On the 31rst of december i was in the inner city, in the shopping centre, this time walking. When i entered the supermarket there a man wearing a camouflage-jacket and a dark basecap came towards me, he made a sniffing noise and then swept below his nose while looking at me, then turned around and walked back. Then there was an overweigthed man wearing black clothes, he seemed to be also one of them, he had his mouth open exposing his lower teeth, maybe to make fun of my bad health, his version of it. And then a taller slender man who was running in the supermarket, his body was in conspicious sloping position when he turned around the shelf, while he was very uprigth, one could draw a straigth line from feet to top of head. He fastly took his heels at his butt with every step, he wanted to impress with his good constitution. A trained person. The three in the supermarket seemed to be rigthists. When i was in a shop in the pedestrian zone the salesman stood there and was concentrating not to move at all, staring into nowwhere. He was demonstrativly meditating, but then behaved normally, so maybe he thougth it would be fun to show this odd behaviour towards me. This time i was outside i was walking, despite my health was very bad, so i could walk only very slow all the time. The risk would be high that they would do something with my bicycle if i would leave it outside, i repeatedly had this experience.
At home i slept, just when i woke up in the afternoon someone outside said "do you still hear all the bells"( "hörst du noch alle Glocken" ).
Short time later i was outside with my bicycle( it's always much easier ), when i was cycling on the pavement there was a woman next to a parking bus, there was no space to pass. She had seen me and was waiting till i came closer and slowed down, then stepped to the side and said an excuse. She was carrying a wide wooden board.
At about 11pm the neighbour above me got my attention with his steps.
At 1am of the 1rst january the neighbour made 3 loud trollish steps directly above me, as if he would be stumbling, but coordinated. At nigth someone passing outside loudly breathes out towards me/the flat.
I was at the railwaystation in the afternoon, someone said "taht's he"( "das ist er" ), but not so loud. When i left a big heavy man, wearing a basecap and dressed in black, fligth-jacket, was walking in front of me. He had his tensioned arms somewhat spread, by leaning them on the firm muscles of his back. With that he resembled a toonish troll or ogre, complementing to the goblin-steps of my neighbour. Outside he waited next to the entrance, where i passed him. He had a spare dark beard.
When i was on my way to a petrolstation the two i described on the 29th came towards me( same station, close to where they stood last time ). Both had bottles, and there was the strong smell of alcohol. The one with the olive green cap said two words that started with an "s" when they came closer, the second one sounded like "slavic"( "slavisch" ), seemed to be an imprecation. Maybe they are both migrants from such a country. It fit's to a record i was thinking of to buy( and so had a look online ).
In the morning of the 2nd i did a few minutes of exercise. My health is so bad that i ignored their taboo. As a result i was breathing somewhat deeper. Before noon i was in the near supermarket, i was breathing out through the mouth, and a young salesman came towards me, energetically walking, he had caugth up my face and breath from the beginning. But i didn't want to change mine for that. He was followed by a woman who was connected to him. I couldn't normally look at her, because now it would have a meaning, it was loaded. With that she became kind of shadow in my perception. There were two older people, a man and a woman, they were waiting till i came near, then the man said to the woman "i will later connect to you"( ich komme dann später dazu" ), some acting, they were glad to do so. When i arrived at the tills one closed, so i stood in line at the remaiming. At the one before me the saleswoman didn't know the price of a product, so it took them longer. While i was waiting the next till opened, and when i had paid and moved on a man there said a "good by"( "tschü-hüs" ) towards me, when i was turning around and he was just out of view.
At home it sounded as if my neighbour above me explained to someone else where my position was.
In the early afternoon i was again at the second-hand-shop from the 27th, the salesman behaved normally. On my way a taller black dressed man with long dark hair stepped into my way, he had been waiting for that, and looked at a cafe, keeping his mouth in an overdone shape, as if he would be greeting someone inside. On my way back there was a couple, the man made a spiteful multiple sniffing-noise.
When i had left home on the 3rd a young man who looked like a rightist passed me in the street here. He had black geled hair, a mustache, camouflage-pants, black jacket. With his fashion he looked somewhat like a rigthist who had been accused in a case i wrote a comment in a forum about the day before. On my way back an athletic man who also looked somewhat like this stood near me at a streetcrossing.
A spiteful laughing man walked in front of the house here when i was at home.
I was in a near record-shop where repeatedly stalkers had appeared, coming out there. The salesman behaved normally, exept he once was holding his hand on his chest, while breathing out, as if something disturbing happened, like physical pressure.
When i was watching lotr on tv my neighbour(s) above my were upset, especially at gollum/smeagal-dialogue. This time there were the man and the woman i sometimes had heared before. The woman was so upset that she was phoning someone to explain that she was bored.
When i was outside in the early morning of the 4th one of the few people i had passed was a man on a bicycle, wearing a signal-yellow helmet and a black ski-mask.
