Freitag, 1. Februar 2008


In the late afternoon of the 16th of january i was in a supermarket, there was a lefty standing at a shelf, black rastas and jacket, he stood in front of a shelf and seemed to concentrate on giving off hostility, kind of dark meditation or so. It was not aimed, but intense enough that it won't be without a reason. I knew him from sigth, think i have seen him( the last time )on a demonstration against nazi. I bougth a bottle of vine in the shop.

At 3am on the 17th a man and a woman came up the street here, they stopped in front of the house here, at the heigth of my window, exchanged a few words, then the woman said "fascist". Then she threw a bottle on the street, the glass crushed. Then she said "bottle". So that's spiritualized antifascism, i'm a fascist because i bougth a bottle, and they figth this by transferring the meaning into a bottle and shatter it.
When i was at the baker in the early morning a man who walked outside said goodbye, so this sounded as if he would be still speaking to the baker, but turned his head towards me, said it to me. A blonde man with a mustache, maybe 50, could have been a policeman.
When i was walking towards the inner city before noon a man came towards me and looked at me, i think it could have been a policeman again, but he was inconspicious. This was when i had crossed the market place, then when i turned in the next street a man holding kind of stick was coming towards me, i think one of these chewing-bones for dogs, made out of cattle skin, a longer one. I tried to estimate if he could be somewhat mad or even dangerous. He was wearing a basecap, and i couldn't see his eyes at all because of the peak. He had a firm consistent walking style, did remind me C. Bronson. He was smaller than me, but robust, had grapped the stick in the middle. He couldn't also see my face because of his peak, but when he'd already passed he said my name. I turned around, he said a name of someone i knew not less than 15 years ago. I had seen him last year, exchanged a few words, hello how you are, that was all. This man did not really look like him, but it was so long ago that i had seen him sometimes, i told him he would look different with the cap. He took it off while coming closer, had the same hair, some similarity of the face. He stood in front of me and asked me personal questions, how my parents are and if i would have a relationship with a woman or a man. He was talking in a consistent way, sounded somewhat like an unspooling tape, the voice was too bright, didn't fit to the person. I couldn't look directly at him, he was too close and the questions irritated me, specially with the way he talked. Just said good and no, he didn't wait till i asked something too, said goodbye and moved on, like on a mission. It felt odd, he looked too different, was more robust than the one he reminded, but too long ago, someone who always drunk alcohol, so i wasn't sure of the face. Then i thougth that it must have been someone else, who was too surprising, so i didn't get it. Or at least a modified version of the original, i've seen too many people who appeared as if they were someone else. But i tend to the first one. On my way back a man who looked like a comment on my dead brother walked on the other side of the street when i had crossed the market place. So the clothing were somewhat punkish. The man seemed to be athletic and in his 30ies( was some distance away ), the high boots didn't fit to his age. And he didn't look like a punk, the way he walked was like marching, disciplined, he looked like a fascist who had dressed up. As special detail he was wearing a military beret, of a very saturated police-green.
In the afternoon someone outside on the next bigger street loudly shouted something like "damned...i haven't done this", a rough bawling voice. It would have fit much better to the one with the chewing bone than the one he had, but was also different to the voice of the one he said he would be.
When i was on my way to a second-hand-shop in the afternoon a man brandishing a big german flag over his head was coming towards me when i had turned in a side-street wich led from a petrolstation to the cheap supermarket. He had shorter hair, was dressed in black, a rigthist obviously. He was shouting "Deutschland", like a soccer-fan, he was walking in the middle of the street. A companion of him escorted him on the pavement. I looked at the one with the flag when i passed him, didn't already get what this was about. Short distance further two more men escorted him, both dressed in black, but they stayed in th background, so there were four of them, what was this about ? There was a woman at the next streetcrossing, the only visible witness there. When i was in the second-hand-shop i sold something and had to fill out a sheet-with a chunky ballpointpen with the german colours on it, and also the g. eagle-as the flag of the rigthist showed also. I asked the clerk if there would be an international sporting-event or so, the pen would be hardly accidentially, but it seemed the clerk didn't know the context( with the rigthist ). Then i got it together : a dog was set on jewish pupils by antisemites in Berlin, i had heared this in the radio some hours before. And these rigthist with the flag were celebrating this. So showing the german flag isn't illegal in germany, but with the timing they made their statement.

