In the early morning of the 14th of august on my way baker i passed some women who looked at me as if this should say something. I think they were four of them, three of them blonde. One was near the post, standing in the middle of the cobblestonestreed, staring at me, holding an antic, looking as pissed as possible. The day before i already passed a blonde woman who looked like this, but not so extreme, she was standing on the next streetcrossing from here.
When i was standing at the till in the near supermarket in the early evening of the 15th a female clerk came to the one who was sitting there and said that the key for the spirits (" Spirituosen-Schlüssel ") was missing, and described where it has been before. Maybe this was a joke about that alcohol is also a drug.
In the evening (was outside with my bicycle, as usual )i passed three black people in a suburb, it was next to a van, one made a loud shuffling step to insecure me.
When i was at the bank at nigth of the 16th a man came up to me very energetically, on his mission, when i opened the entrance door, then entered the bank also. It was that way that i had to pay attention to him. An athletic man, dressed in jeans-jacket and appendant pants, that fits him like tailor made. Then i was at a petrol-station, the man before me was dressed the same, exept a sligth difference in tone.
In the late afternoon/evening of the 17th i was on my way to the cheap supermarked. In the next street from here i passed a lag with a barbwire-tattoo on his forehead. He moved smooth and very consistent, he looked unreal somehow. He completely lacked any face-expression, his eyes appeared to be big. Looked as if he would be a kind of drone. Then on a traffic island on a streetcrossing at the market place there was a shorthaired blackdressed man, he had an agressive posture, presenting a bottle. Then there were some of them at the supermarket, but they did nothing real, maybe they just wanted to know if i react on their symbols, orange and saturated blue clothing. When i was outside again two men passed me, both coming from the same direction, they both looked at me with the same stressed face-expression, the second one as an amplifyer. It's to annoy me, and i should know it, and with this there is a chance that i'll catch up their expression. It's nothing new, i don't wanted to look at someone this way, i looked to the ground, payed attention to my bag. The next person passing was a black woman.
On my way back there was one more with a basic blue t-shirt( as i the shop).
In the nigth of the 18th, near 5 a.m., a young woman on the next streetcrossing barked like a pup that has pain, as loud as she could and it was a series of identical barks.Seems this was to accuse and taunt. Then her companion said something to her, and they left. I had seen a swedish thriller on tv, it had some random violence against pets, this was usually the source of inspiration for it.
When i was outside late at nigth at the end of the street here there was a pretty asian woman. Long black hair, dressed in white, tigth-fitting pants. When she arrived at the end of the street, i was not much away from her, she stopped, looked to the left down the street, and moved her shapey hips, really sexy. No one would just accidentially move this way, and i'm the only one near. Made no sense, she didn't see me, if she did then when i was distance away from her. So it was again something that maybe will be declared as a test, while letting me now that it is.
Nothing real on the 19th. In the evening of the 20th some upset talking people came up the street, when they arrived at this house one yelled "bella", with a hysteric "e", funny-taunting. There have been the mafia-murdering in duisburg, so now something italian had to happen here.
On the 21rst near midnigth i ate some fries at the low bridge, there was loud music. I first thougth if it could come from the near cafe/pub, but it seemed too loud for this, seemed as if it could come from the bridge of a traffic ferry there, hard to say at the water. It was some old german songs, one was "one has to wins"( "einer muss lügen...einer siegt"). It was really loud. I was sitting next to the ticket-building, a man came around the corner, had a look at me, turned around and walked back, like a watchman. Looked like a leftie, a grey-black hooded jacket/shirt( these crude woolen ones ), black pants. When i moved on, just when i had crossed the street, an athletic man passed me with a derisive smile, maybe a martial artist.
When i arrived at a petrol-station in the evening of the 22nd there was a nosegesturer inside. He stood there, before i entered he shoved the tip of his nose upwards with the palm of his hand while looking at me. Then he turned around and left the station through the entrance on the other side. He had short hair, darker complexion, was wearing a red t-shirt with a white curved stripe on the side, coca-cola, and an apron over it, seemed to be a mechanic from the station.
Near midnigth i was outside again, when i crossed the low bridge there was again music, this time life-music from the cafe/pub( not nearly as loud as the day before ), punkish rock-music. At one or two words/syllabies the voice was higher. Short time later on my way back they had already stopped, there were three teenagers, one loudly complained about the singer and that she can say her opinion ! in the same breath( for fun ). Maybe the only audience.
It made not much sense, life-music in the middle of the week, there, at this time.
On the 23rd there was nothing.
In the nigth, it was already the 24th, on my way to a petrol-station, there was a nosegesturer on the other side of the street on a bicycle. He made his sign to some people on this streetside, one of them was waiting at a streetcrossing on a bicycle, and after the sign was made he turned around and connected to the others, they talked. The sign was the same the gesturer inside the petrolstation did on the 22nd. I then cycled on the street, not to get too close to them to support their rumors. Some younger people, i think younger then 18. At the petrolstation i passed a group of people, some had beer or so, one said "they are all artifical, they are all artificially created" (" die werden ja alle künstlich erschaffen "), somewhat louder, so i could hear it well. I think one of them had already appeared on a petrolstation this year, he symmetrical dropped two beer-cans there( didn't look at them closer). When i bougth me two beer someone came up to me (not from the group), he was dressed in black, sportive windbraker hooded jacket and appendant pants. He was wearing sneakers, had short hair, hood on. He asked me something, i looked at him. Maybe he was only 16, but looked much older on the first look. He had bad teeth, usually had already experience with drugs, his eyes looked as if he had taken something. I asked him repeatedly, because i didn't understand. He asked me for "anura", i thougth if this could be a drug, it turned out to be " an €uro". I had one in the change, gave it to him, he bougth two bottles of beer.
