about the place where the ones with the barbecue have been the day before. They had a dog with them. The black one(shouter) was again wearing his white kaftan and trousers, and now a coat wich makes him look like obi ben kenobi, and a dark cap. He had a stick with him, he used it as a walking stick, seemes to be one of those i did exercise with about eight years ago. He put it down on the ground, then the two men were facing each other, and obi delievered a series of fast blows to the others face, without hitting of course, an exercise, the other one leaned back. Now obi gave him a big hug, friendly with ostentation, immediatly after the punches, that it seemed to be part of the exercise. Some others joined them, sat down there, but two stood there with bigger distance to each other. Obi walked to both of them, put something in their hands and closed them, this obviously had a deeper meaning. Moved all the time this chi-way, and also turned around to make his coat rotate, that it looked sufi-like. When i left the park a woman with a dog tipped at her nose and made a sniffing noise. Short distance behind them a couple was following, the sunglassed woman said "only a small one"( "nur ein kleiner" ), they acted as witnesses, the sniffer/gesturer should have proofed that i would be a dealer. When i arrived at the streetcrossing here there was one more sniffer, he was a bigger/stronger one, wearing a bandana and camouflage pants, had a dog with him. On the other side of the street there was a man walking parallel to him, he had the same face expression. With the timing i passed directly in front of him. This one was about late 40ies, the first one younger than him. Looked like dealers. Their formation reminded me the black ones from the 18th.
The next time i was outside i was at the cheap supermarket. When i was standing in line their trained clerk entered the market at the empty other till, he gave me a look. I haven't seen him there for some time, his expression has changed. Looked as if a new layer has been added, still focused and hostile, but now with more control. He was once posing with a mop, they had taugth him exercise for a such a staff as obi put on the ground.
When i crossed a wider streetcrossing in the evening a sniffer on a bicycle passed me twice, he had turned around and did the same noise both times. He was wearing a track-jacket of their favourite blue, with a black&white double-stripe on the sleeves.

When i entered the park at noon of the 23rd, a nosegesturer passed me, where the day before the one with the witness-couple has been. The gesturer now was an older man, and when he did so another man on the encircling way behind the bushes commendatorily explained "... is such a beautiful surname"( "... ist ja so ein schöner Nachname !" ). This name was the alias of one of the leaders, except one letter. When i was sitting in the park three people, two men and a woman, stopped on the meadow, they had two dogs with them, they started to play. A man repeatedly called his dog, then the woman did once also, but clearly added one letter, so it became the nickname of someone who had been my neighbour once. When i had left the park there was a man with a child where the first name-sayer has been, he said "this really sucks"( "das geht mir auf den Sack" ). Maybe criticism about the first one.
In the afternoon the one in black with fedora-hat and sunglasses from two days before passed me at the water, not much later there were speakers, second speaker carryed on the first one and was posing like a watchman, had sunglasses, this was at the low bridge. At the end someone in front of the near record-shop condemning shaked his head after i had looked at a girl, demonstrative surveillance. He had similarity to a bearded older martial-arts-teacher i had described before.
In the evening i was at a petrolstation. In the park there have been many people, but they didn't spread as they do normally, instead they were all in the lower half of the meadow, as if an invisible line would have been drawn with a ruler. There was a bigger group where obi has been the day before, one of them was holding up a hand, while another one repreatedly was punching it, for a slapping noise. Obi was standing with some other people on the other side of the path. Near the petrol-station there were two men, one made a comment, obviously a sexual context, they knew what i've been doing before i left home. Maybe rigthists. On my way back a woman looked to the side as if i would have hurt her, then an older woman on a bicycle, wearing an orange jacket, made a subliminally hostile sniffing noise.
In the evening an older man demonstrativly made two shuffling steps when passing me.
At nigth the only car i've seen on my way to a petrol-station was a police-car. In front of the station there was an ambulance, and the customer inside the station was wearing an uniform, dark blue with red-bordered silverish epaulets.