When i was at the bank before noon of the 18th a taller man wearing an expensive-looking suit walked to the counter near me, ordered "the one who has nothing to say", laughed derisively, then turned around and walked back into the bank. Seemed to be the leading clerk.
In the afternoon i was sitting in the park, then a jogger on the path behind me showed odd behaviour, he closed one nostril with a finger, loudly pressing out air through the other without snorting, then blistering both cheeks abruptly, they became really round. Short time later another noise-jogger, not as extreme, but i moved on with my bicycle. In a near wider street a fast walking atlethic man came towards me, he passed me when i passed an old man who moved in the same direction as me. I've seen it only from the corner of my eye, the atlethic one, who was weigthtrained, made a wide energetic round move backwards with his shoulder, at the side where the granny was. It looked martial-artish, also reminds me football or so, a coordinated move. Nothing happened there, but then i stopped and looked back. Now also the granny stopped and looked back, it took him some more time to get it. The man had passed the old one very close, without a reason, there was more than enough space, he was heading for this and if he wouldn't have taken back his shoulder he would have bashed the granny, if he would have done this with this energy he would have caused serious damage to the much smaller slow granny. The harassment was too sick, but the atlethe had already covered some distance, and i didn't know what to do about it, so i moved on. At all i wouldn't have had a chance. At the next streetcrossing two darker men came towards me, i thougth if they could have been also send here, they have some martial artists who look like them. And a man on a bicycle passed me as close as possible. So as to expect the fast walker wasn't alone. If there would have been any conflict the outcome would have already been written in this artificial dimension. I think maybe this was again a rigthist action, and maybe the granny was a jew or so.
When i entered the near supermarket in the early evening a man came towards me who looked like one of the mobbers when i had tried to get into another town( next big one )in about 2000. Another man who was there also reminded me them, but i've only seen him for a moment.

When i bougth something in a near fair-trade-shop before noon on the 19th, the clerk there looked like a rigthist. Seemed to be there for the first time, a tall atlethic man, hair shaved exept geled one on the top, wearing a tighter military looking sweater. He really looked like a rigthist, i felt like having a bad thougth, could only be fashion, but he looked like one of them, not only his fashion. Seemed also to be somewhat irritated.
The next time i was outside, at noon, a black car was parking across that street, up to the left, blocking lanes. There were two or three cars who had stopped because of this, the first one seemed very close, so it looked like an accident. There was no other traffic, the car across was parking in a rigth angle to the lanes, didn't seem to be in a hurry to move on. It was just standing there. I passed the fair-trade-shop, a woman explained something to the new clerk, he looked like volume on max, but music paused. Not much later i passed where the across car had been to see if this was an accident. The cars were no more on the street, but near this was an ambulance. I watched this for a hile, to see if something was going on there. One was in the car, then another one came out of a tabacco store there and entered. At the near streetcrossing there was a black car parking, one front-tyre on the pavement, it was the car closest to the streetcrossing, there was a man inside, from the distance he seemed to be waiting, somehow it looked nail-biting, too movie-like. Seemed they had made a fake accident, it would fit to the clerk who seemed to be a rigthist, a "querfront"-symbol. On my way to the cheap supermarket a rigthist was walking in front of me on the pavement, a bigger man, white pants and a black jacket with a patch on the sleeve. The patch had a triangular shield-shape, there was an "x" a word below, think it was "Deutschland"( could only read the "land" ). He had certainly heard me, but concentrated not to react at all, he was walking agressively, nearly stomping, but also fidgety, so i couldn't pass him. I was in the cheap supermarket, this time their clerk did something completely different : he passed me once normally. Before this i heared him energetically working in the storage, consistend rhytmic noise. Maybe passing me normally was an exercise itself.
When i was outside in the afternoon, there was some acting, two sniffers and four times speakers. In front of the low bidge a man came towards me who basically looked like a homeless one, i had to slow down because he got in my way. He looked somewhat strange, but i only got it all after i had passed him. His torso was in a very straigth position, and his arms didn't move, the way he walked looked first as if he would be already older, but it was only hip and bowed legs, he had a deep stance. He had a big full beard, the seam was very straigth, so it looked somewhat odd. The eyes didn't look old, and otherwise the face showed no special signs of age, as one would expect. Exept beard and stance he looked like someone in his 30ies. He had several items at his girdle, i think one of them was a knife. His upper clothing was only a t-shirt, so then he was openly wearing this. On the bridge, among other pedestrians, two girls came towards me, a dark black and a white one, the black one said something when i passed, i think it was "oesterreich". I first thougth she would be younger, because she had the same heigth of the blonde one, who was not much older then ten, but the voice now didn't sound childish.

