Sonntag, 4. November 2007

ministry of prototyping

When i was walking to the shopping centre in the inner city, in the afternoon of the 23rd of october, near the center a man came towards me, looking at me with his eyes, but his head only turned sligthly. A robust build man, he has taken a hunchbacked posture, and his arms in a bowed outside gorilla-position, his thin lips protruded to a beak-like shape. This way he passed me, holding his expression. Maybe in his 40ies, shaved hair, black beany. In the shopping-center a woman shortchanged me( -5€ ), then i was walking outside. Two men passed me, one had a darker complexion, one said "that's so cheap"( "das ist ja billig" ) when they were next to me. It couldn't have been their idea, because they came from outside.
When i was outside with my bicycle in the evening a man was leaning at a pillar in front of the shopping center, he was constantly looking at my face, already from a bigger distance, demonstrativly with a gay expression. He was wearing a flatcap, dressed like a skinhead, had shaved hair. The last time he had shown up was on the 22nd of june, the carrier on the bridge, now he had a completely different concept.

In the early evening of the 24th there were two black dressed men standing on the other side of the streetcrossing. Both were mercurially moving their eyes, the two obviously belonged together, but they tended to look away from each other. Much later i got it how this was connected, they had taken my eye-movement when i was cycling out of context, they didn't move and didn't looked at the ground. On bicycle one is moving faster, and in the city has to pay attention at the ground, pedestrians, whatever, so the eyes are also moving faster. One was taller, long-haired and blonde, had a chin-beard, the other had shaved hair and was wearing glasses, maybe he'd shown up before.

When i was at an animal-enclosure in the evening of the 25th, three nordic-walking-women, maybe in their 50ies, with a dog came towards me. I had squat there, and the women were walking so furious straigthforward that it would have been awkward when they had passed directly behind me, so i stood up. One contemptuously shouted "he's not so big. He's a latecomer !"( " der ist nicht so gross. Das ist ein Nachkömmling !" ) towards me,didn't sound as if this would be about their dog.
When i was outside the evening, walking, a girl on a skateboard came towards me. There have been no other people there at all, but she came closer, so i stopped. She looked at me, wasn't hostile, she did not look bad. Reminded me someone i knew as a child.

When i was on my way to the cheap supermarket on the 26th, and waiting at a streetcrossing, a bigger black man, wearing glasses with a thin golden frame, came running towards me across the street, from the side. I looked at the traffic then, i usually cross when no cars are there, if red or green. When he was behind me i had the feeling that he came straigth up to me for a punching exercise. The clerk they had trained showed up in the supermarket again. Timing-exercise while pulling a cart, and pointing towards me, or the shelf behind me, and shouting "that is there"( "das ist da" ), while standing next to a granny.
In the afternoon a man on a bicycle looked at me as if he would be greeting me, could have been the one with the stucked-on mustache from the 15th october. Would also fit to the clerk today. People that show up with a complete different mindset next time are still irritating. So that's the fun for the ones that are somewhat deeper into it.
In the evening someone said with assertiveness "this waitress"( "diese Kellnerin" ), as if he would look down on something in a box or so. Maybe this was about the girl yesterday, because they didn't get her where they wanted.
When i arrived at a petrol-station in the late evening, two security-men were outside. One was talking to a group of people, the other stood in front of the entrance, and notified the others that i arrived, giving me a silly nickname. He then walked into the station, greeted me when i entered, and didn't step to the side when i took something out of the shelf. In the station there was a woman, in companion of a man, she had similarity to the one on the skateboard the day before, but bleached hair and dressed different. When i left the station the security-man greeted me again, i greeted him also, as if this would be common routine.

