When i arrived at the baker in the morning of the 3rd of march, there was a younger man who blinked at me as if he would know me, causing me to do also. Sportive person, short hair, tanned skin. On my way back a little asian boy came towards me, that way that i couldn't know if he would decide to head directly towards me. Then he stopped at the streetcrossing( side-street, no cars driving ) and put both hands at his ears, very fast, and stood there with this posture. It looked cute, because he was small, but on the other hand as if he had been told to do so. He had a blue beany, wich made a plea for the exercise( he didn't move it, but where he put his hands would have been typically for this ), and was wearing a yellow jacket.
The next time i was outside, in the afternoon, a younger asian looking woman touched her head like a military greeting when she passed me in the park. She wasn't holding her hand there, instead she moved her arm at consistent speed to the head and immediatly back, fast but demonstrativly coordinated, a chi-exercise. When i had left the park a black dressed man with a blonde gi-haircut came diagonally across the street towards me, causing me to step to the side. He was holding his hand below his nose and made a sniffing noise.
In the early evening a dark dressed woman on a bicycle came towards me, showing a pain-grimace.
When i was on my way to the baker in the early evening of the 4th, i had to hurry somewhat when i crossed the street there, because a man on the pavement insisted on keeping his speed and didn't react on me at all. When i was in front of him he coughed overdone loudly, he was nasty and was shooing me. He was a taller man, dressed similar to me. In the baker there was a black dressed man who demonstrativly moved his feet as it's done in aikido, shuffling with his steps to ensure that i would get it. He then walked some steps in front of the showcase, attached to me, awase. He had longer fair blonde hair, and a mustache like Asterix. Maybe late 40ies, but his voice sounded much younger.
When i was outside in the late afternoon i've seen conspicious more asians than usual. At the end a black/dark dressed lefty who had stalked me before( i mentioned this at record shop )passed me, bad mood and small bowed down mouth.
When i was at a petrolstation in the late evening of the 5th, a couple passed me in front of it. The woman was asian-looking, she explained with irony "he's so communicative", fastly speaking. In the petrolstation there was a black dressed customer at each till, to the left a man with a bleached longer punkish haircut and a rhomb-quilted jacket, to the rigth a man with short hair, who turned around and looked at me. I think they were from eskrima( edit: have seen one of them on the 19th of may, he was not ) .
I was at another petrolstation at nigth, the person in line of me was a woman, maybe 50, with an old shepherd-dog. She was dressed in black and was wearing a rhomb-quilted coat similar to the jacket of the one before.
Before noon on the 6th i was at the post, to refuse a packet, because otherwise i would have to pay twice, a misunderstanding. The female clerk showed me the packet, despite i already refused, and asked me "you want have him ?"( "wollen sie den haben ?" ), so i repeated, then she said "so he will be send back, as he is"( "dann geht er so wie er ist zurück" ). So she used a masculin article, despite packet/Paket would be neutrum. According to the ware inside it would be rigth.
My neighbour above me made stepping-exercise in the afternoon, repeatedly a sequence of fast steps on his carpetless floor, the final one somewhat louder than the other. I then turned on music, not much later i got outside.
In the evening i heared sounds of wood hitting wood somewhare near, like relaxed eskrima practice.
In the early morning of the 7th i had already problems with health before i got outside, my neighbour above me showed with two barking shouts that he got it.
On my way to the baker at the park a man passed me who had some similarity with my lawyer, he was carrying a dark holdall, like the two on the 25th of febr. In the baker there was a man sitting, drinking coffee, a martial artist. Very present, he could usually get up fastly every moment.
At nigth on my way to a petrolatation two men, younger than 20, came towards me, one rolled up a sleeve, like a junky, explaining"he said i would be mad"( "er hat mir einen Vogel gezwigt" ). He was wearing dark sunglasses and a wrapped blue bandana, dressed up as 80ies crip.
Early on the 8th i was at a petrol-station, near it there were two or three groups of people, seemed they were drunk, but all that similar stupified that it looked more like an interpretation of alcohol.
Before noon on i was at the post for a packet( another one ). It got stuck at the german customs for ~10 days, they released it only on request, seemed they just forgot it.
When i got outside in the afternoon two children with bamboo-staffs walked up the street, always hitting the ground and fences and such. It looked more naturally than the boy from the 2nd, but obviously quoting that.
When i was in the park about one hour later i passed a man with a cellphone, he twice loudly said the (nick)name of someone who has been one of my neighbours ten years ago. The man with the phone was sportive, maybe 30, migration background, track pants and sneakers, dark jacket. Later i heared someone saying "there he is"( "das ist er" ), just as loud that i got it. At a place two men in their 20ies, both shaved heads, came towards me. Still some distance away one of them smiled at me, exposing a dark spot at the teeth on his left upper side, i think they were painted black so it looked as if they were missing. He was wearing a black leather jacket and tigth chlored jeans, the other one was wearing a white sweater and wide khaki pants, wich made a contrast to the punkish style of the other, who was probably dressed up. Taunting rigthists. In a side-street two women with a dog stopped when they were directly in front of me, because of a man with another dog. Despite they obviously didn't know him they extensively repeated the name of his dog towards theirs, wich was also the name of someone who was my friend till '01. Near home two man came flushing out of an entrance, one of them explained "i see"( "ach so" ), without context. "ach so" is a comment that has been subliminally used before.
When i left home in the evening three man came down the street, one explained "but he had never looked like this"(" aber er sah ja auch nie so aus" ), wich was about jeans and teeth, another one laughed. At a petrol-station i was the only customer there, a black-dressed security man in front of it ordered me to put my bicycle few meters to the side, away from the entrance, just to give an order.