When i was in the near supermarket in the late afternoon, the young salesman from the 2nd was standing near where he had passed me, now talking with a woman, they seemed to be familiar and/or flirting, also looked like a presentation. Then the woman came up to me, and when she was near me she made a surprised expression towards me, friendly, and as if she did not see me before wich was obviously acting. Maybe something sexual. She was good looking, had black hair and was dressed in black exept a white jacket. This was to connect to the one from the 2nd. Don't know if she expected a reaction from me, clearly showing that she was a stalker.
About noon of the 5th i was in a shop in the inner city, there was a man with two little children, they were looking for shoes. The man commented a shoe, speaking to the shildren "these are mongo, aren't they"( die sind mongo, nicht ?" ). He articulated that it could be heared through the shop, he wanted to show that he was teaching the negative meaning of this handicaped-attribute to his children, not older than 5.
Just when i had left home in the evening, there was a man crossing the street, here, when he was in line of me he turned at me, made a step towards me, staring at me. He uses all the space on the pavement at the streetcrossing with his steps, so i had to stop, then he moved on in his original direction. The steps were calculated with ostentation, it was not possible to pass him, he was marking the ground. The authority he spread was very intense, kind of hate itself. An older but vital man. Then i was at a petrol-station, there was a man who was waiting in his car till i looked at him, then used this as a trigger to move on. It was not possible not to look at him, i was standing at my bicycle, stowing what i bougth, slowly because of him, and when i turned around he gave me a stringent subjugating look, to connect to the one with the steps. Before that he was standing next to me when i had paid. He had somewhat darker complexion and a gaunt face.
When i was on my way to the baker in the railwaystation in the morning of the 6th, a black dressed man on a bicycle passed me, seemed to be a martial-arts-teacher from the next big city. I had trainings there when i was mobbed out here. But then they took someone there and it became too dangerous. The day before one of them already follwed me into a shop, but did nothing, was one of the normal ones.
When i was at the bank in the evening there was a younger man who was completely dressed as a classic goth, exept his blonde sober hair, striding in front of it. Jingling with each of his classic wide steps, all in black, coat, very peaked shoes. He moved like a motorically optimized version, specially uprigth posture. It fits to a cd i had bougth online 2 hours before. They must have a stash for all this clothing somewhere.
When i was outside in the afternoon of the 7th, a man with a black car came from a sidestreet, he braked lately and abrupt, stopping on the cycle lane. So i had to brake also, it wasn't a critical situation, but no accident, he was looking at me, into my eyes. A blonde man. When i was in a shop a squatty man came towards me, touching himself with the fingertips at or below the heart, a stabbing. Made fun of my health. On my way back there was a nosegesturer.
On the 8th there was only a nosegesturer.
When i left a shop near noon of the 9th, a woman who made a double-sniffing noise came towards me, then entered. She looked asian, was wearing a black jacket with thin white plaid lines. I've also seen the nosegesturer from day before. He was wearing again a saturated blue beany, dark clothing, shaved hair, maybe late 40ies.
In the late afternoon i was in the cheap supermarket. When i arrived i've seen a leftie, who had repeatedly stalked me, also at the record-shop, inside. He had also seen me, but did nothing. Inside there was a woman with reddish hair standing at a shelf, when i had passed a taller man came up to her, he said something, she was standing there because he has been demanding this, seemed that now he felt superior with this. When i was standing at a shelf someone some distance away commented "i once had four a day"( "ich habe mal vier an einem Tag gehabt" ). When i was bagging the food he commented "this can happen fastly/soon"( "so schnell kann das gehen" ). A somewhat incisive voice, as they like it. Perhaps it was the one at the woman.
When i was outside near noon on the 10th, this time walking, two young men on bicycles came towards me, they were cycling on the street, i was on the pavement. Both did the same quick headmovements, looking here and there, as if something would be going on. They did remind me the two at the "606"-petrolsatation, maybe they were the same. One was wearing a black jacket with thin white plaid lines, as the woman the day before. On my way there have also been some people who seemed to be from the near kung-fu-school, but they did nothing special, despite they are well connected there.
In the evening of the 10th i drunk some wine, i ignored taboo and did an exercise, more or less. When i woke up past 3am on the 11th, two men walked up the street here, in front of the house one explained articulated "we have trained this many years"( "wir haben das viele Jahre lang trainiert" ). Usually professional martial-artists. This was all that day.
On my way back from the near supermarket, before noon on the 12th, a sniffer came towards me. She started to move in a somewhat hopping way when she came closer, i didn't want to look at her, because hyped people are usually theirs. Then she made the sniffing noise. Curly, already greyish hair, olive-green jacket. Stalking keeps you young.