In the morning of the 25th there was a group of people on the other side of the street at a streetcrossing at the market place when i was on my way to the railwaystation. A car turned in the street, laudly honking. One of the group respondet the greeting by raising his arm. I had immediatly the impression that he was the leader of the group, i looked at him, he looked to the side, demonstrativly turning his upper body, to say i should not look at him. His movement, greeting and turning, were both very consistent and beyond doubt, like an exercise. He was dressed all in black, a somewhat neat look, well-fitting all-in-one-style, sunglasses, shaved hair exept few dyed black. I think he was one of the leaders. Two times older man passed me to have a look at me, both had the same stringent expression, remarkeable similarity, maybe police.
When i left the house in the evening a couple passed when i had opened the door of the entrance. A woman, she was closer to me, she was wearing a black dress with a white pattern, she was carrying a pizza-carton in front of her. She made a hastily step towards me, so they used all the space of the pavement, and the man, a black one, dressed with a white shirt and black pants, who made a sniffing noise. On the other side of the street a group of people moved in the other direction, two of them coughing, to make it more exiting. Near the water i passed two black men, one raised his arms and shaked his hips, then moved towards me, dancing, when i passed them and sung "i have to pee"( in english), funny. Both the pizza and the pee were usually inspired by comments i made in a forum (the first was about racism, the second one about radiation).
Near noon on the 26th there were two children on the next streetcrossing (sidestreets), fencing with big wooden slats. I first heared them, loudly hitting each others slats. When i've seen them they were facing each other, looked much like aikido-postures. Then one destroyed the slat of the other. He then destroyed his slat. When i passed them he had just turned around, proudly walking down the street. In the morning i had watched some videos at youtube, also some aikido, so they reacted on this some hours later, the next time i was outside. This was the martial arts i mostly practised( stopped about 7 years ago, after two years), because i could do exercises alone.
On the 27th there were repeatedly rigthists, who dressed somewhat like lefties or so, three showed that they were their people.
I was outside before noon, this time walking, in the beginning in the next bigger street a bald shaved man passed me. He had hoisted his upper lip and was holding this expression and scratched his head in a toonish way when he came towards me. I stepped to the side, just because i often do, he naturally did not at all. He looked somewhat irritating with his expression. It came into my mind that maybe this should have looked jewish, later i thought if the man could have been my escrima-trainer, it's seven years ago and with this expression...he was a diver, this would explain the lip. When i returned a man, wearng a pale khaki jacket, darker complexion, curly hair, looking arabic or so, come towards me from the side before i crossed a street, he was still some distance away, after i had seen him he extensively coughed, overdone to show presence.
In the afternoon a woman in front of the house articulately said "i have lost a little/something" ("ich habe etwas verloren"), could have been to say that the headscratcher overcame me because i stepped to the side.
When i was on my way to a petrol-station in the evening there was a nosegesturer at the market-place, a black-dressed man with bleached hair. At the station there were three people and the salesclerk inside. A woman who left in the beginning. An older man with an ample grey moustache, he looked as he had drunk too much alcohol in his life, he had a conversation with the clerk about milk. And an athletic man with broad shoulders, standing line up with a crate of beer. Second escrima-man today. When he was at the till he asked for candles, the clerk first denied, then pointed towards the shelf behind me, the man passed close to me. When i payed another man had entered, he had much similarity to the first, but taller, wearing a white sweatshirt, they welcomed each with clapping each others hand above their heads with demonstrative jollity.
I'm not 100% sure if they were the people from escrima, because it's long ago and it's always irritating if someone shows up as if he would be someone else. At the end they could also have been stalkers imitating stalkers/mobbers who had similarity to them, gesture/humor was the same. The most elaborate acting the second one (years ago, there i was 100% sure) did was in the inner city. At the first streetcrossing there was a man dressed in rockabilly fachion, sideburns, boots. With the position he was standing and looking he was connected to him, standing at the next streetcrossing on one leg, and moving/shaking his torso fastly to the left and the rigth, to impress me with the control he had over his body due to the training. Then on the next streetcrossing, still the same street, a group of people came towards me, one looked at me for a moment as if he would know me. They were all walking next to each other, all had new fligth jackets, exept an outer one who was dressed black. If the shaker knew about them he must have known that it was acting, his allies, because otherwise it wouldn't have worked with the timing. Another one of them once made the final act of a stepping phase, don't know how long it was now, usually less a month, more than a week. There were repeatedly persons near me who were wearing broad high heels and walked very loud, escorting me, sometimes partial circulating around me. They were usually out of sigth, and they sounded more and more-and especially the last one-like a horse. Finally he showed up and stomped on the ground without making a sound. Don't know what it looked like from his point of view, but it seemed it was kind of exorcism-acting, the theme was used also at other occasions.
Some others, most the time they didn't had many people, i was mostly outside early in the morning or at nigth, and they showed up leass often than usual. The last days it was more, but i was also outside during daytime.
The situation with the one above is still the same, then he shows that he's attached by succeeding in peeing at the same time...
Haven't seen their trained clerk at the cheap supermarket.
Dienstag, 28. August 2007
Dienstag, 14. August 2007
a black phase
When i was on my way to the near supermarket on the 7th of august there were three young men in black t-shirts, they walked energetically, they all came from different directions. I turn around, there is again one, look to the other direction, again.