When i was in front of a laundry in the late afternoon of the 9th, the one who showed up one the 12th of febr( eye ), and also the 22nd( same street-crossing as now ) was waiting on the other side, with a street-bicycle. I look at him, expecting that he would symbolise his reason, but he ignored me, then met with a child, a little girl with inline-skates, there. Inside the laundry a man who had been calm before made a sniffing noise when he passed, then loudly closed the door to show that he was angry.
In the early evening i passed three men who were standing at a bulky waste, somewhat bowed down at it. The tallest one of them had an aikido-like stance, it looked as if they had crossed the wide street because of the waste, and then didn't move since they arrived. The taller one then explained that he had met with a "Paul", who wanted to "ship in"( "der wollte( bei mir )einschiffen" ), but he disgusted him. He used an insider-word( don't remember ) for that, seemed they had routine with this. He named his earning " he was confused as well as offended"( "er war verwirrt und beleidigt" ). Finally he decided" so, now we have to move on"( "so, wir müssen weiter" ), showing that it was acting, that they were organized and he was superior to the other two. He was articulating as demotic mob.
On my way to a baker at the park, in the early morning of the 10th, a man came towards me on the pavement, he had his arms and hands tensioned, i couldn't look at his face. He was tall, wearing an orange jacket, and his curly long blonde hair could have been a peruke. At each side-street before and behind him there was a car turning in in the same way, that i didn't know if they would let me pass or not, then they let me pass. The first was black, the second white.
When i was outside in the evening, the first person was a man who came out of an entrance at the end of the street, when i passed there. He was jogging across the street towards a dark car that was waiting, it was noticeable that he was trained, he had tension on the muscles of his upper torso, and his arms were somewhat spread sidewards, giving him a rounder shape. He was wearing a red track-jacket with white stripes across his upper arms, and an asian character on his back, with the word "kukri" below. Later on a wider street a loud banger exploded on the traffic island to my rigth, i looked there, there were three young men, obviously it was fun to them, they had waited till they were in line with me. One of them had a crate of beer-bottles. They were standing there and looking towards me. The next one coming towards me was a small asian, probably japanese, man wearing a black jacket, then a friendly looking man on a bicycle, then two mostly black dressed men with a bottle of beer each, lefties, one explained "shit...i don't know how to get in"( "scheisse...wie man da wohl reinkommt" ). This was a joke to him.
When i walked to a petrolstation at nigth, early on the 11th, at a wider streetcrossing a police car in front of me turned in, but not in the street, instead into a parallel footpath that was separated from the street by a fence and led along a meadow. On my way back the police car( usually the same ) arrived at the streetcrossing from the same direction as before( so it circulated), then turned around at the traffic island and slowly drove back in the direction it came from. I then decided to take side-streets, hoping not to see this sneaky car again. But seemed this was what they expected. When i had turned in the next sidestreet the policecar passed at the end of it. Then four policemen with flashligths came towards me, lightening the wall behind me, showing cautious behaviour. At the front of the house there was a long tape hanging, probably from a video, also on the pavement i was walking on, as for decoration. The first cop was athletic with gi-like haircut, he said "there from above"( "von da oben" ). At the end of the short street two police-busses were parking. I always hoped to see how it would look like when police is finding evidence, in real.
The next time i was outside i was at the baker in the early morning. The next one who entered behind me was a policeman.
Then i was outside near midnigth, a man came running towards me across the street, when he came closer he turned in the lane, without looking in this direction before, as if he would turn because he had to move like a vehicle. So as pedestrian-vehicle he complemented to the vehicle-pedestrian before. The street there was also sparated from the path/pavement by a low metal-fence, as it was where the car turned. He was athletic, also weigt-trained, had dark hair and a gi-haircut, similarity with the first policeman. With his posture he overstated his upper body somewhat. He was dressed in black, his trousers were of a synthetic material conforming to his jacket, so it looked like a uniform, like security.
When i arrived at the baker in the early morning of the 12th, the man with the asterix-mustache from the 4th left. He was again dressed in black, his clothing had some similarity with that of the lane-runner at nigth.
At noon a couple with a perambulator came towards me in front of the town-hall. The woman said "this is awkward"( "das ist ja unangenehm" ), then looked at me, expecting. The woman had darker hair, khaki jacket, the man was bigger and had shaved hair, looked at the ground, maybe he was'nt sure if the stalking would make sense.
In the early evening of the 13th, when i was at the cheap supermarket, there was some subliminal presence, martial artists. One of them was a man who entered a house at a corner at the near place, he was wearing a basecap, dark shorts, red chucks and a similar orange jacket as the one from the 10th.
When i was outside in the evening i was walking towards a group of people when i crossed the next wider street. Somehow they looked strange, a woman among the last explained clearly "he is wounded" ("er ist verwundet") when i passed. They were keeping formation. They didn't move in a military way, instead they made smaller steps and had short distance to the others, their moves had determined limits, but within that appeared naturally. From topview the group must had the shape of a wide arrow or pointer. Usually more than ten, but i don't think more than twenty. Not much later a man at a streetcrossing looked at me as if he would know me, maybe early 50ies, could have been an artist.
In the early morning of the 14th i was walking on the pavement, and a man came towards me on the street. When he was next to me he said "there's devilscousin coming"( "da kommt Teufelsvetter" ). There was no one except me this could have been adressed at. He had darker shorter hair, athletic, usaually a martial artist, maybe from the near school. Then street down a black dressed man came towards me on the pavement, he walked as if he would have problems with his hip, but consistent. He had dark skin but wasn't black, already greyish hair, his eyes nearly closed and was wearing white newish sneakers. In his rigth hand he was holding a plastic bag, the way it reminded glue-sniffing.