In the morning of the 24th i was at the medic i have described before. At the shopping centre the black-dressed one with fedora-hat and sunglasses passed me, a mascot for surveillance. They like it when it lookes cheap. Possible that they used another one this time, think he was more gaunt, but i'm not sure. An unshaved older man with grey hair. I sat down on a bank in front of the shopping-centre, soon a jogging athlete passed me, maybe i once knew him from training. Near home a man with long dark hair, wearing a camouflage jacket, was aping my health-problems.
In the afternoon a man on a bicycle followed me, he had a cellphone and said "blabla medic blablabla"( "b...Hausarzt...b" ), some bla's, he really said bla, maybe also rababa.
When i was outside in the evening there were two men standing in front of the revolving-door of the shopping centre. A black one was standing directly in front of it, with his back towards the door, he explained "i'm not doing this any more"( "das mache ich nicht mehr" ). The other one, an older man wearing an orange jacket, explained "you are too old for this"( meaning that he shouldn't continue something stupid "bist du aus dem Alter raus" ). They were speaking consistend articulated, acting. I entered the door, on the other side of the centre street up a black man gave me a look when he was in the middle of it, for the certain high-noon-feeling. One of their dark bald ones. Maybe they wanted to make a comment about the medic, there have been black women, and there was nothing special.

When i was on my way to the cheap supermarket at noon of the 25th, near the shop three people passed me. All dressed in black and white, a woman with long black hair and two men. The man in the middle mumbled "you are fortunate-the foreigners"( in the meaning that the f. could have done something "Glück gehabt-die Ausländer" ), when next to me, using the woman as a plea to speak in my direction. Sounded stupid. On my way back near home a bald black man wearing an especially well fitting black suit passed me, he was an archetype of severity.
When i was sitting in the park in the afternoon, there were three young people on the meadow, one took out some items. The first could have been the knives from the 21rst. They made a cheapish sound when he was putting them on the ground, no real ones. He put them away and took out other things, one looked like a wooden crescent. They were too far away, so i couldn't really know. Maybe perception-fun. Later i was at the water, there two men were coming towards me, one gruffly explained "he fears, but what( is he fearining )"( "er hat Angst, aber wovor" ) while closing the zip of his jacket to underline his words. Sounded as if someone who is in fear must have done something wrong, and they were kind of investigator-judges. Both already had grey hair, one was wearing an orange, the other a blue jacket, their basic colours. Some distance later, still at the water, there was a young athletic black man, afro and not-so-dark, looking in the direction i was coming from, a resolute expression and a firm stance with hands on his hips( much like the second speaker at the bridge on the 23rd ). I passed close to him, because of other people. His expression was overdone, but fitted to the environment because two other people next to him made a reason for standing in the middle of the way, and they were sportsmen, so there is a natural context for more physical presence. But seemed like a plea for the posture. Later a man was coming towards me, he puts one hand in his hair and abstrusely looked to the side. He had longer dark hair, was wearing a green t-shirt with a long text printed on it, something with "voices".
In the late afternoon in front of the shopping centre two men behind me came closer, one whispered "( city name ), buddhisten-nazis ". Then they passed me, one was smoking a cigar. Their clothing was somewhat similar to mine. They were concerned to show crappy behaviour, also when crossing the street, one of them hurryed up to get in the middle for no reason. In the pedestrian zone i have seen a young skinhead who succeeded to move in a way that quoted both moles and gorillas, he was escorted by two black-haired girls.
In the evening i passed some people wearing fligth-jackets, they made fun of the martail arts i practised eigth years ago. Could have been people who did it now, dressed up.

When i passed the railwaystation in the early afternoon of the 26th, there was a bald-shaved man sitting in front of it, he demonstrativly laughed baaing when i passed. He was wearing a signal-blue t-shirt and had black sunglasses, next to him there was a child sitting, who belonged to him, also wearing a blue shirt. Probably a rigthist. Other people sitting close could have also been with him, cannot now. On my way back near this a black man with a bicycle came towards me, he looked at me with a totally astounded expression.
When i was outside in the evening a running man passed me. He was dressed much like me, don't know with how much detail. He even had opened the zip of his jacket as much as i had, to show that his t-shirt had the same colour. He was a tall athletic man with blonde shorter hair, maybe late 30ies. The way he moved looked as if he would belong to a military or police unit, a shield or gun would fit to the way he was holding his arms.
When i was watching tv at midnigth the one above did one of his most extreme coughing shouts at the sentence "you shouldn't have f**d her". The cough sounded somehow mad and angry, but also stunned.