When i had left home in the afternoon of the 20th, a man with somewhat darker complexion, turkish or so, got out of a car that was parking here, he looked at me, had circles around the eyes, there was something serious. Another one was waiting in the car.
When i was outsie in the late afternoon, as usually with my bicycle, in the inner city a man came around the corner, hastly mumbling an excuse to two people he passed, then he was looking at me, coming towards me as if he wanted something. He didn't say anything, so i kept on moving, looking backwards at him. Then he turned around and walked away. He had no beard, but otherwise his face seemed similar to the one with the beard, yesterday at the bridge, especially the eyes. Think he had blue ones. He looked bigger than the one at the bridge, bigger than me, but now he moved his legs normally and was wearing an ample jacket and pants, both of bluish colours. While he was coming towards me he had his rigth hand beneath his jacket at his girdle, grapping something there.
When i had left home in the evening there was the dancing woman from the 20th of last month, street up, dancing again. She was wearing her black hooded sweater, but this time a jeans. She was facing the other side of the street, showed profile. She was holding her folded arms horizontally in front of her chest and was fastly raising her knees in her unexhausting way. A mathematically precise fitness version of cossack-dancing. After a while she turned around and run up the street, like mission accomplished. Looked somewhat military. I turned in at the streetcrossing there, at the next one there were two men standing, they had darker complexion, maybe late 40ies, one was using a cellphone, in his other hand he had an umbrella, he was rotating it at full circles. Looks also somewhat cryptic, but they behaved normally when i passed them.

In the afternoon of the 21rst some people had an eye on me when i was in the inner city, seemed to be a genital theme somehow.
When i was at a petrol-station in the evening it took the female clerk somewhat longer, she didn't get the article scanned, than even typed a wrong number. While i was waiting a man came in and passed close behind me, fastly walking, there were no other people there, he entered the room behind the till. He had darker hair, maybe 30, he was working there as a security, but now was wearing dark civil clothing. I think he was the one who did some acting before. Now i had the feeling that he was estimating my stance/balance when he was behind me. When i unlocked my bicycle outside he entered a taxi that was waiting in font of the entrance/me.