Before noon i was at a medic, think i had good luck with this one, he just ripped of something nasty.
When i got outside an overweigthed man came out of the building on the opposite side of the street and stood in the entrance there. When i passed he made a sniffing noise. I've seen him before, he's distributing newspapers. In the near bigger street a man came towards me, he grasp his crotch. He had a definitive rum blossom, red and also the shape, despite he was in his 20ies. It looked too shapey, big and red, so it was probably the work of a make-up artist. He was wearing a black leather jacket. With his hair and the way he moved he quoted the one who had already been modelled on the 17th of january. Short distance later a skinhead, a rigthist, came towards me across the street, not much older than twenty, but robust, trained. He was wearing a black t-shirt and khaki camouflage-pants, he just passed me. He had similarity with the one from the 1rst, now this was opposite the supermarket.
In the early afternoon of the 15th two dark non-blacks came towards me, one presented his upper teeth in a disgusted way, grimacing. At the next streetcrossing a man with short shaved hair was waiting at a traffic ligth with his bicycle. He repeatedly furrowed his brow as much as possible, as an exercise(One who became their mobbing-subleader in the next big town did this also). He was dressed in blue, was wearing a goretxjacket, trousers had about the same tone. On the low bridge there was a dark skinned non-black musician who greeted me friendly, showing his big upper teeth. Looked really friendly. Seemed two men, a black and a non-black darker one, who then came towards me were watching me, analyzing, but they didn't want me to get it. The black was wearing an olive jacket.
On my way to the petrolstation at midnigth, already on the 16th, there was a nosegesturer. At the petrolstation in line of me there was a grey-haired black dressed man who bougth three bottles of beer, i think he had been already in line of me in a supermarket on the 15th, buying two bottles of beer.
At about 1:20am i heared someone repeatedly shouting outside, always causing hall-effect on the wet street and walls. I then listened to them, they were five people, among them a woman, standing in the entrance diagonally across the street. Continuing with hall-effect one explained "i'm not black, i'm blue"( "ich bin nicht schwarz, ich bin blau"; blau=drunk in german ), then "it's called: i'm coloured" ( "das heisst: ich bin farbig" ), they continuously escorted their comments with laughing. Then "where's ... residing, we can sue him(/report him to the police)"( "wo wohnt...wir können ihn anzeigen"; ...=name much similar to mine ). So this was to list the people who had been send on the 15th. Then some words at normal loudness, if they would meet somewhere, one was waiting for a car. Finally one explained "you are dipshit"( "du bist ein Penner" ). For a while a car with a running engine was waiting there.
When i was at a petrolstation one hour later the loudspeaker outside was humming loudly. I sayed to the clerk that it nearly sounded like exploding soon. Some distance behind me one of two men at a car immediatly commented with a sarcastic"cause i'm so funny"( "weil ich so lustig bin" ).
When i got outside in the morning the first person i've seen was a serious looking man in a bad mood, black jacket, who crossed the street towards the entrance where the five had been standing at nigth. When i was in the bank a man entered, moving his legs only by turning the hip, walking in a stilting way, as an exercise. His hair was nearly orange and he was wearing glasses with a black frame. He reminded me a martial artist, haven't seen him with glasses, the hair now seems to be toned. And some actors who was subliminal this time, including an astounding well-moving tiny child in scouting-posture.
When i was outside before noon a jogger rolled up a sleeve, that it reminded junkies, like the one from the 7th. When i was jogging a short distance myself this was immediatly commented by a complaining cough from the other side of the street.
Have described nearly all of them.
Montag, 17. März 2008
Montag, 3. März 2008
exchanging small cars
When i entered the near supermarket in the afternoon of the 20th of febr, someone next to me was demonstrativly piping.
When i was in the bank in the early evening, among others there were two men, one was leaning on a statement printer. The other one was wearing a grey sweater, hood on, and he firmly looked into my eyes. Exept the sweater beneath the opened jacket both were dressed in black. The one with the sweater seemed to have shaved hair, the other one had shorter dark. When i passed them he made a step backwards, he'd obviously been waiting to do so, so i had to step to the side when i was between them. Could have been rigthist. When i arrived at home a man wearing the same jacket as me passed behind me when i opened the door. He had shorter dark hair and a know-it-all expression. Maybe a rightist.
At about 4:30am on the 21rst someone outside made a loud farting noise with his mouth, towards my window, it nearly sounded as if he would be in my room.
Before i passed the bank in the afternoon, there was a young man at the corner, he was dressed like the one with the grey hooded sweater in the bank, the day before, also hood on. Exept he was wearing white sneakers, the one the day before was wearing black shoes or boots. This one now was a slender and somewhat taller person, darker complexion. He smiled, maybe he felt stupid for walking there because he was told to do so. In front of the bank there was another man with again the same grey hooded sweater and a black jacket, but not hood on. He was wearing blue jeans, was'nt tall but a sportive person, dark hair and a short beard. The constellation was similar to the one of the tissued on the 15th.
In the later afternoon a man fastly took his hands out of his pockets and rotated them around each other, when i passed him. He used me as a trigger to train his reflexes. He had dark hair, ponytail, and was wearing a black leather jacket. Maybe a rigthist. When i passed the near martial arts school there wasn't much space on the pavement, because some people were coming towards me, and a man was standing there. The man had a stiff body and stepped to the side by using his other foot like a hinge, as if he would be a door( the german word for bouncer/door steward is Türsteher, the doorstanding ). He concentrated on tightening his face by drawing back all his muscles, his version of a facelift. He was wearing a black hooded sweater with a word printed on it, think it was one of the martial arts-styles there. Seemed the one with the rotating hands before was adumbrating that they had someone at the school.