On my way to a petrol station at nigth of the 27th, a police car changed the side of the street and was driving in the wrong direction, usually to turn in a sidestreet. This was when i arrived at the near place, then on the other side of the place there was again a police-car. When i had crossed the street and looked back, a police car drove in the other direction, maybe the same had turned.
When i was at the baker in the railwaystation in the afternoon, the man who said "homo" on the 10th was there. I had used the word some hour before in an online-diskussion. On my way back a bicyclist wearing a warm jacket and black gloves passed me, despite many were only wearing t-shirts on this sunny day. He was closely followed by another bicyclist, a daker man, somewhat heavier build, who was looking very seriously into my eyes, with furrowed brows. Think both in their 40ies, i have similar gloves( but wouldn't wear them if it's warm ). In the pedestrian zone a black man looked at me, he was standing there, letting his rigth arm hang down, with an expression like brutes in wild-west-movies.
In the afternoon and early evening their stalkers commentet on lame stuff a good twenty years ago, with adding more or less a rigthier flair. Not all actors were already born then.
There have also been general statements :
In the early evening a man with closed eyes was coming towards me, he loudly explained that anything could be bougth, humans and things, he was obviously acting. He was dressed with dark shorts and a dark fila-t-shirt, a sportive younger man, barefooted. Seemed other people wondered about this. Later an extremely styled goth/metal-fan( or dressed up as this )came towards me near the park. Pale contacts, a big black cut-like vertical stripe was painted across one eye, totally absent stare, big black coat( at this warm day !). He was escorted by some common looking people, walking or with bicycles. Looked somewhat like a joke about stalking.
In the evening there was a sniffer at the streetcrossing at the park, mustache, maybe 50, small-plaid orderly shirt, vest. Square and agressive. On the other side of the street i heared the creaking of a hoist, this was repeated a few times, from one of the upper flats, sounded toonish. Then there was a plopping sound, usually made with a towel, in the same moment they used a photo-flash. So they made a magic joke. Later, near a pub, there where some men on the other side of the street, one clearly explained in english, with german accent, that "he"( maybe speaking of me )would produce drugs, so there would be no evidence for this. They appeared to be orderly people. Seemed the idea was that "he" didn't need to be connected to other dealers, and with the english to no local customers here also, to be a dealer. Later the last one of them was a nosegesturer, his gesture irritated me slightly, and he immediatly caugth up any variation in movement i did, trying to escalate. He was wearing a hooded sweater, hood on, and a basecap beneath.

When i left home in the afternoon of the 28th, two men came up the street here, one said that "they" would have contrived whole england. So this carryed on the last day, and sounded like criticism to it. Makes not much sense, how should they know when i will leave home if they weren't connected to the usual leaders ? Maybe this was just their own ping-pong. Both were wearing black shorts and t-shirts, the shirts had something printed on it, one had a crutch.
At night there was a homeless one in an entrance in the otherwise empty pedestrian zone. There was a sleeping dog next to him, and he had one of these automatic leashes. Before i passed he pressed the button for a louder click, when i was in line of him he made a sniffing noise, when i had passed he repeated the click.
That was all this day.

When i was outside in the evening of the 29th, in a side-street two men came towards me, one explained that he would have sold it "in english", in an irish pub, but without england. Both were wearing sweat- or t-shirts of the same olive-green colour. So this was a comment about the commenting ones from the day before.
The next time i was outside, one side-street from home, a man with a cane-stick in his rigth hand came towards me. He didn't need it for walking, he was an sportive person, looking young for his grey hair. He was holding a beverage can in his other hand, seemed also to be a symbol, black jacket, maybe martial artist. I was at a medic to make an appointment( it's in the street were the first speakers showed up ), the medic i've been before told me to go to one of this field. On my way back a younger sportive man came towards me, he had a very uprigth posture but moved really slow, as if his rigth leg would be paralysed. He had shorter black hair, an orderly newish grey jacket, his jeans had the same colour as mine, black shoes.
When i brougth down waste in the late afternoon, a woman left the entrance on the other side when i got outside, she was keeping a very shirty face-expression. She crossed the street and entered one of two identically blueish polos parking in front of the entrance( could have been same as on the 26th of febr. ).
When i got outside the next time, maybe about half an hour later, this woman and a man came around the corner of the streetcrossing here, on this side of the pavement. I walked down to the supermarket, the man followed me. He was walking faster than me, and repeatedly made a short loud inveighing cough, always the same, as if this would make kind of sonar. When he was directly behind me he made a cough at me, he then followed me into the supermarket, there he gave me a routinated hostile look. The man was tall, about fifty, olive-green jacket, the woman was somewhat younger, fair blonde hair, brown jacket.
Have described all of them this day. There was a black bicyclist who seemed to be connected to the one with the cane-stick, but cannot really know.