When i was outside in the late afternoon of the 22nd i was looking at the fair-trade-shop, if this clerk would be there again. While looking in that direction i was putting my hood an. A slender man in his 20ies, wearing a black jacket, came towards me, demonstrativly aping this hand-move, without a hood, like an aping-automaton. When i was standing at a bank in the park two joggers came towards me, both bigger than me, in their 20ies. One had black hair and was a weigth-trained martial artist. When he came closer he said "do you think so ?"( "meinst du" ) and prepared his rigth arm for a blow, only the short approach of a move, but obvious, he was estimating the distance. But it was only to humilate me, he was much stronger. They took the next way out of the park, i moved on and at the crossing they passed me again, they had turned and encircled me and now entered the park. The black-haired one had his body in a conspicious sloping position, maybe to show that stalking is part of training for him, and with this quoted the rigthist from the 31rst of december. Later i passed a woman, i was cycling on the pavement. I was going fast and didn't slow down, but this was not risky because she was constantly looking at me from the beginning, and leaning against a wall, enough space, she did not move at all. Or, more precisely, she was like frozen, so much that i really thougth if she would be a dummy. Not the sligthest head or face-movement, no sign of live at all. Immediatly before i passed her she shouted "the face"( "das Gesicht !" ) with a frozen hating voice. So normally one should slow down when passing people, even if not necessary it's more polite, but that's because there are persons, and she blanked this succesfully. The voice was like warden out of space. Maybe late 50ies, blonde, black coat.
I had moved too much this day, the next time i got outside i had a stabbing pain, it's not related to the moving, but the chance get's higher, have this many years. But i was only at the near supermarket, when i left a man urgently came straigth up to me in the entrance, openly looking in my face, he had a derailed expression. A trained person, maybe a martial artist, wearing a ligth pale jacket.
When i arrived at a petrol-station in the late evening it closed in that moment, a man left the station and then walked to the till outside. Two other people were waiting there also, standing with bigger distance to each other. I agreed with this pattern and waited at the entrance, so i wasn't standing in line of the till. Then a man, maybe late 40ies, wearing a woolen beanie, stood directly behind me, obviously to harass me. I stepped away from him, he followed and then walked behind me, to see if i would get where he is, he did this openly, he wanted to show authority. Another man, at least as old as he, arrived and he explained to him "they have good markings"( "die haben ja gute markierungen" ), with an accent that showed that i was like an item to him.

In the early evening of the 23rd two young men on bicycles came towards me, before they passed the second one complained "then even someone from Berlin will get here, now it's enough !"( "dann kommt noch jemand aus Berlin, jetzt ist genug !" ).
Also other people that day, someone looking at me, a few word, less intense than usually, but at least at noon very common.

When i was outside in the afternonn of the 24st, on the other side there was a man on a bicycle who looked at me, he was the owner of one of the two martial arts-school where i had trained( but not at him, there were different styles ). He had already stalked me, following me into the laundry, grimacing with his mouth. At the bus-station( at the railway-station )there was the one i described at 20th june and 23rd oct. of last year. He was wearing a grey hooded jacket, windbraker or so, hood on, and diagonally turned from the street to the pavement to pass me there, in an consistent amplitude-like cruve at consistent speed. Anything very exact. When he passed me on the pavement he looked into my eyes, he had a resolute mask-like face.
When i got outside in the late evening just around the corner a man on a bicycle passed and then zestfully turned at the side in font of me, stopping where other bicycles were standing. He wanted to be recognized. He had a jacket of the same colour as me, and a jeans had been delivered for me today, i wasn't already wearing it, seemed he was dressed with the same. Then i was at a petrolstation, same as two days ago, when i was standing in line there were two men who appeared to be strong, one stood very close behind me to harass me, and then seemed to estimate my stance, and made a comment on this to the other, so it was much like two days before, exept it was inside and he spoke russian or so. So this was to claim that i would have no rigth to just stand there, he appeared to be a mixture of prison-guard and martial-arts-instructor.

When i was standing at my opened window on the 25th, a man outside on the other side of the street turned towards me and crossed the street, he looked up at me. He had already grey hair, a shorter beard, but was atlethically, could have been a cop.
I was in a recordshop where repeatedly stalkers were near or came out, have been there once before but it was normally. Now there was another man at the till, he was hyper, like a soccer-fan expecting a goal. The salesman who had been there last time was also there, he came up to him, passing me, then bowed down and whispered a word into his ear. Don't remember if it was after or before this, the one sitting there told me they just bougth many cd/records, he said loudly "wir sind gerade völlig zugeballert worden", so this can be used colloquial for crowded, but it's also junky-slang for drugged.
When i was outside in the afternoon a man on a bicycle came towards me, he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something to me, he had extremely swollen tear sacs below his eyes, they stuck out of his face that was too young for this, it looked nonnatural. He looked to the side, he was "vollgeballert", as obvious as possible. But for that he seemed somehow sad.
When i was outside in the evening there have been twice men who said something meaningful to a woman when passing. The first were on bicycles, the man was touching the womans shoulder with his arm straigth stretched, holding it this way, says "meet once weekly", a presentation, and the second ones were standing at an entrance, the man was agressive and said something about money, the woman seemed somewhat wedged by him. So these were typical do-you-get-this-speakers, maybe they showed up with the women to improve or start a relation with the stalking. It's social culture.
The prepared squealing (cupboard-)door from my neigbour above me was in use that day, a windy day ( but he also squealed it manually, once it was obvious ). It was squealing-day.