Half an hour before midnigth a man came down the street here, was loudly explaining, i understood "i go out every day", seemed he was posing what my situation is, he was speaking in english and had an overdone german accent, as pupils have in the beginning, and sounded nasty.
In the afternoon of the 22nd the "animal-eye"-man from the 12th passed me when i was on my way back from the cheap supermarket. Their clerk didn't show up this time.
When i was at a petrolstation at nigth a man asked me what the name of the street there was. On my way back at the near place a man with a cellphone came towards me from the side, he said "where i am here"( "wo bin ich hier" ). He was wearing an earthy orange jacket.
Just when i had left home in the morning of the 23rd, a smaller car of a violet blue colour turned in the street here. I think it had about the size, and also shape and colour, of the one from the 12th. Despite the look the engine was loud, sounding used/older, and got louder when it turned, some irony. When i arrived back a man with two dogs hurried to cross the street, when i had opened the door the younger dog turned, sniffing in the entrance. The man said "we don't want that". Maybe sniffing dogs.
When i was outside in the afternoon there was a sniffer(=made a sniffing noise), a younger woman on a bicycle. At the low bridge there was a black man who gave me a an offended and accusating look, short distance later there was a fair black man with long rastas, he was bicycling and also gave me a look. He was holding his head below the heigth of mine, staring at me in a ugly hostile way, kind of braindead. Later a man wearing a palestinian scarf and sunglasses passed, he had a specially confirmed i-am-so-smart expression, a rigthist. There have also been other rigthist who had a similar expression, but at him it was strongest, and more blacks than usual.
The next time i was outside a bigger skinhead wearing a black jacket passed me, he had his chin somewhat higher, was trained to show superiority with the way he was walking. A catwalk for the masterrace. In the next street there was a hunchbacked walking man, staring into nothing with his fixed blue eyes, looking artificially dumb. He was wearing an olive green parka with the german flags on the sleeves.
When i left home in the afternoon of the 24th a man with a thick book of yellow dictionary-colour passed, it's the second time he does so with this book. He insisted on keeping his walking speed with an upset expression, so i let him pass before pedaling. Later a couple on bicycles came towards me, they were both dressed in about the same colours as me. The woman was talking, sounded normally, the man in front of her was hostile staring at me, grimacing. His eyes had an about rectangular shape, his mouth to the side, awry chewing.
When i entered the park in the late afternoon a dark black man was leaving. He was wearing the same jacket as me. I was bicycling, as usual, and he was aping the way i prevent my pants from getting into the chainwheel by doing it at both legs, despite he was walking.
When i arrived at a petrolstation in the evening a woman left, she was dressed almost like me, but had a coat that was like my jacket.
At noon of the 25th there was a man with shaved head, wearing a dark blue baseballjacket wit white sleeves, coming towards me in the next bigger street. He did remind me someone who had some rigthist tendencies, and maybe succeeded to become a real rigthist. But i'm not sure, it's too long ago. He had a dark holdall with him. At a streetcrossing at the near place there were some, three or four, people walking in line, mostly dressed in black, an older woman was wearing a wide scarf of an intense red. Then a young woman with bleached rastas passed me, after waiting at the traffic ligth. She was also dressed in black, exept black-and white striped leggins, and the same red scarf. When i was sitting in the park a man on a bicycle passed me, he had his mouth opened and was pointing at the upper teeth on his left side. He was wearing dark clothes, maybe he was in his early 40ies.
In the afternoon there was a bigger man coming towards me, he blinked at me as if he would know me, could also have been sexual. He was blonde and wearing a camouflage jacket. Later a man on a bicycle, dark clothes, aped me yawning, with good timing. Maybe a martial artist, a taller man with a lanky face. In the pedestrian zone i passed a man standing near the taxis, he had a holdall in each hand, his lower face was covered by kind of thick turtle neck, but with a zipper, could have been part of his too big jacket, wich made a contrast to the visible part of his head, seemed to be a gaunt person. He had watery eyes, looked like a symbol for deep-sea diver, and if something had gone wrong. He reminded me someone i knew, but cannot say with half a face and dressed that way, and about ten years ago. I bougth something at the fair-trade shop near home, when i was back it came into my mind that the female clerk could have been one of the persons at the hut in the park, when they had banned me there.
In the early evening at the end of the street here, near the record shop, there were two cars, seemed that an accident happened. Both were parking on the street, and police was there. There was some distance between the cars, so they had moved after this. A man and a policemen were investigating the a door of the dark( the other was blueish and smaller )car, from my distance i've seen nothing at all, the policemen said "one is always thinking something happened"( "man denkt ja immer da passiert was" ). If a car gets hit at the side, and then both cars in this are parking the way that they make a hindrance for the traffic on two streets, while waiting for the police, one should think that this would have had an effect on the cars. So the situation looked odd. One policemen was waiting near this, standing directly in front of a wall without moving. He joined the others when one said his name, starting to move as if he had been activated. Before this i haven't noticed him.
At midnigth, already the 26th, i bougth something at a fast-food shop next to a petrolstation. The cleks took out the till when i was waiting, for a moment it seemed they were presenting it like a pizza. When i had got the food one loudly asked where one of the other clerks would be, the answer was at the toilet. Then they started cleaning, spatting cleanser on the ground near the till. But they sounded normally to me, exept loud for that theme in a food shop.
( I was in the cheap supermarket at noon, their clerk didn't show up. )
In the afternoon near the park a man came towards me, moving in an odd way. His shoulders up, the straigth legs stiff, a wider stance, that way he came stilting towards me. He had shaved hair, was in his 40ies, wearing a dark olive green jacket. Some distance behind a small child followed.