When i was standing in line in the near supermarket on the 27th, there were two robust-build men standing in front of me. They had both shaved heads, the one was dressed somewhat similar to me and had the same bag. Maybe rigthists. When i had payed, a black dressed slender man wearing leather jeans walked outside, seemed to be gay. He was carrying a plastik-trident with a red evil-style spearhead on a black pole. The day before, when i was at the supermarket, there was a man with new sweatshirt with these colors( pub of local rockers ), seemed that the one with the trident had to carry this on.
In the evening i've seen a black dog with a red neckerchief walking up one of the side-streets here, it seemed to be no owner near, and because the dog was irritated i decided to follow it. At the park i heared people calling, usually the owners, the dog had moved far away from them. It still seemed to be irritated, when it wanted to enter the park there were people standing in the dark, one made a noise, and with this send the dog out of the park again. The noise the man made was like noises i do typically when i want to communicate with these animals. I lost sigth at a streetcrossing. A young man, the owner, arrived at the crossing, i told him where the dog had disappeared.
I was outside in the late evening again, this time a man was standing in front of a lantern at the park, he had taken a resolute firm posture, quoting workers-posters from the 30ies. He was standing there, as if he would be guarding an entrance, arms and legs straight and somewhat spread, not moving at all. He was wearing dark clothes, kind of simple suit, that also fitted to the theme, and a flatcap. He had shaved hair, maybe it was the one from the 23rd, but i couldn't see the face, because the lantern was behind him. It highlighted the outline of one side of his head and a cheek, an edged accent. A well-elaborated figure.

On the 28th there was only one discreet sniffer.

When i was on my way to a baker in the early morning of the 29th, there was a man standing at the park, without moving, the uprigth man. An athletic man, black jacket, white pants. He remindet me the one in front of the lantern, two days ago, because of the posture he was taking. On my way back he stood in front of a tree, hamni, and as if he would be reading a note, but there was none.
When i was outside about noon, the young black teenage girl they had used passivly before passed me on a bicycle( maybe it was the same at the enclosure in my last posting ). I had the feeling that something was wrong, that maybe she was scared. Then an angry looking white woman passed me.
When i walked towards the shopping center in the inner city a dark black man on a bicycle demonstrativly nodded towards me, like a routinated greeting. He was wearing a military shirt and cap, also bag. In the shopping centre there was a discreet sniffer and two older turkich( or so ) men looking into my eyes.
When i was outside in the evening a man on a bicycle came up to me, he looked into my eyes while opening and closing fingers and thumb of his left hand, blabbermouth. He was blonde and had a chin beard, could have been the same of the two from the 24th. Also he did remind me someone i knew. Few streets further there has been someone where i think maybe i've known him about 10 years ago.

When i was outside on the 30th, i heard a little girl say "thats a ...igger"( "das ist ein ...igger" ), seemed she was repeating something someone explained her. I didn't understand the first consonant, but it must have been "digger", it came from a playground. The next person, in front of the next streetcrossing, was a dark black man. On my way back, near home, two dark black men on bicycles passed me, the first one was wearing the same glasses as the one on the 26th.
When i was outside in the evening, near where the child said "...igger" i passed a man with a cellphone, who was standing between the cars. He was wearing a parka, black jogging pants and high white baseball-sneakers. Could have been one of their martial artists, maybe from the near school. I had only a short look at him, he was wearing glasses, the frame looked similar to these golden ones.