When i woke up on the 26th this door was constantly squealing, it totally sucked. I got outside not much later, street down i leaned against a wall for a moment. I was at the baker, near or in the baker there have been 3 men, not at once, spread, older than me, i think maybe i knew them from sigth from when i had an alcohol-problem, '90 or so. But they did nothing special.
When i was on my way to the cheap supermarket at noon a woman passed in front of me when i arrived at the next bigger street, maybe i knew her from sigth, also about '90, she also just walked there. Doesn't look bad. Then on my way there have been people looking at me, almost constantly, one spitted out on the ground in front of him, then gave me a look. In the market their clerk passed me at the end of the middle corridor, when i walked back, at the same point as he did on the 14th. This time he had a somewhat astounded expression, a no pressure-variation, that was harrasment only by context. When i was standing in line he stood in the middle of the corridor, i haven't turned around completely, but it must have been him. He was posing, standing straigth, one hand at the hip, the other on a shelf, looking in my direction. So that's basically nothing special, but somehow he appears to be the center of the supermarket universe, attendant of the cosmic pool. Did remind me something i've just read about glass humpty dumpty's.
When i was outside in the afternoon there have been several of them, again much constantly, especially at the beginning, but often on a lower intensity. At the crossing of two bigger streets a man looking at me with his cyclopically charged rigth eye came up to me, presenting it. Think he had blue, a moustache, blonde, maybe late 40ies, red jacket. When i was at the bank and got outside a couple, in their 20ies, came towards me, both dressed the same, their colours matching mine. The man explained "that's not acceptable"( "das geht ja gar nicht" ), looking towards me. He had black dyed hair.
I was outside in the afternoon, now this constant bell jar-like presence wasn't there, it already felt as if it would be the city itself, so i thougth if it could just be a sideeffect, because they have channeled so many at me. But now it was switched off.
I bougth something at a petrolstation in the evening, the salesman reminded me one of their leaders, because of the humorous way he pronounced a word.
In the late evening some people walked down the street here, one said the name of someone i knew at the end of the 80ies, the only word i understood, accenting it as it was typically.

Just after i woke up on the 27th, still dark outside, several men down the street were singing, deep long vocals, sounded like soccer-fans at a burial, must have practised it. I think it was "we are in your head"( in english ).
I was on my way to the baker at the railwaystation, at about noon, walking this time. At the streetcrossing at the market place there was an asian woman on a bicycle, she blinked at me. Behind her there was a group of men, mostly dressed with olive green jackets, they had all assembled under the roofing of a kiosk, wich was closed. It wasn't raining or so, so it lookes odd and arranged, like a presentation, with the very directly woman who looked again at me when i came closer. On my way back a tall man, hood on, dark clothing, came towards me, he had a strong-willed expression, looked at me when i looked at him. The next one was an arabian looking man, well dressed, wearing a khaki coat, he moved at the same speed as the one before, was following at a distance. He looked to the side when i passed him.
When i bougth me fast-food near the park i was first waiting outside, then a black dressed older man, already fair gray hair, came towards me to look into my eyes, showing me how much they had soaked up emotional lead. A black dressed sportive younger man, military-looking clothing, passed me on a bicycle, he opened his mouth as if he would be greeting me, looked like a rightist. A man enterd the shop, looked somewhat like a lefty, and if he would have something to do, i also entered, didn't see him there. I waited longer than the man there had told me. The man i have described on the 24th( the first one, teacher )passed in front of the shop. He looked at me, he knew where i was sitting. He's already older, but not weak, and now he appeared smaller than normally. When he was out of sigth he turned around to pass again. And again, this time using a cellphone. When i got outside i've seen him walking up the street. A happy family who had uniformed themselves with orange jackets and otherwise dark clothing passed with bicycles.
Somewhere in the later evening two men walked down the street here, one said "they are lying".