When i was at a petrolstation at nigth it took the one before me some time to buy 15 beers. Another man approached, when he was at the next street i already thougth he would come here for some acting. The one with the beer bougth plastic bags. The approaching one stood behind him, that way that i had to signalize him not to que-jump me. The one with the bags was heading directly towards me, saying " one could even use condoms"( "da kann man ja auch Kondome nehmen" ), taking his stretching bags as a plea for this highly subtle pedagogical comment. The other man offered his plastic bag to him. The beer-bagged gladly accepted. The first had a black jacket, the second a grey and shorter hair. Could have been aikidokas.
In the early afternoon of the 27th with my bicycle i wanted to pass three persons, who were walking next to each other, on the pavement. A man in the middle, an overweigthed boy, not older than ten, to each side. I was clicking with my levers, people usually hear this and then normally let me pass. The man said to the boy to his rigth "didn't you already get that i'm gay"( "hast du immer noch nicht verstanden das ich schwul bin" ), as if he would be telling what he'd said to someone before. The boy responded "is this true ?"( "stimmt das" ). Then they let me pass.
In the late afternoon of the 28th some people looked at me, two lefties, they behaved normally, but looking at me had a meaning to them, and a woman looked demonstrativly into the sky before passing me, maybe also a lefty. At the end there was a man with gi-ish haircut, wearing a dark blue fligth jacket, he had a very afflicted expression, already a grimace. Looked like rigthist.
When i got outside in the evening, around the corner a couple came towards me, much space as possible between them, so they used up all the pavement. I stepped to the side, because normally people, especially couples, prefer to stay together. But the man didn't change direction and kept his speed, he was bigger than me and sportive, i got even more to the side, they succesfully claimed all the pavement for them. The man was wearing an olive green jacket, seemed to be rigthists. I was heading to a supermarket at a near place, before i turned in the street there a skinhead came around the corner, he was obviously one of them, the third time rigthists today, and he was also wearing a dark blue fligth jacket, as the first one. So i had to pay attention. He stood in front of a shop and looked at the articles, he made a not loud but sharp sniffing noise. He had an inherent hostile expression, and was very robust, really a strong person, from his proportions, and also visible at his hands. In contrast to this he had a thin nose, with a consistent curve and pointy, like a beak. Maybe 40 years.
When i was outside in the late evening three black dressed lefties had a look at me, then a man with a gi-haircut turned in with a car, stopped and friendly signalized me to pass. So this was a joke that i would have prejudices against people with short hair.
When i left home near noon on the 29th, the dark black one who had repeatedly stalked me near home came up the street. He was wearing a darker olive grey jacket and blue jeans. At the end of the street here, where the accident was on the 25th, a man came across the street, towards me, looking at me, grimacing. Open mouth, pulling his lips apart to show teeth, moving the lips one or two times. Then he took one hand at his arse. I didn't look longer at him, he then remotely unlocked a car i was passing. Think he was in his 40ies, he was wearing a saturated blue t-shirt beneath his opened jacket, dull white trousers. I was at the baker, when i passed the somewhat wider street again a black man came down this street, he was still some distance away, while the colour of his skin and clothing were same as at the first black, he had other proportions, was overweigthed.
When i was in the cheap supermarket in the late afternoon, it was surprisingly almost empty. A clerk was pulling a cart full of packets, i think emty ones, into the storage, then closed the door. Haven't seen the clerk, but think it was their trained one. There was a woman, black hair and jacket and a nosepiercing, she had a perambulator and turned when i walked towards her, short time later she came towards me, it all feeled nearly subliminally attached at me. At the till there was only one person in line of me, the young clerk then was much energetically, after i had paid he closed the till really loud, so there was no more open till. So this connects to the 12th.
In the evening i was at the fast-food shop next to the petrolstation, where i already was on the 26th. I first ate fries, then a cheeseburger, in front of the entrance. At the cheeseburger a black man walked to a refuse bin some distance away, seemed he had left the shop from another entrance, for clerks. He started to hit the metal bin with a jacket or so, loudly, and with delay between each hit, so it seemed to be more symbolically than an actual purpose. Two times people threw something in the bin next to me before they entered. The second time it was a couple, the man said something, sounded like a comment on me. The black one was still hitting his drum. He looked like at least half of their black stalkers did during the first years with them, bald, very dark, athletically. He was wearing khaki camouflage-pants. A man passed me, walking through the entrance next to me, i think it was one of the clerks from the 26th. Somehow it seemed this had a meaning. At home i decided to get rid of the food.
When i was in the near supermarket on the 1rst of march, a gesturer passed me. He was holding his hand on his chest for a moment. I didn't get it to estimate the price, the clerk there offered me to pay a few cents next week, maybe this can happen after a few years. When i left the shop a robust skinhead passed me in the entrance, he was sligthly smiling. He was wearing khaki camouflage pants, same as the black one the day before.
At nigth a man came towards me at a streetcrossing, that way that i could'nt know where he decided to go, so i had to stop. He said "wrong direction", somewhere between explanation and question. Seemed he just disbanded from a group of people who came from a party. He then also entered the bank street down, made three sniffing noises, the first sounded like the usual, the two other then normally. He was wearing a khaki synthetic jacket, maybe early 30ies, sportive.
When i had entered the railwaystation in the late afternoon on the 2ned, a couple left the bookstore. The man was a skinhead, he was wearing a blue fligthjacket with a "white power" embroidered in white gothic letters on his back. The woman was bigger than he, she had black hair. I bougth tabacco, when i was walking to the baker two young blacks passed me, then a man was coming from the other side, he had an expression as if he would have seen me lately, acting to look into my eyes. He had shorter hair, a sportive person. Later in the inner city a slim man gave me a short look, vertically stuck his forefinger into a nostril, then holding it in front and gave it a short look, also made a sligth sniffing noise.