Not much later i was sitting in the park, a gesturer passed me, a boy, maybe 12, he was wearing an dark blue t-shirt with orange seams (they already had a few of them with yellow seams), something printed on the front.
When i was on my way to the cheap supermarket one of them came straigth up to me directly from the side while i was sitting on my bicycle, waiting at a traffic ligth. He was agressiv, he then turned around and waited next to me, some just little but constant impulsive movements said that he had in mind to attack me, but that was usually just the mindset he was given and enjoyed. When he came up to me he kicked a crown cup, to underline his agressiveness, without doing extra step.
Maybe they had placed it there as part of his exercise. He was already older, somewhat bigger and looked strong. In the street leading to the supermarket a black woman was walking some distance in front of me. She was wearing white boots (no high heels), kind of spacy fashion. Two men with beer in their hands were up the street, i've seen the face of one of them, he had such a stupid expression that it hurts. The other one turned around to the woman when she passed, not only his head, with all his posing body, as if it would be a compass, he was attached that way till she had passed.
She didn't react on this at all, maybe she had some routine with that. When i passed he said a nasty "hello" to me. I didn't look at him. When i came out of the supermarket and then stood there, eating something, an energetically walking man wearing a cultivated khaki suit passed me, touvhing energetically his nose, as they like to do so often.
On my way back, not far away from a record shop, a leftie who had repeatedly stalked me passed me. He likes to dress in black, this time he was also, but in a way that doesn't really fit to him. All black, and it looked new, the t-shirt, shorts, socks, the shoes would have also fitted to a suit, this neat style looked more like fascist fashion than like he dresses normally. The last person i passed before was a black woman.
I was outside at about midnigth, already the 8th. When i passed the beer&coffee-hut at the near park someone coughed to show that they know when i pass there. It's just a few streets from here, so they must be ready to get there instructions, it could hardly be planned.
When i was back i brougth the waste out, 2 people came towards me, and when i crossed the street they stopped before i passed them. The one was robust and bigger, shaved bald, he was wearing a dark sweatshirt, the other one was wearing a red sweatshirt, and beneath a white shirt with dog-collar. They talked something, not loud. When i came back i saw that the big one had a "pit-bull" on his back, they stopped directly next to the entrance, the big one, he had a beard on his chin, asked the other one for fire. When i passed them the fire lightened his face. They were angered, rightist who showed presence.
This was all they did that day.
On the 9th they only had one very discreet sniffer.
On the 10th i opened a window, and leaned on the sill. I rarely do so, because the chance is high that one of them comes down the street and directly stares into my face. This time two blacks passed, one of them has stalked me before, more than once, he lives street up. The other one was robust, shaved bald, wearing a yellow t-shirt. They talked.
Not much later, five minutes or so, just when i had left the house, a police-car turned in the street here.
Few streets later i've seen the one with the yellow t-shirt again, coming towards me. There was another black man, very dark and also bald, on a bicycle on the other side of the street, when i've seen him he touched his nose. It doesn't look like a gesture, because he also moved his head, as people touching/scratching their face often do. The gesturers normally don't do, exept they turn their heads towards me. But with the timing he was usually one of them.
Some streets later near a petrol station a police-car turned when i arrived at a bigger streetcrossing (but no other cars there), maybe it was at about the same speed as the one before, it looked as it wanted to imitate the first one to me.
I turned in the street and headed to the railwaystation. Then down that street straigth in front of me there was a policecar parking at the station. When i was waiting at the traffic ligths at the bus-stop opposite the station it passed me.
After i had passed the low bridge near the station two black man where walking in front of me, talking, they sounded much like the two who had passed below the window. Before i passed them one raised both arms, as if there would be a planet-sized-ball, he said "the world, when everything was closed." in german ( " Die Welt-als alles geschlossen war " ).
He did his gesture and said this with a naturally assurance, risen above any doubt, and it had clearly a religious meaning to him.
At about midnigth, already on the 11th, two men passed here, one said something with "drugdeal".
I was at a near bank about half an hour later, when i arrived two teenagers on a scooter stopped in front of it, they entered also and stood at the cash machine next to me. One said something like how impressed he was about the trip he took, the other one, who was closer to me, asked "the yellow ones ?". He was wearing yellow chucks.
When i was outside in the afternoon there was a nosegesturer, and then at the park a black bald man on a bicycle came towards me. He said something, then again, there was no one else there, so i slowed down and looked at him, seemed he wanted to ask something, he had a friendly expression. But he didn't look at me, he passed me talking to himself in his afrikan language, explaning something.
The next time i was ouside there was also one of them with a friendly expression, a leftie with some badges, he stood next to the cycle way, holding a cellphone as focus/fetish/alibi at his ear, looking at me, saying "hey, fit again ?" ( "Na, wieder fit ?" ) when i passed him.
On the 12th i was at the flea-market. There was a pretty black woman, she stood there, leaned her head to the side, seemed this was a greek-statue-posture. This was at the beginning of a short street, on the street a white woman passed me, a leftie, she had an absent stare and loudly shuffled with her flip-flopped feet at each step, obviously she wanted to describe a zombi.
I made a comment about a stupid game in an forum, and now they complain that i made a comment ( seems they explain that i would have the opinion i critizised, they often do so ). Towards the end of the street there was a seller where i usually have a look if he's there, two big black men passed there, dressed somewhat snobbish, some white clothes, one said towards the articles "i cannot afford this" when he passed, and repeated this, seems this was kind of fun to him.
When i moved on short distance later someone behind me ( a white man ) said towards me " is this o.k. ?" when i passed some black people, women and children, implying that it could not.