When i left home in the early afternoon, a man came out of the opposite entrance and loudly breathes out in a pushed way that would fit to an exercise, a blow or so. In his 50ies, but seemed to be stronger than average. He was wearing an olive-green parka, at all there are more people wearing olive green jackets/parkas, this day and the day before, than otherwise. In the next parallel-street there were two black dressed lefties who wanted to cross, behind them there were an older man and woman with little dogs. Just when i had passed the lefties the man appraised "he's already playing better"( "er spielt schon besser" ), doesn't sound as if this would be about the dog. I was at a petrol-station, a not-so-tall, but trained and very strong bald-shaved man had a look at me, he was estimating me when he passes. Perhaps a wrestler from a east-european country. A tall heavier man was his companion, outside another bald-shaved man wearing a plaid shirt/jacket was waiting for them at a dark car. When i unlocked my bicycle there was another man who had a look at me, coming out of the station. He attracted attention in a discreet way with his newspaper, but it was obvious that he had a look at me. At the one before there was pressure, i had to notice this. The one with the newspaper had a shorter beard, i think i've seen him at least once before, could be a teacher from the kung-fu-school. On my way back there was a man on a bicycle who was demonstrativly looking at me, while protruding his chin.
In the afternoon i was at the laundry. There was a tall man who was especially friendly, he also sat next to me. When he left he moved in an odd way, maybe to ape my health-problems. There was a man with darker complexion, wearing a camouflage-jacket, he was followed by a woman with somewhat pale skin. He said something when he passed, seemed to be an allegation towards me regarding the woman. But exept this he behaved normally. There was also a well-trained athletic man, shaved bare exept the top-hair, dark jacket, he was directly looking at me, maybe a rigthist. On my way back i stopped to let a couple pass where i wanted to turn in, the woman looked into my eyes when she was in front of me, she was protruding her lips somewhat, seemed to be a jew-theme, she was there for that.
When i was on my way to the baker in the railwaystation in the early morning of the 13th, there were two young men wearing fligthjackets, they were loud and sounded drunk. One of them turned towards me and followed me a short distance, they were energetically moving, it looked somewhat like a choreography. The only words i understood were "Deutschland" and "Scheisse", anything else was too muddy. When i left the station there was a black man standing in front of the door, probably a taxi-driver. He kicked a crown-cap, that it was escorting me astounishing linear.
When i was outside at noon and watching some animals at an enclosure, a couple was passing, the man explained "one could also meditate"( "man kann ja auch meditieren" ). Maybe this was inspired by some music i had been listening before i left, there was noise at the end of the cd. He was shaved bald, was wearing track pants, in his 40ies, well trained, usually one of the kung-fu-people. Before i passed them the woman stepped to the side, despite i wasn't already close, to show that she was aware of me. A bigger distance behind them another couple was following them who moved in the same way, distance to each other, speed, such, a formation. When i arrived back there was a noise from one of the flats here in the street when i passed, a mechanism had been triggered, something like "piu", clearly hearable. Probably something with pressed air, maybe someone had aimed at me( think it was this time ).
When i was on my way back from the baker in the early morning of the 14th, a younger man passed me, i think it was one of the two from the railwaystation the day before.
When i was in the cheap supermarket before noon, the salesman they are training was near me when i entered, but i didn't see him consciously. A person who was loudly insering empty bottles had my attention, when i looked back at the corridor he had already moved on a good distance. He had used me again as focus for his exercise. When i had turned in the next corridor he escorted me on the other side of the shelf, at my speed/rhythm, but energetically loaded up. And when i was walking back he passes me at the end of it. Then in the next corridor some time later he was following me, energetically moving. First he was heading at me, then he abruptly corrected this that he could pass me, without changing speed or direction, moving in a way normally only people who are regulary training can do. When i was standing in line and there was only one person in front of me he opened the till next to me. For him it's a law to get focused on me, the support for him is bound to that and he gets it for this. I don't think he could decide anything himself, he's usually mentally addicted to them at a high degree.
When i was outside in the afternoon there were many people mostly dressed in black, lefties or so, who had a look at me, but basically not hostile. At the end there was a woman on a bicycle, i think i knew her from a training i sometimes had joined, she was blinking at me, was one of the normal ones.
I was at the near supermarket in the late afternoon, when i left a man wearing a dark jacket came directly towards me, openly looking at me with a very astounded expression.
In the afternoon of the 15th i heared the "it's my life"-singers again. I looked out of the window, they are this man with the olive-green cap and his dark-haired companion with the mustache, wearing a coat, who appeared the last time on the 1rst january.
When i was outside in the afternoon there was a dark black man on a bicycle who turned towards me on the market/parking place too look into my eyes. He wasn't agressive or so. Then in the inner city there was another dark black man, a bigger heavier man with fleshy cheeks. He turned his head around at me when i was passing, looked into my eyes, to show that he didn't like me, then made a grunting snort. This was in the pedestrian zone, fortunatly the next person there who wanted my attention was a girl.
Today, in the early morning of the 16th, there was a man who "que-jumped"( the only other customer just had left ) me at the baker to make fun of me. But wasn't an agressive one. He had similarity with a martial-arts-teacher( see the 6th ), but was smaller. He did a sligth move with his upper body, seemed he was training something like this.
Have described most, i think for about three weeks they were less than normally, but the last days were as usual.
Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008
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