In the early evening i passed a boy who had a sabre in his left hand, towards my side, he was hitting the pavement with it, as if it would be his blindmans stick. He wasn't older than eigth, the sabre was just long enough to comfortably touch the ground, it wasn't just a childs toy, the blade was made of metal. Short distance further an overweigthed man wearing synthetic track clothing passed me, he was looking totally stunned towards the boy, open mouth. He was walking, maybe 50years. With the timing and the expression i think it was part of the acting, but i didn't turn around, so i could have missed more details at the boy. The evening before "the fog" was on tv, this must have been the source for the insipration. Near home a blonde girl pulling a trolley with loud plastic wheels passed me. Didn't look at her face, she was small, but i think no child.
When i brougth down waste someone had placed a refuse bin some distance further, but still in front of the house. When i was pulling it back, two young women came towards me, one said "not bad".
Some others, but i have described most.
They also picked up the small cars-theme again.
On the 25th there were two identically violet blue small cars parking in front of the house, around the corner, both with license from the same small town. Think there were two other cars between them.
On the 26th one was still parking there, and when i got out early at midnigth one similar car, same colour, this one a polo, was parking in front of the entrance, but with license from another near town. At noon the next but one street up was an identical car, same model and colour, license from another( as the other three) small town. In the early afternoon both were parking next to each other, to the left of the entrance( all these smaller roundish versions ).
In the morning of the 27th the first one at the entrance has been exchanged by an identical car, except the license is from another smaller near town, and directly in front of the entrance there is another polo car, but of a different blue, and another( also short&round ) version. Three small blue ones in line.
On the 29th at noon three of these small cars( similar shape) were parking next to each other in front of the entrance, again the violet blue i mentioned first on the 27th, and one of them now was a black one.
When i was in the bank in the early evening, among others there were two men, one was leaning on a statement printer. The other one was wearing a grey sweater, hood on, and he firmly looked into my eyes. Exept the sweater beneath the opened jacket both were dressed in black. The one with the sweater seemed to have shaved hair, the other one had shorter dark. When i passed them he made a step backwards, he'd obviously been waiting to do so, so i had to step to the side when i was between them. Could have been rigthist. When i arrived at home a man wearing the same jacket as me passed behind me when i opened the door. He had shorter dark hair and a know-it-all expression. Maybe a rightist.
At about 4:30am on the 21rst someone outside made a loud farting noise with his mouth, towards my window, it nearly sounded as if he would be in my room.
Before i passed the bank in the afternoon, there was a young man at the corner, he was dressed like the one with the grey hooded sweater in the bank, the day before, also hood on. Exept he was wearing white sneakers, the one the day before was wearing black shoes or boots. This one now was a slender and somewhat taller person, darker complexion. He smiled, maybe he felt stupid for walking there because he was told to do so. In front of the bank there was another man with again the same grey hooded sweater and a black jacket, but not hood on. He was wearing blue jeans, was'nt tall but a sportive person, dark hair and a short beard. The constellation was similar to the one of the tissued on the 15th.
In the later afternoon a man fastly took his hands out of his pockets and rotated them around each other, when i passed him. He used me as a trigger to train his reflexes. He had dark hair, ponytail, and was wearing a black leather jacket. Maybe a rigthist. When i passed the near martial arts school there wasn't much space on the pavement, because some people were coming towards me, and a man was standing there. The man had a stiff body and stepped to the side by using his other foot like a hinge, as if he would be a door( the german word for bouncer/door steward is Türsteher, the doorstanding ). He concentrated on tightening his face by drawing back all his muscles, his version of a facelift. He was wearing a black hooded sweater with a word printed on it, think it was one of the martial arts-styles there. Seemed the one with the rotating hands before was adumbrating that they had someone at the school.
Half an hour before midnigth a man came down the street here, was loudly explaining, i understood "i go out every day", seemed he was posing what my situation is, he was speaking in english and had an overdone german accent, as pupils have in the beginning, and sounded nasty.
In the afternoon of the 22nd the "animal-eye"-man from the 12th passed me when i was on my way back from the cheap supermarket. Their clerk didn't show up this time.
When i was at a petrolstation at nigth a man asked me what the name of the street there was. On my way back at the near place a man with a cellphone came towards me from the side, he said "where i am here"( "wo bin ich hier" ). He was wearing an earthy orange jacket.
Just when i had left home in the morning of the 23rd, a smaller car of a violet blue colour turned in the street here. I think it had about the size, and also shape and colour, of the one from the 12th. Despite the look the engine was loud, sounding used/older, and got louder when it turned, some irony. When i arrived back a man with two dogs hurried to cross the street, when i had opened the door the younger dog turned, sniffing in the entrance. The man said "we don't want that". Maybe sniffing dogs.
When i was outside in the afternoon there was a sniffer(=made a sniffing noise), a younger woman on a bicycle. At the low bridge there was a black man who gave me a an offended and accusating look, short distance later there was a fair black man with long rastas, he was bicycling and also gave me a look. He was holding his head below the heigth of mine, staring at me in a ugly hostile way, kind of braindead. Later a man wearing a palestinian scarf and sunglasses passed, he had a specially confirmed i-am-so-smart expression, a rigthist. There have also been other rigthist who had a similar expression, but at him it was strongest, and more blacks than usual.
The next time i was outside a bigger skinhead wearing a black jacket passed me, he had his chin somewhat higher, was trained to show superiority with the way he was walking. A catwalk for the masterrace. In the next street there was a hunchbacked walking man, staring into nothing with his fixed blue eyes, looking artificially dumb. He was wearing an olive green parka with the german flags on the sleeves.