In the morning of the 30th i was at the medic, he was talking really loud, and about the first thing he considered was that i could have hiv, without a context.
In the afternoon there was a sniffer in the shopping centre, an older woman.
In the late afternoon there was a couple leaving a bank near the park, the woman made a step towards me, and with this presented her breasts to me. She whispered an "he'd seen it/them"( "hat er gesehen" ) to her partner, both laughed. Bigger people, think the woman was bigger than me. She was blonde, wearing a t-shirt with wide horizntal blue and white stripes, both had dark sunglasses. Around the corner soon a man poked out his tongue at me, a lefties skinhead, obviously gay. Dark red jacket, khaki cargo-shorts, dark flatcap. When i was waiting at a streetcrossing a woman passed, she gave me a cold look. It looked somewhat determined, because she turned her head in the same way back as she had turned it towards me. To point out that this was an appointment, a man on the other side of the street shaked his body, laughing. The woman had bleached hair, was small, had shapy hips, was dressed in black, trousers as for a suit and heeled shoes. She doesn't look bad, as far as i could say with this expression, maybe they were specially happy because they have more men and their woman are older an average( maybe exept for their teenagers, wich are often female ). When i had crossed the street a gesturer came towards me, he pointed at his cheek. He was wearing a grey sweater with a brigth red stripe across his breast, and had a backpack.
That was all this day.

When i was sitting in a park in the afternoon on the 1rst of may, two woman came towards me, both were holding a finger of their left hand with their rigth hand, as if they wanted to pull off a ring, both the same. They said "aua, not so hard"( "aua, nicht so doll" ), "the knuckle-duster"( "der schlagring" ), and "come over here, cuddling"( "komm rüber, kuscheln" ) and laughed when they had passed. Conservative woman, maybe late forties.
In the evening there have been two nosegesturers at a streetcrossing, both dressed in black. First a man with dark shorter hair, late 30ies, disciplined and routinated agressive. He crossed my way, then a teenager girl who walked in the same direction as me, she fastly touched the tip of her nose with a finger, much coordinated. Not much later one more nosegesturer, who covered his nose with his fingers. Next of them were two of their athletic dark black bald ones, both had a wrapped newspaper in their rigth hands. The one towards my side was hitting his thigh with each step, and also pulled up his heel to it, atthe side he was hitting. Before i had left home i did exercise for some minutes, including hopping around with taking the heels up. Both were wearing t- or poloshirts, despite it was already somewhat colder, the one towards my side had a light blue polo-shirt. In front of the bridge there were some police-cars parking, next to a local ferry there was a cuddly policeboat with blue-ligths-on, and the police didn't allow some people to leave the footbridge. The ones on the footbridge did some singing, lefties soccer-fans. It didn't look very interesting, i moved on. On my way back lots of police busses passed me with blue-lights-on, so i returned to the bridge to have a look. There were only a couple of lefties in front of the footbridge, just standing around, and some other people near, watchhing. Someone told me that there were also rightists on the ferry, and they had called the police and told them a lefty would have thrown one of them overboard, wich wasn't true. One time there was trouble on the footbridge, i think two people started brawling, didn't get detail. Not much later the police wanted all to move on, there have only been the rigthists on the ferry( so no one dead, and i didn't find anything about this in the news, despite many police had moved ). On my way back there was a man who stopped on the pavement and pointed at the bicyclist lane, he'd taken a posture like a neandertalian centurion and agressivly ordered me to pass him there. Wich i would have done otherwise also, so his idea was that he had the right to harrass me because there was the lane. He obviously hoped for a plea to beat me up. I pesponded after i had passed him, something like : i see, boy. A bigger blonde man with mustache, was wearing a black sweatshirt with white tribals, and a jeans-vest. Maybe in his late 40ies, seemed to be drunk. Maybe the rigthists had phoned him.
Have described most of them.