In the early afternoon of the 31rst i passed a black-haired, somewhat wiry, man who stood in an entrance, he was holding a cellphone at his ear, looked in my direction and said "you have this date at the ministry, don't you ?!"( "du hast doch diesen Termin im Ministerium, nicht ?" ). He spoke "date at the ministry" louder, an insistent meaning. Few streets further, when i arrived back, there was a man walking down the street, he was wearing a military-styled cap, with a line of polished-looking buttons pinned at the front. I couldn't see a motif, maybe they just had a plain polished look. All the same size, same gap to the next, orderly, looked somewhat like a satellite-theme. He did some abrupt correction to his direction, had his hands in his pockets and pressed his elbows against the torso, so he appeared more slender than he was. When i had opened the entrance door he walked towards me, as if he wanted to enter also, and looked directly into my eyes, without showing any reaction, like programmed. He had grey eyes, was already between the cars in front of me when i turned around, but then walked down the narrow pavement. Maybe in his late 40ies, also military-styled jacket, his loafers and dark pants looked like ones older people often like to wear. Seemed to be kind of prototyped occult rightist.
When i was outside with my bicycle in the afternoon, a young man passed me in a suburb, he said "sex bomb", he had his lips but not his jaws opened, that way that he presented both upper and lower teeth, he had his lower jaw shifted to the side, this gave his mouth a toonish look. Before this, only short distance further, a man with a perambulator crossed my way, so i had to slow down. He gave me a neurotic look, so it seemed that he was there for this.
In the late afternoon i was in a hifi-shop, when i looked at the goods two men came from the next room, a clerk and a customer, and stood next to me. The customer said towards me, blending me with the products, that such hifi-systems( the ones i had read about before ) would be also flagging( schwächeln ) with time. He sounded as if he had meditated about hifi-system and mixed his voice up.

Between 3 and 4am of the 1rst of november my neighbour above me had the idea to sometimes knock against the heater.
In the afternoon i was at a shopping centre, when i arrived at the entrance a discreet routinated sniffer passed me, he was walking fast, determined, was wearing a yellow goretexjacket and red pants, signal-like variations on buddhist colours.

In the early morning of the 2nd the seller in a newspapershop said "this is the rest"( "das ist der Rest" ) when giving me the change, sounded as if it could have a double meaning.
In the afternoon two conservativly dressed people, a man and a woman, came around the corner at the next streetcrossing from here, the man said, while widely swinging his briefcase upwards "everything is so expensive"( "das ist alles so teuer" ), in a somewhat childish way.

At 1:30am on the 3rd there was a dingdong-ditch.
I had drunken a some beer, and ignored their taboo, dooing a few steps. It's more like medical rehab than anything else.
I was outside at about 4am, two streets from here four people came towards me. One was walking some distance in front of the three others, the one in front was wearing a black parka, hood on, the others olive green jackets/parkas, two men and a woman. When the one in black had passed me, one of the others raised a hand above his head(shomen) and came runing towards me, hopping from one leg to the other, widely swinging his upper body. He was shouting "i know him"( "den kenne ich" ) towards me, the woman laughed. When i had crossed the street i looked back at them, the one who came towards me was watching me.
When i was outside in the early evening i passed a man who sayd "i-do-see", in engish, one word. At least late 40ies, usually not weak, he was wearing a red jacket and white pants, maybe from a gi, and he had long sleek black hair, maybe a peruke.
There have also been repeatedly people who came up to me that so i had to stop that day, maybe some of them were connected to this man.
When i was outside in the evening a black man at the railwaystation turned consistendly his head around and looked into my eyes, the lantern behind him highligthed a part of the iris of one eye, it was shining in a dark blue, like glass, despite the man was dark and the shape of his face was also black. Seemed that this was to continue with the one in front of a lantern on the 27th. On the other side of the streetcrossing there was a sniffer, later someone with a cellphone loudly said "yoga" when i passed him. At the park there were some younger people with olive-green jackets, one was railing " think about that"( "denk doch mal nach" ), could have been the ones from 4am.
In the late evening some people were serenading a strophe "...stand against the stake(->torture-post)..." ( "stell dich an den Marterpfahl" ), they sounded innocent and conservative, happy, a man and maybe two women, in front of the house here. Then they were clinking bottles, saying the city name and "the whole crowd"( "die ganze Menschenmenge" ).
I was outside again, not much later, when i came back about 3/4h after the serenade, street up here there were some people standing at the corner, a woman said with a naive voice "that is really that way"( "das ist tatsächlich so" ), could have been the singers.

In the beginning i've described the very most, there haven't been so much, and to the end maybe 2/3 or so of them, an average.

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