When i left home in the afternoon of the 24th a man with a thick book of yellow dictionary-colour passed, it's the second time he does so with this book. He insisted on keeping his walking speed with an upset expression, so i let him pass before pedaling. Later a couple on bicycles came towards me, they were both dressed in about the same colours as me. The woman was talking, sounded normally, the man in front of her was hostile staring at me, grimacing. His eyes had an about rectangular shape, his mouth to the side, awry chewing.
When i entered the park in the late afternoon a dark black man was leaving. He was wearing the same jacket as me. I was bicycling, as usual, and he was aping the way i prevent my pants from getting into the chainwheel by doing it at both legs, despite he was walking.
When i arrived at a petrolstation in the evening a woman left, she was dressed almost like me, but had a coat that was like my jacket.
At noon of the 25th there was a man with shaved head, wearing a dark blue baseballjacket wit white sleeves, coming towards me in the next bigger street. He did remind me someone who had some rigthist tendencies, and maybe succeeded to become a real rigthist. But i'm not sure, it's too long ago. He had a dark holdall with him. At a streetcrossing at the near place there were some, three or four, people walking in line, mostly dressed in black, an older woman was wearing a wide scarf of an intense red. Then a young woman with bleached rastas passed me, after waiting at the traffic ligth. She was also dressed in black, exept black-and white striped leggins, and the same red scarf. When i was sitting in the park a man on a bicycle passed me, he had his mouth opened and was pointing at the upper teeth on his left side. He was wearing dark clothes, maybe he was in his early 40ies.
In the afternoon there was a bigger man coming towards me, he blinked at me as if he would know me, could also have been sexual. He was blonde and wearing a camouflage jacket. Later a man on a bicycle, dark clothes, aped me yawning, with good timing. Maybe a martial artist, a taller man with a lanky face. In the pedestrian zone i passed a man standing near the taxis, he had a holdall in each hand, his lower face was covered by kind of thick turtle neck, but with a zipper, could have been part of his too big jacket, wich made a contrast to the visible part of his head, seemed to be a gaunt person. He had watery eyes, looked like a symbol for deep-sea diver, and if something had gone wrong. He reminded me someone i knew, but cannot say with half a face and dressed that way, and about ten years ago. I bougth something at the fair-trade shop near home, when i was back it came into my mind that the female clerk could have been one of the persons at the hut in the park, when they had banned me there.
In the early evening at the end of the street here, near the record shop, there were two cars, seemed that an accident happened. Both were parking on the street, and police was there. There was some distance between the cars, so they had moved after this. A man and a policemen were investigating the a door of the dark( the other was blueish and smaller )car, from my distance i've seen nothing at all, the policemen said "one is always thinking something happened"( "man denkt ja immer da passiert was" ). If a car gets hit at the side, and then both cars in this are parking the way that they make a hindrance for the traffic on two streets, while waiting for the police, one should think that this would have had an effect on the cars. So the situation looked odd. One policemen was waiting near this, standing directly in front of a wall without moving. He joined the others when one said his name, starting to move as if he had been activated. Before this i haven't noticed him.
At midnigth, already the 26th, i bougth something at a fast-food shop next to a petrolstation. The cleks took out the till when i was waiting, for a moment it seemed they were presenting it like a pizza. When i had got the food one loudly asked where one of the other clerks would be, the answer was at the toilet. Then they started cleaning, spatting cleanser on the ground near the till. But they sounded normally to me, exept loud for that theme in a food shop.
( I was in the cheap supermarket at noon, their clerk didn't show up. )
In the afternoon near the park a man came towards me, moving in an odd way. His shoulders up, the straigth legs stiff, a wider stance, that way he came stilting towards me. He had shaved hair, was in his 40ies, wearing a dark olive green jacket. Some distance behind a small child followed.
When i was at a petrolstation at nigth it took the one before me some time to buy 15 beers. Another man approached, when he was at the next street i already thougth he would come here for some acting. The one with the beer bougth plastic bags. The approaching one stood behind him, that way that i had to signalize him not to que-jump me. The one with the bags was heading directly towards me, saying " one could even use condoms"( "da kann man ja auch Kondome nehmen" ), taking his stretching bags as a plea for this highly subtle pedagogical comment. The other man offered his plastic bag to him. The beer-bagged gladly accepted. The first had a black jacket, the second a grey and shorter hair. Could have been aikidokas.
In the early afternoon of the 27th with my bicycle i wanted to pass three persons, who were walking next to each other, on the pavement. A man in the middle, an overweigthed boy, not older than ten, to each side. I was clicking with my levers, people usually hear this and then normally let me pass. The man said to the boy to his rigth "didn't you already get that i'm gay"( "hast du immer noch nicht verstanden das ich schwul bin" ), as if he would be telling what he'd said to someone before. The boy responded "is this true ?"( "stimmt das" ). Then they let me pass.
In the late afternoon of the 28th some people looked at me, two lefties, they behaved normally, but looking at me had a meaning to them, and a woman looked demonstrativly into the sky before passing me, maybe also a lefty. At the end there was a man with gi-ish haircut, wearing a dark blue fligth jacket, he had a very afflicted expression, already a grimace. Looked like rigthist.
When i got outside in the evening, around the corner a couple came towards me, much space as possible between them, so they used up all the pavement. I stepped to the side, because normally people, especially couples, prefer to stay together. But the man didn't change direction and kept his speed, he was bigger than me and sportive, i got even more to the side, they succesfully claimed all the pavement for them. The man was wearing an olive green jacket, seemed to be rigthists. I was heading to a supermarket at a near place, before i turned in the street there a skinhead came around the corner, he was obviously one of them, the third time rigthists today, and he was also wearing a dark blue fligth jacket, as the first one. So i had to pay attention. He stood in front of a shop and looked at the articles, he made a not loud but sharp sniffing noise. He had an inherent hostile expression, and was very robust, really a strong person, from his proportions, and also visible at his hands. In contrast to this he had a thin nose, with a consistent curve and pointy, like a beak. Maybe 40 years.