When i walked doen the street here and crossed the bigger street to buy something in a shop there on the 13th, two completely black dressed men passed me in front of it. The one had a black iroquese-haircut and a pentagramm on his back, the other one was wearing a hat, a long coat made out of thick cloth, one of these with two lines of metal buttons, one at each side. Despite the warm weather he had it closed up to his neck, and it was decorated with an assessoir : a chain as girdle, and two other chain attached to it as braces. And all this tigth and orderly. He passed me with catwalkish assertiveness.
The next time i was outside there was a teenager who crossed himself, but only half, only mouth and left chest, when he passed me.
Some others, but i described most of them.
Not much later i was sitting in the park, a gesturer passed me, a boy, maybe 12, he was wearing an dark blue t-shirt with orange seams (they already had a few of them with yellow seams), something printed on the front.
When i was on my way to the cheap supermarket one of them came straigth up to me directly from the side while i was sitting on my bicycle, waiting at a traffic ligth. He was agressiv, he then turned around and waited next to me, some just little but constant impulsive movements said that he had in mind to attack me, but that was usually just the mindset he was given and enjoyed. When he came up to me he kicked a crown cup, to underline his agressiveness, without doing extra step.
Maybe they had placed it there as part of his exercise. He was already older, somewhat bigger and looked strong. In the street leading to the supermarket a black woman was walking some distance in front of me. She was wearing white boots (no high heels), kind of spacy fashion. Two men with beer in their hands were up the street, i've seen the face of one of them, he had such a stupid expression that it hurts. The other one turned around to the woman when she passed, not only his head, with all his posing body, as if it would be a compass, he was attached that way till she had passed.
She didn't react on this at all, maybe she had some routine with that. When i passed he said a nasty "hello" to me. I didn't look at him. When i came out of the supermarket and then stood there, eating something, an energetically walking man wearing a cultivated khaki suit passed me, touvhing energetically his nose, as they like to do so often.
On my way back, not far away from a record shop, a leftie who had repeatedly stalked me passed me. He likes to dress in black, this time he was also, but in a way that doesn't really fit to him. All black, and it looked new, the t-shirt, shorts, socks, the shoes would have also fitted to a suit, this neat style looked more like fascist fashion than like he dresses normally. The last person i passed before was a black woman.
I was outside at about midnigth, already the 8th. When i passed the beer&coffee-hut at the near park someone coughed to show that they know when i pass there. It's just a few streets from here, so they must be ready to get there instructions, it could hardly be planned.
When i was back i brougth the waste out, 2 people came towards me, and when i crossed the street they stopped before i passed them. The one was robust and bigger, shaved bald, he was wearing a dark sweatshirt, the other one was wearing a red sweatshirt, and beneath a white shirt with dog-collar. They talked something, not loud. When i came back i saw that the big one had a "pit-bull" on his back, they stopped directly next to the entrance, the big one, he had a beard on his chin, asked the other one for fire. When i passed them the fire lightened his face. They were angered, rightist who showed presence.
This was all they did that day.
On the 9th they only had one very discreet sniffer.
On the 10th i opened a window, and leaned on the sill. I rarely do so, because the chance is high that one of them comes down the street and directly stares into my face. This time two blacks passed, one of them has stalked me before, more than once, he lives street up. The other one was robust, shaved bald, wearing a yellow t-shirt. They talked.
Not much later, five minutes or so, just when i had left the house, a police-car turned in the street here.
Few streets later i've seen the one with the yellow t-shirt again, coming towards me. There was another black man, very dark and also bald, on a bicycle on the other side of the street, when i've seen him he touched his nose. It doesn't look like a gesture, because he also moved his head, as people touching/scratching their face often do. The gesturers normally don't do, exept they turn their heads towards me. But with the timing he was usually one of them.
Some streets later near a petrol station a police-car turned when i arrived at a bigger streetcrossing (but no other cars there), maybe it was at about the same speed as the one before, it looked as it wanted to imitate the first one to me.
I turned in the street and headed to the railwaystation. Then down that street straigth in front of me there was a policecar parking at the station. When i was waiting at the traffic ligths at the bus-stop opposite the station it passed me.
After i had passed the low bridge near the station two black man where walking in front of me, talking, they sounded much like the two who had passed below the window. Before i passed them one raised both arms, as if there would be a planet-sized-ball, he said "the world, when everything was closed." in german ( " Die Welt-als alles geschlossen war " ).
He did his gesture and said this with a naturally assurance, risen above any doubt, and it had clearly a religious meaning to him.
At about midnigth, already on the 11th, two men passed here, one said something with "drugdeal".
I was at a near bank about half an hour later, when i arrived two teenagers on a scooter stopped in front of it, they entered also and stood at the cash machine next to me. One said something like how impressed he was about the trip he took, the other one, who was closer to me, asked "the yellow ones ?". He was wearing yellow chucks.
When i was outside in the afternoon there was a nosegesturer, and then at the park a black bald man on a bicycle came towards me. He said something, then again, there was no one else there, so i slowed down and looked at him, seemed he wanted to ask something, he had a friendly expression. But he didn't look at me, he passed me talking to himself in his afrikan language, explaning something.
The next time i was ouside there was also one of them with a friendly expression, a leftie with some badges, he stood next to the cycle way, holding a cellphone as focus/fetish/alibi at his ear, looking at me, saying "hey, fit again ?" ( "Na, wieder fit ?" ) when i passed him.