When i left the baker in the morning of the 28th, a man hurryed to get in, passing me in the moment i was in front of the edge of the door. I stepped to the side, he was in the middle, he won. I turned around, have seen him only from behind, curly hair, seems he has been my martial-arts-teacher.
At noon i heard a sound outside, despite i had my window closed and was listening to music. But it was loud, sounded like a screaming child, but it was so equally that it was like a siren. I finally switched off the music and opened the window, leaning it, and looked outside. It was a little child, hand in hand with an old man, now they moved on, and the child stopped screaming. Maybe this was kind of answer to the ones who said "lying", at least subconsciously it won't be hard to get it.
When i was outside at noon there have been two sniffers and often people were watching me, knowing expression, some soaked with emaotional lead, accusing. Mostly older people, in the 50ies.
When i was at the streetcrossing where the one with the bicycle had passed me as close as possible on the 18th, a black car turned in fastly and slowed down very controlled, the driver showed his skill. The car, i think it was an older audi, had a rugged trashy look, the middle of the radiator grill was missing. Could have appeared in mad max. In contrast the driver was dressed genteelly, white shirt, black coat, and he had a big red scarf. Maybe this was inspired by the election now. The driver trenchantly waved me to pass, was there to give me this order.
I was in the fair trade shop, haven't seen this so rigthist-looking salesman again.
When i was at a petrol-station in the evening a black dressed man came directly towards me when i left, looking at me with his emotionally overloaded eyes. He had grey hair, short beard, sportive, could have been the same who looked at me on the 25th when i was looking out of the window. They made some glossy eyes these days.

When i was at the cheap supermarket at the early afternoon of the 29th, this time the door to the storage was closed, and their clerk didn't show up. When i was standing in line a gaunt but vital man with a big grey full beard and round glasses entered, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He had stalked me before, making a sailor-like greeting. When i had left there was a security man, black uniform, older but robust, he positioned in front of the entrance of the baker next, that was closed, as if he would be guarding a security area or so, symmetrical somewhat spread stance. When i stopped on my way back at a baker a man on a bicycle passed me close to the wall, where normally cyclists won't pass, and complained "handsigns"( "Handzeichen !" ), as if i should have signalized to stop, this was a plea to say this word. Maybe 30, dressed in olive green, ample military pants.