When i was outside in the late evening three black dressed lefties had a look at me, then a man with a gi-haircut turned in with a car, stopped and friendly signalized me to pass. So this was a joke that i would have prejudices against people with short hair.
When i left home near noon on the 29th, the dark black one who had repeatedly stalked me near home came up the street. He was wearing a darker olive grey jacket and blue jeans. At the end of the street here, where the accident was on the 25th, a man came across the street, towards me, looking at me, grimacing. Open mouth, pulling his lips apart to show teeth, moving the lips one or two times. Then he took one hand at his arse. I didn't look longer at him, he then remotely unlocked a car i was passing. Think he was in his 40ies, he was wearing a saturated blue t-shirt beneath his opened jacket, dull white trousers. I was at the baker, when i passed the somewhat wider street again a black man came down this street, he was still some distance away, while the colour of his skin and clothing were same as at the first black, he had other proportions, was overweigthed.
When i was in the cheap supermarket in the late afternoon, it was surprisingly almost empty. A clerk was pulling a cart full of packets, i think emty ones, into the storage, then closed the door. Haven't seen the clerk, but think it was their trained one. There was a woman, black hair and jacket and a nosepiercing, she had a perambulator and turned when i walked towards her, short time later she came towards me, it all feeled nearly subliminally attached at me. At the till there was only one person in line of me, the young clerk then was much energetically, after i had paid he closed the till really loud, so there was no more open till. So this connects to the 12th.
In the evening i was at the fast-food shop next to the petrolstation, where i already was on the 26th. I first ate fries, then a cheeseburger, in front of the entrance. At the cheeseburger a black man walked to a refuse bin some distance away, seemed he had left the shop from another entrance, for clerks. He started to hit the metal bin with a jacket or so, loudly, and with delay between each hit, so it seemed to be more symbolically than an actual purpose. Two times people threw something in the bin next to me before they entered. The second time it was a couple, the man said something, sounded like a comment on me. The black one was still hitting his drum. He looked like at least half of their black stalkers did during the first years with them, bald, very dark, athletically. He was wearing khaki camouflage-pants. A man passed me, walking through the entrance next to me, i think it was one of the clerks from the 26th. Somehow it seemed this had a meaning. At home i decided to get rid of the food.
When i was in the near supermarket on the 1rst of march, a gesturer passed me. He was holding his hand on his chest for a moment. I didn't get it to estimate the price, the clerk there offered me to pay a few cents next week, maybe this can happen after a few years. When i left the shop a robust skinhead passed me in the entrance, he was sligthly smiling. He was wearing khaki camouflage pants, same as the black one the day before.
At nigth a man came towards me at a streetcrossing, that way that i could'nt know where he decided to go, so i had to stop. He said "wrong direction", somewhere between explanation and question. Seemed he just disbanded from a group of people who came from a party. He then also entered the bank street down, made three sniffing noises, the first sounded like the usual, the two other then normally. He was wearing a khaki synthetic jacket, maybe early 30ies, sportive.
When i had entered the railwaystation in the late afternoon on the 2ned, a couple left the bookstore. The man was a skinhead, he was wearing a blue fligthjacket with a "white power" embroidered in white gothic letters on his back. The woman was bigger than he, she had black hair. I bougth tabacco, when i was walking to the baker two young blacks passed me, then a man was coming from the other side, he had an expression as if he would have seen me lately, acting to look into my eyes. He had shorter hair, a sportive person. Later in the inner city a slim man gave me a short look, vertically stuck his forefinger into a nostril, then holding it in front and gave it a short look, also made a sligth sniffing noise.
In the early evening i passed a boy who had a sabre in his left hand, towards my side, he was hitting the pavement with it, as if it would be his blindmans stick. He wasn't older than eigth, the sabre was just long enough to comfortably touch the ground, it wasn't just a childs toy, the blade was made of metal. Short distance further an overweigthed man wearing synthetic track clothing passed me, he was looking totally stunned towards the boy, open mouth. He was walking, maybe 50years. With the timing and the expression i think it was part of the acting, but i didn't turn around, so i could have missed more details at the boy. The evening before "the fog" was on tv, this must have been the source for the insipration. Near home a blonde girl pulling a trolley with loud plastic wheels passed me. Didn't look at her face, she was small, but i think no child.
When i brougth down waste someone had placed a refuse bin some distance further, but still in front of the house. When i was pulling it back, two young women came towards me, one said "not bad".
Some others, but i have described most.
They also picked up the small cars-theme again.
On the 25th there were two identically violet blue small cars parking in front of the house, around the corner, both with license from the same small town. Think there were two other cars between them.
On the 26th one was still parking there, and when i got out early at midnigth one similar car, same colour, this one a polo, was parking in front of the entrance, but with license from another near town. At noon the next but one street up was an identical car, same model and colour, license from another( as the other three) small town. In the early afternoon both were parking next to each other, to the left of the entrance( all these smaller roundish versions ).
In the morning of the 27th the first one at the entrance has been exchanged by an identical car, except the license is from another smaller near town, and directly in front of the entrance there is another polo car, but of a different blue, and another( also short&round ) version. Three small blue ones in line.
On the 29th at noon three of these small cars( similar shape) were parking next to each other in front of the entrance, again the violet blue i mentioned first on the 27th, and one of them now was a black one.
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