On the 12th i was at the flea-market. There was a pretty black woman, she stood there, leaned her head to the side, seemed this was a greek-statue-posture. This was at the beginning of a short street, on the street a white woman passed me, a leftie, she had an absent stare and loudly shuffled with her flip-flopped feet at each step, obviously she wanted to describe a zombi.
I made a comment about a stupid game in an forum, and now they complain that i made a comment ( seems they explain that i would have the opinion i critizised, they often do so ). Towards the end of the street there was a seller where i usually have a look if he's there, two big black men passed there, dressed somewhat snobbish, some white clothes, one said towards the articles "i cannot afford this" when he passed, and repeated this, seems this was kind of fun to him.
When i moved on short distance later someone behind me ( a white man ) said towards me " is this o.k. ?" when i passed some black people, women and children, implying that it could not.
When i walked doen the street here and crossed the bigger street to buy something in a shop there on the 13th, two completely black dressed men passed me in front of it. The one had a black iroquese-haircut and a pentagramm on his back, the other one was wearing a hat, a long coat made out of thick cloth, one of these with two lines of metal buttons, one at each side. Despite the warm weather he had it closed up to his neck, and it was decorated with an assessoir : a chain as girdle, and two other chain attached to it as braces. And all this tigth and orderly. He passed me with catwalkish assertiveness.
The next time i was outside there was a teenager who crossed himself, but only half, only mouth and left chest, when he passed me.
Some others, but i described most of them.
Montag, 6. August 2007
an advice
On the 23rd of july they had one of their bald dark black ones, he twitched his body-builded bizeps when he came towards me.
And an old man on a bicycle who constantly stared at me.
The 24th was a day when they didn't show up, i was outside about one hour.
I've heard that two bicycles were stolen out of the basement, the discription was that they were expensive and could be carried with one hand. So most bicycles could be carried with one hands. However, i'm the one here who always carries his bicycle upstairs, of course with one hand (don't know how i could carry a bicycle upstairs otherwise).
It's not the first time something has been stolen out of the basement. Also this year someone had a try on the lock of a bicycle of another neighbour. And last year something was destroyed, i think it was a sofa, and something mostly worthles was stolen : empty bottles.
On the 25th there was someone on a bicycle waiting at a traffic ligth, when i came closer he moved his front-wheel to irritate me, to show that maybe he would drive into me.
In the evening, when i was at home, someone outside said something like "there he is. Not today, maybe at saturday". Sounded as if one of them made an appointment when to show up.
On my way to the shopping center there were some people who let me know that they had an eye on me, the most obvious was an angry woman, blonde and in her 50ies, when she came towards me she had one hand in a bag she was holding in front of her, seemed that she had a weapon, or maybe it should look somehow like this, could have been a knife. She was very closely followed by a tall darker man, attached in a i-stand-by-you-way.
The last time i was outside( when i described the one with the bicycle) i looked angry myself, i'm not really healthy, and there were some of them looking at me.
And an athletic man with darker skin came towards me, he looked to the side, so i thought maybe i had looked for too long at him. And he made a shuffling step, but a controlled one, wide and bowed towards me, like a barrier. I was not sure if he was one of them, there were some who could have been of them, watching me, but doing no gestures or so.
But if they comment it this way, waiting for me and then coming towards me, so i had to step to the side, because i cannot know what she had in her hand, i think he was one of them.
On my way back there was a gesturer, a robust man, maybe 50, he smoked a cigarette, deeply inhaling. He stopped at a streetcrossing, so i came closer, he cupped his left ear with his hand, this was a gesture to someone who passed in front of him (at a sidestreet) in a car.
On the 26th a sniffer when i was at a baker, a woman who looked similar to the one with the bag the day before.
When i was outside in the evening someone with a military cap stood near the house, looking in the direction of my window, then at me. He stood there as if he had to do so, but liked this. Not much later there was someone with a similar cap who looked at me in the same way. And i passed some people who stood in the entrance of a house, they had an artificially conversation about bicycles, replacing some words with odd german ones "there are only basic brakes on the terrain-bike...passed" (" da sind ja nur Standartbremsen am Geländefahrrad...ueberholt "), the other one asked how fast he would have been, the answer "75". It sounded like look there-he-comes, now we say as we were told.
On the 27th at 4 a.m. some people came down the street here, the first said very loud "then he had lied to everyone" (" dann hat er ja alle belogen "), the last they said, when they arrived at the streetcrossing here, was " then he should hang himself "( "dann sollte er sich erhängen" ).
One hour later someone in front of the foreigners house yelled "Alue", an odd pronounciated "Ali" (name), also sounds like lie/Luege(The others before had already passed there, so it could not have been adressed there).
On the 28th two discrete sniffer.
On the 29th i was outside once for about one hour, i was at a park on the eastside with my bicycle,.
There was an exhibition about dinos, mostly for children, i thougth maybe i could see a sculpture, so i passed there. When i came down the steep meadow towards the wagons there was a woman between them, she was holding a girl in front of her. Seemed that this has to help the girl that she should pee. The upper body of the girl was against the body of the woman, both were facing towards me. The girl had the pants down, the woman was holding her legs at the knees, so the girl didn't touch the ground. Technically i doubt that it made much sense, maybe the girl was 5 or 6, so she usually could cower without that support. Maybe this should have been kind of accusation, because it was exposed to me.
On my way someone with a i-am-flying-expression passed me, his eyes closed, his arms somewhat spread.
( time ago i knew someone who knew him, he took drugs or/and alcohol-problem, no idea how it is today ).