Before noon of the 30th a black dressed younger man with a tigth fitting hood came towards me at the streetcrossing here, he took out a cigarette and ligthed it, moving his hands like a conjurer, so this was inspired by the uri g.-show yesterday.
When i was outside at noon, a man wearing a signal-like blue jacket and white pants touched his chest with his hand before passing me, in an accurate way, the fingers horizontally. Otherwise he showed no reaction, it looked somewhat like : i have communicated via ~handsign~, we are doing a special operation. He was dressed in a clean way, seemed to be a rigthist. On the other side of the streetcrossing there was the bearded man who entered the supermarket yesterday, holding an umbrelle, exactly vertically, it was sligthly raining. When i was waiting at the streetcrossing in front of the baker at the market place, someone street up said clearly "ah, hallo Jim !". This activated a man who passed behind me, he raised his arm, greeting towards the speaker, it looked much like a nazi-greeting. I looked behind me, he had his arm in this position while passing and turning around, so he had also shown to the ones inside the baker. Holding his arm that way brougth out the similarity, and with the timing he made a half-circle behind me. His happy face relativated this, he was one of their black bald ones. Somewhat brawny, seemed his plaid jacket was new. With the relaxed clear voice of the activator it appears like a classical master-servant-relationship, haven't seen the speaker, wouldn't wonder if nobody has, they work well with perception.
When i was in my kitchen in the afternoon in the moment i looked out of the window a man outside turned around, looked towards me and raised one hand greeting. Just sidewards, normally. He couldn't have seen me, i was only looking through a slit. When i came a little closer he corrected his head-position showing that he was tryed to see me. So he knew where i was standing, must result from the neighbour above me. He was wearing a jacket of the blue of the chesttoucher at noon. He had grey curly hair.
When i grapped my bicycle about half an hour later someone rung at several flats. Before i arrived at my door the entrance of the house had been already opened. It was a newspaper-woman, she was black, downstairs she was holding up the door for me. When i got outside the first people i have seen were black girls walking up the street. In front of a streetcrossing a girl came towards me, she looked nice, but also unsettled. I think they have told her something. She had a darker complecion, hood on. At the streetcrossing behind her there was a man on a bicycle waiting, really broad shoulder, seemed to be an athlete. He was angry and electrified, showing this with little movements of his arms. Seemed that he was designed as her protector. Later a young man passed me on a bicycle, he had mummed his face with a dark blue kerchief, like autonomes do at demonstrations. Looked authentically. This was in a street near a wood. When i entered at the park here i passed a black-haired woman, probably an asian. I sat down on a bank, when i looked in her direction, there has also been a man with a dog near her, in that moment she immediatly turned around 180° and walked back, she has been here to do this exercise.
When i left the near supermarket in the early evening a weigth-trained man came straigth up towards me, looking at me. He had already grey hair, but lookes very trained, was wearing a red sweater and track pants of a compatible blue tone. Certainly a martial-arts-instructor. Behind him a black-haired girl stepped to the side, her upper body leaned forwards, so they combined remindet me the 45°-angle of a set square.

At about noon of the 31rst there were two men taking tone on the streetcrossing here. I understood "heil hitler", "these are all fine things"( "alles gute Dinge" ) and "it has become cold ingermany"( "es ist kalt geworden in Deutschland" ), wich was certainly not about the weather. Then one of them entered a car and closed the door, the way he did nicely fitted to the adjusted pressed way they complained. I think they were paroding antifascists, rather than sarcastic real ones who are somewhat nasty. But cannot really know.
When i was outside in the afternoon a man passed me twice, he was wearing a black jacket, had black hair, and black leather gloves, had broad shoulders, in his 30ies. The first time he touched his ear, the second time i've seen that he had internal earphones. He was looking extremely seriously, concentrating on something, so this should say that be got instructions through his phones, he had a military expression. There has also been a female sniffer this time.
The next time i was outside a woman was jogging over the streetcrossing here, she hurryed to set in front of me. She had black rastas, sweater and backpack. I was in the supermarket in the shopping centre in the inner city, there a girl passed me running, she seemed to be a clerk but was usually still at school. She moved flashy well, fast and fluent, and had a happy hyped expression. On the 31rst of december there has been a running righist in this shop.
I was at another shopping centre in the early evening. When i entered there was a sniffer, much like the woman in the afternoon, he looked at me, then turned around, maybe 50years. There were some people who payed attention at me, i think two were martial ones, maybe security, a rigthist, in the common way, and an overweigthed man with fixed glass-like eyes who would have run into me if i wouldn't have stopped. I could move better than usual, had an exercise or so the day before, while listening to music. But my hands got really cold at about 0°C. Outside there were two black dressed men who said something that was related to me, but they weren't hostile.
In the evening a car stopped shortly in front of the house, the driver laughed in a loud physical present way.
I was at the bank in the nigth, a woman entered and greeted me friendly. Think this was really nice, but she was there to do so, somewhat confusing.
A quarter before 1am of the 1rst of febr a banger exploded street down.

Have described most of them.