On the 2nd there was only low intensity, some left and rigth. Mostly only attached with timing. Last of them were two lefties with bicycles in the late afternoon, both were holding a shirty antic, one with rastas, the other one dressed in black.

When i was in the near supermarket at noon of the 3rd, a man coughed in my direction when passing close behind me. He was the coughing one from the 29th, this time he was wearing dark clothing. After he had passed me he tipped at his nose, looked like a signal to someone outside or in the entrance, he did this openly. When i was standing in front of a shelf, not much later, and took something out of it, he stood close behind me and then took out the article next to it, as if we would be a couple. The stalking was especially naturally to him. When he stood in line at a till, the next but one behind him was the short-haired clerk i have described on the 16th of april. I decided to wait at the other till.
When i was sitting in the park in the afternoon, five men passed me. One of them clearly sayd the common name for the disease i have been checked( it's not hiv ). Then they made comments as if this would be a drug( "did you buy some" ), one of them turned his head around and looked at me. Could have been about 40 years old, two of them were darker.
In the later afternoon i was outside for a longer walk. There was a nosegesturer in the beginning near the park, later there were once two men on the other side of a street, they were only there to show presence, changed direction with turning around, it was as if an invisible fence would separate them from me. One was wearing orange trousers, the other one a jacket of the same colour.
In the evening a loud banger detonated street down, and near midnigth, about two hours later, another one, seemed to be at the same point, but not as loud.

When i was at the bank in the morning of the 4th, a man wearing an orange jacket entered, he was coughing with ostentation, obviously acting. Also made a sniffing noise once. I was at the flea-market, when i arrived i passed three lefties or punks, when i was between them one said "you are from ..."(...=name of a smaller near town), one on the other side responded "you can't even read". I thougth maybe this should be funny.
I was a second time at the market, still before noon, once a lefty/punk passed and commented "he doesn't look like a nazi". Now this sounded as if some of them had a serious look at me, so maybe the stupid comments should have made a real provocation.
In the afternoon in front of the railwaystation some men were uploading a dog into a red car with a "feuerwehr"(firefighter) printed on it. The she-dog was black, a big pinkish thing was hanging from the vagina. It had about the size of a grapefruit and was only connected at a point to the body. It looked so sick, the dog could hardly walk with this hanging thing, must have been the uterus. The dog also had two bumps on the chest( from my view ), one didn't look special, but the other one was shaped of a spike. Between the railwaystation and the pedestrian zone i've seen several skinheads, a strange mixture of them. In the station was an older one, an alcoholic whos nose must have been shaped by a unusual high number of bruises( i think there have been also other who fitted to the theme, moving in the same direction, that why he looked more like this, not sure ). Near the station there was a group of four athletic ones, they were all dressed with newish looking black t-shirts and camouflage pants, they moved like a unit in loose formation. One was wearing a t-shirt of an early band, wich wasn't rightists, but because they seemed to be dressed up i'm not sure what their point of view would be. On my way back i've seen a bald one who looked like a rightist, but dressed normally. He was wearing black sunglasses and was slightly smiling.
In the early evening, when i was waiting for my food at a takeaway, a bald shaved men stood next to me, he was greeting the saleswoman. He knows her and said that it was nice that she already made his food. Seemed to be a joke, because he got no food then. He was athletic, maybe a martial artist, was wearing an red hooded sweater with a white black-lined "yakuza" printed on it. While i was eating my food, in another street a tall bald shaved man came towards my direction, on the pavement, i was walking on the street. He then looked at the cafe/pub on the other side and made a nosegesture towards it, then two men left it. One had black sunglasses and was wearing a t-shirt of the same red as the one from the takeaway. I had odd thoughts about my food now, but too late.
Couldn't get the dog out of my mind.
I think this day i've described all.

From 22nd to 28th it should be at least 2/3 of them. And maybe half of them on other days, unless noted otherwise.