And at the bridge an agressiv looking man, darker skin, dressed in buddhist yellow and red, was at the streetcrossing near me, maybe 50 years old, touching his nose.
On the 30th there was only one discrete sniffer, an old granny who did so when she was directly next to me. I don't expect that she could decide herself.
In the near supermarket one of two clerks said a baubling "peaky" (" Hungerhaken ") when i passed.
On the 31rst there was a sniffer, and someone on a bicycle who signalist with a gesture to someone else when passing me, then took out a handy as if he had to report it now.
Someone said "drugdealer", the way that i could barely hear this.
So these july-days there wasn't so much, but i also haven't been outside much.
During the beginning of august they liked to have many people who just made me feel that they kept an eye on me, sometimes connested to each other through a steady rythm, often feels like beeing under a bell jar.
On the 1rst of august on the afternoon there was a young man who made a sign to someone else, covering his mouth with the hand, he was shaved bald, maybe a rigthist. And there was an asian man coming straigth from the synagoge memorial to cross my way, this had something to say to him.
On this day some of their people were dressed that way that it would fit somehow to a boyscout-theme, it was boyscout day. So then there is one of them, and at the next who lookes like this i cannot know then, but maybe...
In the evening there was one noseman in olive near the market place, he made his sign as if was a symbol to someone else (they sometimes liked to do so these days), then near the low bridge there was one on a bicycle who looked like this, there was also some tension on his body/neck so it seemed he was concentrating to be aware of me, so i didn't want to follow him, he knew this and turned, so i also changed my direction, he did again, so i did again also.
Then i passed one of their gesturers, an older man who was pointing at his eye.
When i was at the streetcrossing at the low bridge on the 2nd, this time coming from the other direction, a man who had a bicycle with a frame that was much like mine stopped next to me. He had also an rigid mtb with a rigid fork, about the same frame size, and of exactly the same rare colour, but his one was new. He looked at mine and then demonstrativly upset moved on to cross the street at another point.
Not much later someone holding his antic passed me on a bicycle, he concentrated to have his little mouth consistently bowed down, like a sad smiley, and it was not in the middle, it was at his cheek, so it looked as if someone had tagged it there.
Maybe some of the people who had a look at me these days were some of the near martial artist, yesterday i had some beer and dared to touch a stick, and because the one above me is always attached they know( so then i'm in the near supermarket, i take something out of a shelf, i move my arms more relaxed then normally, a man behind me comments this little detail with a rebuking snuffle) .
On the 3rd there was a black-haired woman, maybe 50, near the synagoge memorial who raised her arm somewhat, then stopped this move abruptly, seemed she wanted to present her wrist.
I've seen the black man who yelled "Allah" one day after they had their hypno-jesus, he was dressed in his pale blue cloak again, seemes he normally likes to dress this way.
In the evening three skinheads passed me at a streetcrossing, one spitted out, another one said "one has to look out" (" muss man gucken" ).
Another time in the evening a black woman on a bicycle turned in the street in front of me, towards a discothek, then an agressiv man passed me. Both were wearing white sweatshirts with thin black stripes across.
On the 4th there was nothing.
On the 5th i bougth me a coffe at the railwaystaion and drunk it on a bank in front of it. Three man were passing me, watching me, one looked into my eyes to judge me, the authority was with them, maybe police. They were about 30 years old, early 30ies, the one who looked into my eyes was wearing a brown poloshirt with a white "omm"-symbol at the side.
When i moved on an uniformed policeman stepped to another man( maybe taxidriver ) in front of the station, the policeman said "there are no children here", towards my direction, "children" somewhat louder.
When i was ouside in the early evening there were some people who seemed to be connected at me, mostly with timing, who looked strong for their figure. Maybe this was inspired by a comment on a forum from me. The first was down the street here, a completly black dressed man with a "security" on his t-shirt, shaved bald, he closed the door of his car and then decidedly crossed my way, the man without a doubt. Then down this street, on the other side of the bigger street, there was a man who repeatedly raised his arms fastly while walking, as an exercise. Later one of the strong-themed ones was a fair black woman with sunglasses, on an old bicycle, she braked near me and while looking at me she made an expression, maybe as if this lame braking would be like weigthlifting to her.
The next time i was outside i bougth me some fast-food.
On my way near a petrol-station a nosegesturer came towards me on a bicycle. He stretched his nostrils, while he leaned his head back and took breath. Maybe he knew at some detail what this was about. He had darker skin, was dressed in white and pale khaki, maybe late 40ies. When i was waiting forthe food four young teenagers crossed the street towards me, a boy touched his nose while looking at me, a girl repeated this geature. Then a man wearing a black t-shirt and dark grey shorts walked on the other side of the street, making a nosegesture. Then a black dressed woman on a bicycle came up the hill, she gesticulated with her arms, like the man at the beginning, the last time i was outside.
On my way back the first nosegesturer passed me again near the petrol station, staring into my eyes.
Then i was outside at nigth, on the low bridge a bigger number of young teenagers passed me, three groups or so, in the first there was a girl who made a photo with a photoflash. There were some others in front of her who had turned around, however, if she made this because of me it would have been the best moment ( when i was closest).
On the 6th at nigth i heared the "it's my life" singers (really loud). They were two and it was kind of extended version. Once they turned into the street here, then they head some more text, but i didn't understand, after they sung a strophe they laughed and turned.
They sounded as if they had to proof or assert something.
When i was outside in the evening there was a gesturer, he was holding a hand at his ear as if he would have a cellphone. A younger man wearing sunglasses, and a white jacket and saturated blue jeans, both freshly washed.
