In the recent time they showed less activity than usual, and often not even real pressure behind it, but the last days they found back to their usual frequency.
The least is to show up only once a day, just to say that they are there, exept the 12th, when i was outside only once for a short time no one showed up( don't know if the loudspeaking people at nigth were some of them ).
I'll describe where they put some attention to detail.
On the 13th of july i was at the baker at the railwaystation( on my way there was one of them, an orderly dressed sniffer ) in the early morning, there was a group of people in front of the station, a woman who belonged to them loudly said "krikel-krakel" (wich maybe means something like badly done "sketchy") when i arrived. On the ramp that leads to the entrance there was one of them, a big man with short hair, a few fleshy frowns on his forehead, he gave me a derisive laugh. When i was waiting an energetically nosescratcher passed me, maybe one of them, the scratching was part of his moving system. Just when i had payed a man who had also bougth something there said " Thank you the same to you" ("Danke gleichfalls") to me while passing. So his alibi was that theoretically he could have said it to the baker, too late, but then it was obvious that it was adressed to me. He had a darker complexion, a slender man, hair to a ponytail, he was wearing a dark blue jacket with an embroidered red oriental ornament on his back. Outside he connected to some people waiting for him, maybe the one with the "krikel"-woman, and then they passed the street, clearly moving as a group. So this should show that they gave it "back" to me. Maybe artists.
In the morning of the 14th, just when i had left the house, two children, a girl and a boy, maybe 6 or 7 years, came up the street, the girl was always singing loudly "we are a super team" and a few times "that's none of your business" (wir sind ein super team/das geht euch gar nichts an), and then once, at the end "there-lives-my-friend" (da-wohnt-mein-freund), don't know where she pointed at, was behind me. So she said "friend" in the way that it was "the" friend, so her companion could not have been "the" friend...wich basically would only make sense if it was about a sexual relationship, and with that it would put the singing in this context.
In the afternoon i was visiting my parents. When i cycled up the street there was a black man, who stated to move when i had seen him. When i had turned in the next street he came up to me from the side, aping my face expression. This was a timing-exercise, he moved at a consistent speed, didn't need to hurry, because he was so attached to me. Maybe he showed up before, they have one black who seemed to live in the house where this one was standing in front of. One of the very few who are neither bald nor have rastas, they did him past their black main phase, because he lives in the neighbourhood. But i cannot be sure if he was this, because they are so many and like to work with people who look similar.
He was wearing a plaid shirt, and few streets later there was a bald shaved black man waiting at a streetcrossing, not moving at all, wearing the same shirt. Then my father was wearing a shirt with a similar pattern.
When i was looking out of the window at my parents a man in a pale blue t-shirt walked down the street, when he'd already passed he turned his head and looked up to me, directly into my face, with the usual assertiveness. He lives in that street, i think he's a journalist.
In the early evening of the 16th a black dressed man (t-shirt&shorts) came towards me, he raised his rigth arm fastly and moved it immidiatly back the same way, while he showed no reaction otherwise, so it was a body exercise, to only move the arm. Looked somewhat like a greeting. The next of them, some streets later, yelled the name of someone i knew once, back in the 90ies( not a common name ), he repeated this and then yelled "the petrol station is over there" ("da ist die Tanke"), except me there was only one person, an athletic black dressed (t-shirt&shorts) man with short hair who didn't react on this. I looked at the yeller, he was one of two men standing in front of an entrance, he had his left arm risen, pointing vaguely towards the petrol station, he was an athletic person, the other one was standing behind him, somewhat to the side. It was a roman caesar-posture.
Merged with the rising arm before the result would be the "deutsche Gruss"( maybe the one i knew became a rigthist, he always had sympathies for this, but i don't know really. He was a close friend of my brother, but this was past this ).
When i was sitting in the park in the afternoon of the 17th, there were two fire-breathers on the meadow. They rarely did, but when they did they made really huge fireballs. They never did when i looked at them( i was reading a book ), somehow i had the feeling that they paid attention to this. There were three people sitting next to them, like their private little audience. But this people, who belonged to them, and all had the same posture, sitting parallel like passengers, did not look at them, they stared to no where. At least for a while they did so, seemed to be part of this arrangement.
On the next day i've read that there was a big phosphor-accident with a train in the ukraine, on the internet the first news in german appeared about one hour before the firebreathers.
On the 18th on the other side of the street there were a woman followed by a man,both on bicycles. They weren't fast, and the man was close behind her, fis frontwheel was next to her backwheel. Then he braked hard with the frontwheel of his mtb, so his backwheel came up. He dropped himself to the side, and reached out with both arms to the ground, and he had his rigth arm clearly bowed, so it looked as if he wanted to make a budo-tumbling.
He did this in the moment when i looked at them. Then he stood up and looked at his palms.
He was wearing a blue t-shirt with yellow collar.
At the weekend i had ordered the pc-game "fallout" (the character starts with a blue and yellow suit), when i came back it had arrived.
The last days they liked some speaking.
On the 22nd a man came out of the near record shop before i passed, demontrativly stopped, both feet next to each other, he gave me a pressed look. He had a dark full beard, and he was wearing a pale orange sweatshirt. Maybe it was his shop, it was sunday.
WWhen i was outside in the evening there was a man on a turquoise newish bicycle, and his upper clothing had the same saturated turquoise tone. The bicycle had pale tires, and he was wearing pants of the same colour. He was cycling freehanded, and he had his left arm pressed at his back. This was when i arrived at the park, at the end of it there were two female jogger, they also had both turquise upper clothing, but black pants, they walked and one said "my knee is twisted"( ich habe mir das Knie verdreht ).
Montag, 23. Juli 2007
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