He looked as if he wants to be an agent, also looked like a rigthist. Then therewere two people who had much the same glasses and a corresponding expression.
The last time i was outsided there was a more subtle action: a man with a pitbull came towards me. He had darker skin, he moved as if he would be drunk or so, also somewhat agressive. Then a black dressed man on a bicycle came towards me, he looked at me, he estimated the situation and then was moving at a speed and distance that i had to pass the one with the dog closer than i would have done normally.
So this is just exercise for them, they have the routine, they will have the ability to make "accidents" or so.
The last days there have also some blacks who had a look at me. They were not hostile or so, maybe at some people who "just look" the best use they can make of it is to gather information about them. However, they already need to have some influence to tell people when they have to go where, even if they don't get them to the point to make use of them as they do usually.
And an old man on a bicycle who constantly stared at me.
The 24th was a day when they didn't show up, i was outside about one hour.
I've heard that two bicycles were stolen out of the basement, the discription was that they were expensive and could be carried with one hand. So most bicycles could be carried with one hands. However, i'm the one here who always carries his bicycle upstairs, of course with one hand (don't know how i could carry a bicycle upstairs otherwise).
It's not the first time something has been stolen out of the basement. Also this year someone had a try on the lock of a bicycle of another neighbour. And last year something was destroyed, i think it was a sofa, and something mostly worthles was stolen : empty bottles.
On the 25th there was someone on a bicycle waiting at a traffic ligth, when i came closer he moved his front-wheel to irritate me, to show that maybe he would drive into me.
In the evening, when i was at home, someone outside said something like "there he is. Not today, maybe at saturday". Sounded as if one of them made an appointment when to show up.
On my way to the shopping center there were some people who let me know that they had an eye on me, the most obvious was an angry woman, blonde and in her 50ies, when she came towards me she had one hand in a bag she was holding in front of her, seemed that she had a weapon, or maybe it should look somehow like this, could have been a knife. She was very closely followed by a tall darker man, attached in a i-stand-by-you-way.
The last time i was outside( when i described the one with the bicycle) i looked angry myself, i'm not really healthy, and there were some of them looking at me.
And an athletic man with darker skin came towards me, he looked to the side, so i thought maybe i had looked for too long at him. And he made a shuffling step, but a controlled one, wide and bowed towards me, like a barrier. I was not sure if he was one of them, there were some who could have been of them, watching me, but doing no gestures or so.
But if they comment it this way, waiting for me and then coming towards me, so i had to step to the side, because i cannot know what she had in her hand, i think he was one of them.
On my way back there was a gesturer, a robust man, maybe 50, he smoked a cigarette, deeply inhaling. He stopped at a streetcrossing, so i came closer, he cupped his left ear with his hand, this was a gesture to someone who passed in front of him (at a sidestreet) in a car.
On the 26th a sniffer when i was at a baker, a woman who looked similar to the one with the bag the day before.
When i was outside in the evening someone with a military cap stood near the house, looking in the direction of my window, then at me. He stood there as if he had to do so, but liked this. Not much later there was someone with a similar cap who looked at me in the same way. And i passed some people who stood in the entrance of a house, they had an artificially conversation about bicycles, replacing some words with odd german ones "there are only basic brakes on the terrain-bike...passed" (" da sind ja nur Standartbremsen am Geländefahrrad...ueberholt "), the other one asked how fast he would have been, the answer "75". It sounded like look there-he-comes, now we say as we were told.
On the 27th at 4 a.m. some people came down the street here, the first said very loud "then he had lied to everyone" (" dann hat er ja alle belogen "), the last they said, when they arrived at the streetcrossing here, was " then he should hang himself "( "dann sollte er sich erhängen" ).
One hour later someone in front of the foreigners house yelled "Alue", an odd pronounciated "Ali" (name), also sounds like lie/Luege(The others before had already passed there, so it could not have been adressed there).
On the 28th two discrete sniffer.
On the 29th i was outside once for about one hour, i was at a park on the eastside with my bicycle,.
There was an exhibition about dinos, mostly for children, i thougth maybe i could see a sculpture, so i passed there. When i came down the steep meadow towards the wagons there was a woman between them, she was holding a girl in front of her. Seemed that this has to help the girl that she should pee. The upper body of the girl was against the body of the woman, both were facing towards me. The girl had the pants down, the woman was holding her legs at the knees, so the girl didn't touch the ground. Technically i doubt that it made much sense, maybe the girl was 5 or 6, so she usually could cower without that support. Maybe this should have been kind of accusation, because it was exposed to me.
On my way someone with a i-am-flying-expression passed me, his eyes closed, his arms somewhat spread.
( time ago i knew someone who knew him, he took drugs or/and alcohol-problem, no idea how it is today ).
And at the bridge an agressiv looking man, darker skin, dressed in buddhist yellow and red, was at the streetcrossing near me, maybe 50 years old, touching his nose.
On the 30th there was only one discrete sniffer, an old granny who did so when she was directly next to me. I don't expect that she could decide herself.
In the near supermarket one of two clerks said a baubling "peaky" (" Hungerhaken ") when i passed.
On the 31rst there was a sniffer, and someone on a bicycle who signalist with a gesture to someone else when passing me, then took out a handy as if he had to report it now.
Someone said "drugdealer", the way that i could barely hear this.
So these july-days there wasn't so much, but i also haven't been outside much.
During the beginning of august they liked to have many people who just made me feel that they kept an eye on me, sometimes connested to each other through a steady rythm, often feels like beeing under a bell jar.
On the 1rst of august on the afternoon there was a young man who made a sign to someone else, covering his mouth with the hand, he was shaved bald, maybe a rigthist. And there was an asian man coming straigth from the synagoge memorial to cross my way, this had something to say to him.
On this day some of their people were dressed that way that it would fit somehow to a boyscout-theme, it was boyscout day. So then there is one of them, and at the next who lookes like this i cannot know then, but maybe...
In the evening there was one noseman in olive near the market place, he made his sign as if was a symbol to someone else (they sometimes liked to do so these days), then near the low bridge there was one on a bicycle who looked like this, there was also some tension on his body/neck so it seemed he was concentrating to be aware of me, so i didn't want to follow him, he knew this and turned, so i also changed my direction, he did again, so i did again also.
Then i passed one of their gesturers, an older man who was pointing at his eye.
When i was at the streetcrossing at the low bridge on the 2nd, this time coming from the other direction, a man who had a bicycle with a frame that was much like mine stopped next to me. He had also an rigid mtb with a rigid fork, about the same frame size, and of exactly the same rare colour, but his one was new. He looked at mine and then demonstrativly upset moved on to cross the street at another point.
Not much later someone holding his antic passed me on a bicycle, he concentrated to have his little mouth consistently bowed down, like a sad smiley, and it was not in the middle, it was at his cheek, so it looked as if someone had tagged it there.
Maybe some of the people who had a look at me these days were some of the near martial artist, yesterday i had some beer and dared to touch a stick, and because the one above me is always attached they know( so then i'm in the near supermarket, i take something out of a shelf, i move my arms more relaxed then normally, a man behind me comments this little detail with a rebuking snuffle) .
On the 3rd there was a black-haired woman, maybe 50, near the synagoge memorial who raised her arm somewhat, then stopped this move abruptly, seemed she wanted to present her wrist.
I've seen the black man who yelled "Allah" one day after they had their hypno-jesus, he was dressed in his pale blue cloak again, seemes he normally likes to dress this way.
In the evening three skinheads passed me at a streetcrossing, one spitted out, another one said "one has to look out" (" muss man gucken" ).
Another time in the evening a black woman on a bicycle turned in the street in front of me, towards a discothek, then an agressiv man passed me. Both were wearing white sweatshirts with thin black stripes across.
On the 4th there was nothing.
On the 5th i bougth me a coffe at the railwaystaion and drunk it on a bank in front of it. Three man were passing me, watching me, one looked into my eyes to judge me, the authority was with them, maybe police. They were about 30 years old, early 30ies, the one who looked into my eyes was wearing a brown poloshirt with a white "omm"-symbol at the side.
When i moved on an uniformed policeman stepped to another man( maybe taxidriver ) in front of the station, the policeman said "there are no children here", towards my direction, "children" somewhat louder.
When i was ouside in the early evening there were some people who seemed to be connected at me, mostly with timing, who looked strong for their figure. Maybe this was inspired by a comment on a forum from me. The first was down the street here, a completly black dressed man with a "security" on his t-shirt, shaved bald, he closed the door of his car and then decidedly crossed my way, the man without a doubt. Then down this street, on the other side of the bigger street, there was a man who repeatedly raised his arms fastly while walking, as an exercise. Later one of the strong-themed ones was a fair black woman with sunglasses, on an old bicycle, she braked near me and while looking at me she made an expression, maybe as if this lame braking would be like weigthlifting to her.
The next time i was outside i bougth me some fast-food.
On my way near a petrol-station a nosegesturer came towards me on a bicycle. He stretched his nostrils, while he leaned his head back and took breath. Maybe he knew at some detail what this was about. He had darker skin, was dressed in white and pale khaki, maybe late 40ies. When i was waiting forthe food four young teenagers crossed the street towards me, a boy touched his nose while looking at me, a girl repeated this geature. Then a man wearing a black t-shirt and dark grey shorts walked on the other side of the street, making a nosegesture. Then a black dressed woman on a bicycle came up the hill, she gesticulated with her arms, like the man at the beginning, the last time i was outside.
On my way back the first nosegesturer passed me again near the petrol station, staring into my eyes.
Then i was outside at nigth, on the low bridge a bigger number of young teenagers passed me, three groups or so, in the first there was a girl who made a photo with a photoflash. There were some others in front of her who had turned around, however, if she made this because of me it would have been the best moment ( when i was closest).
On the 6th at nigth i heared the "it's my life" singers (really loud). They were two and it was kind of extended version. Once they turned into the street here, then they head some more text, but i didn't understand, after they sung a strophe they laughed and turned.
They sounded as if they had to proof or assert something.
When i was outside in the evening there was a gesturer, he was holding a hand at his ear as if he would have a cellphone. A younger man wearing sunglasses, and a white jacket and saturated blue jeans, both freshly washed.
He looked as if he wants to be an agent, also looked like a rigthist. Then therewere two people who had much the same glasses and a corresponding expression.
The last time i was outsided there was a more subtle action: a man with a pitbull came towards me. He had darker skin, he moved as if he would be drunk or so, also somewhat agressive. Then a black dressed man on a bicycle came towards me, he looked at me, he estimated the situation and then was moving at a speed and distance that i had to pass the one with the dog closer than i would have done normally.
So this is just exercise for them, they have the routine, they will have the ability to make "accidents" or so.
The last days there have also some blacks who had a look at me. They were not hostile or so, maybe at some people who "just look" the best use they can make of it is to gather information about them. However, they already need to have some influence to tell people when they have to go where, even if they don't get them to the point to make use of them as they do usually.
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